Sian P.O.V
It was Saturday night, aka my 24th birthday, and guess how I was spending the night? In alone watching films and going out to get a take away. For the past 5 years I had been going to Yale to study Law, each year going back to England to go see my old friends, I was still in touch with Poppy, Lexi, Ant, Noah and Luke but I didn't really see them anymore. It was once in a while that I would see them. I normally spent my birthday with one of them, but this year they were all away. Lexi was somewhere in Hollywood being a producer, Poppy was in Australia, Ant and Noah had both decided to go to some sport college to do American Football and well Luke was married to his girlfriend of 5 years and was currently off on a honeymoon. And for my parents, well I haven't seen my mum since she fucked off 5 years ago, I got a new Iphone and just got rid of her out of my life completely. And well for my dad... I guess he was sleeping with the angels now. So yeah, I was stuck here in America on my own, on a break from Yale.... On my birthday.
And well for Xavier, I hadn't heard his name or even seen anything to do with him in the past 5 years. I didn't have a clue what he was doing right now. For all I knew he could be half way across the world and I wouldnt even know. Sighing I looked towards the clock, half 9, maybe I could go get my take away now? Standing up from the sofa and pressing pause on Marley And Me. I made my way to the front door. Grabbing my car keys to my mini cooper off of the rack and slipping on my vans.
I was currently in a loose top and skinny jeans. That was the good thing about my birthday being in may, it means its warm. Jogging down the stairs of my apartment I made my way outside. It was still light but you could hear the drunken laughter of people that decided to go out and get drunk. Highly immature. Jokes! I did it last weekend with a couple of friends from Yale. Deciding not to take my car because it was still light I made my way down the side walk, passing lots of drunk people. You could hear the music of the nightclubs blasting as the bouncers opened the doors, letting people inside.
Smiling to myself I dodged all the drunk lads eyeing me up. Since turning in to my 20's I filled out a lot more than I should off, my boobs got bigger, I got slimmer, my hairs longer and my legs are longer. So now I got a lot more male attention, more than I wanted is I was honest. But I must admit, it was very funny to watch drunken lads try to hit on me when a girl was stood there glaring at me. Checking there was no cars coming I quickly crossed the street, making my way in to the chip shop. My eyes instantly scanned the line, which let me tell you, was out the freaking door! Eugh I wish I had never come this late now! Getting in to line, I pulled out my phone, maybe I could text one of the girls from Yale. Scanning through my contacts there wasn't anyone I really wanted to be around right now.
Half an hour later and I was walking out the chip shop with the bag,containing all the yummy food, in hand. Checking the time on my phone I sighed, it was nearly half 10. I had been out for an hour and it was getting cold. I could feel my body start to shake as the wind blew around my body and under my top. I felt sorry for girls in short dresses that was out tonight. Walking down the street, I could feel the darkness closing in around our town. I could hear laughter behind me, and someone shouting oi but knowing it wasn't aimed at me I carried on walking, not bothering to turn around. Next thing I know I can hear footsteps pounding against the pavement and hands on my shoulders.
A screamed escaped my lips as the night Tommy kidnapped me flashed through my mind. Before I knew what I was doing, the bag with my chips had fallen to the ground and I had spun around, my hand curling to a ball and connecting with the persons face. The sickening crack of a broken nose filled the cold air, bringing me back to reality. My eyes flashed to the group of 3 boys stood infront of me. One crouched down holding his nose, 1 laughing hysterically at his so called friend and one bent down trying to help his friend. Gasping I crouched down infront of the two boys

New School, New Rules
Teen Fiction"Hello cutie, new here?" he asked, his full American accent rang through the air making me shiver. My British accent was so different to theirs, so instead of answering him I just nodded, making him smirk even more "Cat got your tongue babe?" okay t...