Why Me?

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Two days later, Thursday, and I found myself going to school again. The red mark on my neck had finally gone down to the point it only was a faint red mark now. And as for Xavier, well his bruise was still there but he was back to his normal jerkish self.

He didn't have anymore trouble with his ribs, luckily. Which meant this morning he was coming to pick me up for school in about....... HALF AN HOUR!?

Jumping up from bed, I picked up my school clothes, shoving them on before hurrying to do my make-up. Leaving my hair in its natural curls I sighed, 10 minutes, I could easily have breakie in that time... I hope?


15 minutes later and I found myself in the car with Xavier, heading to school. The silence surrounded the car, but you know the awkward silence? Yep thats what was taking over the car at the minute. When Xavier had picked me up he was in a mood.

I was surprised he had even picked me up if I was honest, normally when he was in a bad mood he didn't care about anyone, well thats what I had heard anyway. I think it was more the fact that he was worried about what would happen today if I was honest.

No one knew how Tommy would react to me and Xavier being back in school two days later. Would he hate the fact that I was still hanging around with Xavier when I was meant to be staying away from him? Oh god what if he tried to hurt me while in school!?

Suddenly I didn't want to go to school anymore, I wanted to crawl up in my bed, go to sleep and forget all of this happened. Thats all I wanted, was it too much to ask? Really? What had I done to deserve this? Was it the fact that Karma just decided that I was her next victim?

That I was the one that would get kicked up the ass? Xavier pulling in to a parking space just outside the front gates brung me out of my thoughts. I was really coming back here? Knowing Tommy would be here? Atleast there was one good thing out of all of this.

I finally got to see my friends again.


The school day passed slowly. Only small things happening, like Tommy glaring at me, or slamming his shoulder into me as he walked past in the corridor, him smirking across the classroom at me. I knew he was up to something..... but what?

As soon as the bell went I bulted up from my seat in spanish, just about to pick up all my stuff when Tommy walked by, knocking everything off the table, my eyes falling on to his retreating back, glaring, if only looks could kill.

Picking up all my stuff and chucking it in my bag I made my way out of the class and walked down the corridor. You know the feeling you get when you feel as if youre being watched? I felt that right now.

My head turned around, scanning the corridor but coming up empty. This was creepy. I've heard stories of this school being haunted, was it true? Shaking the thoughts from my head I quickened my pace down the corridor. But what happened next I wasn't expecting.

A hand clamped down on to my mouth muffling the scream that soon followed. My eyes winded at the piece of cloth that covered my mouth. I knew exactly what was on it. Chloroform. And soon the effects were taking place.

My eyes started to droop as I thought against the sleep taking over me. But it was no use, I knew what was going to happen next and I had no choice in it. It was going to happen whether I liked it or not.

Xavier P.O.V

I was waiting for Sian to come out of school. Leaning against the car I closed my eyes. How long did this girl take? Had something happened? I knew Tommy was in school. Suddenly worry took over my body, but when I sin Tommy walking towards me I knew Sian was okay.

“What do you want?” I spat, my body fighting the urge to punch him like he had punched me. Tommy had his hands behind his back but before I could do anything, I knew what was going to happen.

His right hand, gripped on to what he was holding and brought it forwards. The silver colour of the metal soft ball bat smacking me around my head. I felt my body hit the floor, but my eyes stayed wide open before finally closing.

But the last thing I saw I didn't want to see. Someone, in all black had a girl over his shoulder, fiery red hair bouncing as the person moved. I knew that hair anywhere. Sian.

Sian P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open, but they wernt met with the blinding sunlight like you would expect, they were met with semi darkness. The only light coming through a barred up window. The sound of groaning filled my ears. Me being me automatically took it as something dirty and screamed.

Scooting back until my back hit something cold and hard making me flinch. My hands wrapped themselves around the metal bar while the groaning got louder and louder. But before I could do anything, a body pulled themselves out of the shadows.

My eyes automatically landing on the face of Xavier. Beaten up and bruised. Gasping I jumped up and ran to him. My arms wrapping around his waist causing him to grunt. But I didn't care, well I did, but I was happy to see him.

Like not here, I was happy to see that he was here with me. Like I was we wasn't here but we was you know. Like I just-

Sian shut up.

Shaking my head to forget everything that I had just thought I started to cry. Me and Xavier was really in this situation. Together atleast. Thinking back to where I actually was my eyes scanned the cold room.

We were in some sort of cell in what looked like a basement? Omg we were being held captive in a basement?!

“So how did they get to then?” Xavier asked causally but I could tell that somewhere in there he was worried. Even if it was only a little.

Sighing I laughed slightly

“Tommy knocked my books over making me late and then when I was walking alone in the corridor some prick decided it would be fun to cover my mouth with a rage that had Chloroform on it. Not fun!” I hissed and carried on

“I knew there was something wrong when I was walking down the corridor! But no! Me being me decided I should just carry on walking! Argh im so stupid!” I screamed. By now Xavier was looking at me like I was mental. Which yeah I was but no that wasn't the point.

I couldnt help but laugh at my own actions. Even though I knew something bad was going to happen I had to just walk casually down the corridor. Yeah I sped up a bit but I wasn't running away.

Sighing my eyes landed on the bars of the cell. So this is where I would be stuck for god knows how long? Even if it was with Xavier I was still suck here. Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I thought about how long id be stuck here.

The most important question though.

Would we get out of this alive?

My mind was telling me I doubt it but there was still a tiny big of hope. And thats all I needed to latch on to. But not enough to get my hopes up and think that he will just let us go. Because he wouldnt.

Tommy was the type to make you pay and I think thats exactly what he was going to make do. I was going to pay for stringing him along when I wasn't interested and Xavier was going to pay for knowing the whole time and not backing off me when Tommy warned him.

I didn't want to die though. That was the one thing I didn't want for months. Years even. But I didn't know if that was going to happen.

The sound of a creaky door opening scared me. Light flooded in to the room blinding me slightly. I could only just see the outline of someone walking down the stairs, light gleaming off something in their hand.

My heart stopped and a gasp escaped my lips as my eyes landed on the knife in Tommy's hand. But my eyes didn't stop there. They flickered to Tommy's belt. Where a black shiny gun was tucked.

He was either going to shoot me or stab me to death. If he was going to do either please let him do the one that's quicker.

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