Broken Hearted

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Two and a half hours later, I was still staring at the photo and the comments, while tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't get over it. Xavier felt the same as me? He loved me.

That was 2 months ago my mind giggled. But my mind was right. It was two months ago, he must not love me if he doesnt fight for me.

The sound of my bedroom door creeping open made me look up, my dad was stood there, a sympathetic smile on his face as he stared down at me. Taking a step in to the room, my eyes instantly fell to what he was wearing.

Sweatpants and a normal top? Wtf.

“Dad, why aren't you in your normal work clothes?” I giggled, wiping the tears away from my eyes

“Do you really think I'd be going to work anytime soon while my darling daughter was at home on her own?” he laughed, sweeping my fringe from infront of my eyes.

“What do you mean? And wheres mum” I asked,I didn't really care but if dad was not going to work, it means something was wrong.

“Darling, your mum has gone to stay with a friend nearer our work, which meant I have taken off two weeks off work to stay home with you until you go back to school in two weeks” he smiled.

I couldn't help but be happy, yeah my mum was gone I know but I finally got to spend some time with my dad!

“Anyway, have you had any luck with Xavier?” My dad asked, a worried look crossing over his face.

Thinking about Xavier the tears started again. Slowly falling down my cheeks. I felt my dad wipe his thumb under my eye as he pulled me to his chest

“Hey baby, don't cry please, he'll come around” my dad tried to sooth. I knew he was partly right but I wasn't sure how long it would take.

Would it take days? Months? Years?

My dad must of seen I was about to cry again because the next thing he said, I knew he wouldnt of said it unless he was desperate. Going behind my mums back all together.

“Hunny, if this helps how about when you go back to school in 2 weeks, we can see hwo he acts and then you can try and talk to him? And if that doesn't work we cam go to his house? You know where he lives right?” my dad questioned.

I couldnt help but smile at my dad, he was helping me, he was actually helping me to get Xavier back, yeah it would take about two weeks but surely I could wait that long. Noddin gmy head I wrapped my arms around my dad and giggled.

“Why are you doing this daddy? Why are you going behind mums back?” I questioned.

“Honey, when I was in high school myself, I met this lovely girl. No not your mother, but this girl, she had long blonde and bright blue eyes. She would always wear her hair up in a messy bun, and well I was from a respectful family.... While she, she was the daughter of a farmer that managed to get in to a private school through her family or something. But the one day, I fell in love with her, but I wasn't aloud to be with her. She knew that I loved her and she loved me too but because we couldnt be together I had to act as if I had gotten over her. I know how much it hurts to loose the first person you ever loved. Sian hunny, I know back in England, you used to come home with a lot of boys but I know you never loved any of them like you love Xavier, and if I'm honest. I don't want my daughter to go through the pain I felt” by the end of the little story. My dad had tears in his eyes.

That was the first I'd ever heard of my dad loving another woman. I always thought my mum and dad was high school sweethearts, but I guess not. Wrapping my arms around my dad I smiled.

“I do. I love him daddy” I whispered.

After mine and my dads little heart to heart I decided to get out of the house, I was going to go down to the park, I know it was by Xaviers house, but that didn't matter, it was the park closest to me in driving distance and it was the best park.

So after grabbing my car keys, I made my way outside. Slowly sliding in the car, I made sure not to bump my ribs or anything, I had finally started the car and made my way out of the drive. Slowly but surely.

Arriving to the park car park, I couldnt help but let my eyes flash towards Xaviers house, but I didn't expect him to stood outside the door, with Amanda in his arms, kissing her passionatly, infront of the whole street.

It felt like my heart had just been ripped out my chest and stamped on, before being set alight. Just the sight of another girl in Xaviers eyes made me cry. Images of the picture and comment flashed through my mind.

Getting out the car, I slammed the door before running off towards the lake. I could sit down there for a bit, just get away. Away from the pain, away from the hurt. Away from anyone else that could hurt me.

Xavier P.O.V

The sound of a car door being slammed and footsteps slapping against the pavement made me push Amanda away from me. My eyes flashed to a girl crying, and running towards the entrance to the lake. Her red hair flying behind her as she ran.

Oh fuck!


To be running away and crying she must of seen? Right? The feel of a hand sliding up and down my chest made me eyes flash back to Amanda. The seductive look she was giving me was tempting but she was just a fling. Something to get over Sian with.

So instead of taking the plated offer, I pushed Amanda away from me gently, giving her a small sympathetic smile before jumping down the steps and running off towards where Sian had ran. I must admit for a girl that has just got out of hospital she could run.

As soon as I stepped in to the entrance my eyes flashed around the area. No one was here. Not even Sian? Where the hell had she gone?

Sian P.O.V

I could see Xavier looking around for me, but I didn't care, he was just feeling bad that I had sin and thought he'd just come to rub it in my face. It was obvious he was over me. So instead of stepping out, I crawled back a tiny bit in to the bush, hiding myself even more.

If you had said to me 7 months ago that I would be hiding from the boy I loved in a bush because I had sin him kissing the school slut AFTER me getting out of a coma of 3 months. I would of just laughed in your face, called you mental and walked off.

But that wasn't the case, it was happening to me. I was hiding in a bush from the boy I loved. Seeing him sigh and turn away to walk off, a tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn't help it. This boy, he changed me from the player/slut to the girl that would do anything for him.

“Sian, please I'm sorry” I hadn't realised Xavier was stood right next to the bush I was hiding in. My breathing hitched in my throat, I had to be dead silent. And luckily it worked. Xavier walked away, out of the entrance and back towards his house.

Where a waiting Amanda will be my mind giggled. A few tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought about what he would be doing with her. Jumping out of the bush I ran towards the hill next to the river.

Sitting down and hugging my knees to my chest I cried harder than I had cried in years. I wasn't a weak kind of girl because I could deal with a lot, yes self harm being one of them, but this... I don't know I just felt like I NEEDED to cry. My eyes settle on the small cripples of the currents in the river.

It was soothing to watch, like for the first time since I had come out the coma I was actually not letting my mind wonder to all the negative things. Things that hurt me and made me weak. But at the same time, I wasn't thinking of happy things.

My mind was completely empty.

Jumping up from the river, I ran past everyone to my car. I needed to get home, just to go to bed and forget everything that had happened today. Forget all the things that I had seen on Xaviers facebook. Forget what I saw between him and Amanda.

Forgetting the fact he hurt me.

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