The Gala

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Hello fellow fanfiction reader!

If your here reading chapter two, then I'm going to assume you enjoyed chapter one. (Or you can't leave stories unfinished like me lol) I've decided to keep the ball rolling and publish another chapter for you all today so I've got two out there to entertain you with. I hope you enjoy. Please vote if you do, and comment any questions or theories or anything really. I really want to know what you think. This will probably be the last chapter I publish for a little while, at least a week so it gains momentum. If it does. LOTS OF LOVE - Emily. #Olicity

"Say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset..."

Felicity entered the posh charity gala, her bodyguard Dig taking her coat gently from her. She smiled warmly at him before turning her attention back to Oliver Queen.

She couldn't see him, so she decided to enjoy herself a little by buying herself a drink.

She was sipping a delightful pink substance when she heard a voice in her ear. She jumped slightly before realising it was her A.R.G.U.S earpiece. "I'm just about to arrive. Do I approach straight away, or wait?" Oliver asked Waller patiently. She replied instantly. "Wait until she makes eye contact." Felicity rolled her eyes. This was far to easy. She heard Oliver huff slightly, obviously not impressed with his boring task. Felicity flicked her finger slowly around her drink, and waited.

She saw him enter. She wasn't looking at him though at all. Nope. She gulped at his huge build, and concentrated on ordering another drink. She didn't think she could stand another minute with the suspense, so she deliberately scanned the room, stopping every so often so it didn't look too obvious. She looked at him then, their blue eyes locking. She looked away slowly, watching closely as his eyes followed her gaze. She turned back suddenly, ignoring him completely and gulping down some air she forgot to inhale. He would come. Not in the way Felicity wanted after seeing him in such a nice tux and freshly cropped hair, but it was a start. She felt him stride up towards her, she bit down on her dark painted lip to stop herself from giggling. "May I ask you for a dance?" He asked smiling at her in a way that should make her want to turn into a puddle. She titled her head. "May I at least ask your name first?" She asked slowly.

"Jonas. King." He offered her his hand. She took it, smiling.
"Felicity. Smoak." She said, fighting a smile his fake name. He took her to the dance floor, and carefully placed his hand around her waist, guiding her around the floor, smiling intently at her. "So, Mr King, are you here on business or pleasure?" She asked him suggestively. He smiled.
"Both. I've recently acquired a flat on the south side, it's rather pleasant."

"Maybe I should see it sometime." Felicity said before clamping her mouth shut, her face heating up a thousand degrees. "Sorry. I didn't mean to suggest anything. I mean, maybe I did a little but we've only just met and that would be weird and I'm just going to stop talking. Right now." Oliver just smiled at her, twirling her around, making her feel less clumsy then usual. "Gosh, your going to have your hands full with this one. She's got quite the mouth. And no, Mr Queen, I didn't mean it like that." Amanda said into Oliver's ear, he twitched while Felicity felt her face redden even further. "Okay Mr Queen. Time to make your exit." Felicity heard Amanda say, she felt Oliver hesitate so she took the chance and hastily let go of her arms around his neck. "I must get going. My family will be wondering where I am. Nice to meet you O- Mr King." She smiled politely at him, offering her hand which he gently placed his lips against, electricity pumping through her body at his chapped but soft lips. She smiled again and headed upstairs, feeling his intense gaze staring into her.

"Good. Now, there's an exit to your right. Make your way towards it."

"But maybe I should stay. Talk to her for a bit." Felicity froze at that, and heard Amanda pause, possibly holding in a laugh. "Oliver. You are on a mission. Please tell me you are not interested in this women?" She asked mirthlessly.
Oliver sighed. "Of course not. But I doubt she's going to want more after just one dance."
Felicity smiled at his genuine modesty. "Oliver. Trust me. We have done some research on Felicity, and her.. last boyfriend was quite similar to you, at least in build. You fit her description. She will seek you out. She doesn't have the chance to interact with a lot of men considering her situation, and if she doesn't, we can sort that out. Did you bug her phone?" Felicity gasped, not realising that was the nights aim.
"Yes. I guess we'll know as soon as if she tries to find me."

"We certainly will." Felicity snuck out of sight and down the back staircase, sneaking out to where Diggle was waiting for her with the car, her chest heaving in her tight dress. Oliver Queen was going to be a handful. And she knew she couldn't tell him what he desperately needed to know. Her fathers plan. She couldn't tell him. Ever.

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