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I've had a good response on Instagram for this story, so here's the next chapter!
Please vote so I know you like and enjoy it! I will update this on Tuesday's when convenient. Thank you - Emily.

"I've been cold, I've been merciless, but the blood on my hands scares me to death, maybe I'm waking up today."

Felicity made some fairly innocuous calls, several web searches for 'Jonas King' with no results, just so Amanda could see what she was doing and organise Oliver to meet her again.

Not that she was particularly eager to see him again, but she knew he was the key to stopping A.R.G.U.S, something she had wanted to do ever since they had killed her mother. And now, almost in the palm of her hands, was the opportunity to do some good.

"Hello?" Felicity asked, faking suspicion at the unknown caller calling her, when in reality she knew exactly who it was. "Hi. It's me."

Felicity sighed. "Dad. Sorry, I disconnected my phone from calls for a bit while I give it a technical upgrade, so just for a while call me from this burner for a while."

"Okay, Felicity. I'm coming back in a couple of weeks. Stay safe till then, I know Sara and John will be looking after you well, as usual."

"Okay. How's work?" She heard her father pause.

"We don't have to talk about that, Felicity."
Felicity ground her teeth together. "You mean you don't." She replied angrily.

"No. I mean my work is very dangerous and got your mother killed, so no, I'm not going to talk about it. How was the gala last night? I'm sorry I missed it."

"It was good." Felicity replied bluntly.


"Listen, dad, I have to go. I'll see you when you get back."

"Okay, Felicity. I-" Felicity cut her father off before he could do anymore damage.

She was angry at her father. He was a billionaire who travelled the world, yet after her birth in a small city in Amercia, she was shipped here in China with her mother, with little access to the outside world except through computers which she had found a hobby in, and become quite gifted at using this to bend to her advantage.

Despite living in China, she had an American accent due to the staff around all being American, and her mother being American. Felicity definitely had no Chinese about her, especially now that her hair was a dyed blonde.

She hardly saw her father growing up, her mother was her steady rock until her death when Felicity was 8 years old. She barely remembered her face anymore, and her father protected her name from her. Then, her father introduced her to Kia Fei who brought her up along with her own two daughters before they left mysteriously when Felicity was 18, from there Felicity was allowed to go to MIT for a while before her father found out about Cooper and she returned to China as soon as she finished her course, a bigger house waiting for her along with recently retired solider John Diggle to be her bodyguard, and had stuck with her ever since. She had found herself a familiar pattern, trying to destroy A.R.G.U.S while being taught a variety of skills, including self defence, martial arts, cooking, learning Chinese, French and other useful things until Felicity fell in love. It was shortly after her 23rd birthday, with a gorgeous billionaire her father approved called Ray Palmer. She had loved deeply and strongly before he had died in a devastating car accident, leaving her more alone than ever. Now she was determined to bring down A.R.G.U.S, and she wasn't going to let Amanda's new plaything ruin that.

"Okay, she's done some basic searches on your name. Not to mention a search saying 'Is it stupid to track down a guy you only danced with once who looks like he's stepped out of a Calvin Klein photoshoot?' No results came up, surprisingly." Felicity heard Oliver chuckle in her earpiece and she smiled. She had thrown that search in the get a glimpse at his reaction. "So what now?"
He asked.
"Now, it's phase two. Your going to be assigned a partner in this by the way, another asset that has been flown in from America to work with you. Roy Harper, one of our top field agents."
Felicity sighed at the idea of someone else being involved. "Why do you need to involve someone else?" Oliver asked, sounding annoyed.
"Because you need a partner in this. Don't ask questions, just do as your told, Mr Queen. We can easily kill the rest of your family if you don't comply, Mr Queen. You know this." She heard Oliver's jaw clench.
"Of course. Amanda." He replied sweetly, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Get back to the apartment and await further instructions." Amanda instructed, sounding rather annoyed. She heard Oliver walk off, leaving Amanda to sigh in distaste for the man.

Felicity already liked Oliver, and not just for his delicious blue eyes. He seemed to push all the right buttons on Amanda, and she liked to hear her lose her perfectly rigid control. She only wished she could see it.

"Dig?" Felicity called out to her bodyguard who was sitting in his study. "Yes, Felicity? What's up?" He asked, standing up fluidly from his beautiful mahogany desk. "I'm going out for a while. I'm driving. Do you want shotgun?" She asked, smiling. Diggle rolled his eyes. "Do I have a choice?" He asked. Felicity beamed, shaking her head, her curls flying comically around her face. "Let's go then." Dig replied, grabbing the Mercedes keys.

"Where is it that we're going exactly?"

"A.R.G.U.S safe house. They've stationed 2 new agents there. I want to go in and bug the place before they arrive." Diggle nodded calmly, fully aware of Felicity's personal vendetta against A.R.G.U.S. "You better be quick then." Diggle said as they pulled up in front of some very expensive apartments. "Quick is my middle name. Well actually, it's Meghan. But you already knew that. I'll be back in 5."

"What about security cameras?" Diggle asked curiously. Felicity laughed.

"Deactivated those before we left. I'll put them back up later."

"Still... What if someone sees you?" Diggle fretted. Felicity sighed at her friend. "Look." She said, pulling a long haired black wig out of her bag, which she put on, with a black masquerade style mask. "I'll be fine." She murmured, placing the mask over her face. Dig nodded. "I'll be lookout. Call if you need help." Felicity nodded, sneaking out of the car quietly.

She headed up the stairs, figuring she would be less likely to come across anyone that way, and she was correct. She snuck into the A.R.G.U.S floor, and quickly hacked her way into the apartment Oliver would be using.

The apartment was large and expensive, unlike anything she had seen A.R.G.U.S use before. She planted her bugs around the room discreetly, and headed out of the rooms without making any noise. She pumped her fist in the air before heading out of the apartment and down the stairs. She heard voices travelling up the stairs, and she froze. She darted back into the building and headed down the elevator, not meeting anyone. She ducked into the passenger seat of the car waiting for her, Diggle already in the drivers seat. "Let's go." She said, yanking off the itchy wig and mask as they drove away. "Successful?" Diggle asked. Felicity nodded, smiling.
"I'm basically unstoppable."

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