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"This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know"

"How's it going with Jonas, Felicity?" Diggle asked her as he picked her up outside his apartment, noticing the smile on her face. "Really nicely. We aren't rushing into anything."

Diggle nodded, his jaw slightly more taut than usual. "I'm a bit wary of him. I think you should be too." He said.

"Relax, Diggle. I can take care of myself, you know that better than anyone else." Felicity replied.

"I have no doubt of that. But you know I'm here. And I will listen to you. Whatever happens. Okay?" Felicity nodded, feeling a tinge of guilt at lying to her oldest friend. "Your father is coming next week." Diggle continued. Felicity felt her blood freeze.
"What? Why?"

"He hasn't seen you in over 3 months, Felicity. Whatever you say about that man, his greatest asset is you."

Felicity snorted. "Yeah, to get his ass out of trouble. The amount of times I've helped him escape from A.R.G.U.S's clutches. And they won't stop. It's dangerous for him to come back."

"Well, you can't stop him. Nor his plan, which I'm still not been told about. Are you going to introduce him to your... boyfriend?"

Felicity twitched at the word. "Probably not. Best to wait until it gets more serious." Diggle nodded, chuckling.

"Luckily he can't do the background checks that you can do. So he knows you won't ever date anyone without checking every single thing about them, right down to the credit card bills."

Felicity laughed, smiling at Diggle.
"I trust your judgement. As does your father. So don't worry about introducing him, he'll be fine. I'm sure he won't be shot like that A.R.G.U.S agent that approached you that time." Felicity grimaced at the memory. "What was his name again? Cooper?"

Diggle nodded swiftly. "Luckily he was sent to hospital and deported straight away." Felicity nodded, shivering slightly. His aim had been to kill her though, a slightly different aim from the charming and handsome Oliver Queen.


"Hey dad. Thanks for calling. Whereabouts are you?"

"Is it a safe line?"

"This is me your asking."

Felicity's father chuckled. "I suppose your right. I'm in Singapore till Monday, then I'm flying out to you. How's everything going?" He asked.

"Same old. Sara's been amazing as has Diggle."

"I'm glad. I know it has been lonely for you, especially after Mai and Shado left. But stay vigilant. All I want is for you to be safe."

"I know dad. Good job I'm a stay on the couch kind of girl." Her dad laughed once.

"Okay, I better go, I've got a meeting."

"I'll see you next week." Felicity replied, stretching her legs over her bed gently, letting her father hang up so she could find out what A.R.G.U.S were up to.


Amanda Waller's heels clattered across the floorboards of the room, her gaze focused on Oliver. Her dark lips pursed together before she began to speak.

"Oliver Queen. You have failed this organisation. It has been just over two weeks and you have managed to secure absolutely no Intel at all. And more importantly, no knowledge whatsoever on their big plan. So, I thought I would make the threat against your family a little bit more real for you."

A wide screen lit up, showing Thea talking to a man that was clearly too old for her. "John. Give us a little wave." The man Thea was talking to waved a little at the camera.
Oliver sat forward, struggling against the gag and rope tying him to the chair. "Now, make sure that you return here at 0800 tomorrow morning and have some genuine Intel that can lead us to their plan. Or I will ask John here to put a bullet into your precious sister. Do you understand?" Amanda asked, the venom dripping from her tone.

Oliver nodded, loathing for this women pounding he heavily through his veins. "Good." Amanda said, walking away and signalling to the men flanking her to untie him. He watched her leave, hatred boiling in his blood.

Amanda would not touch a hair on Thea's head. He would make sure of that.


Felicity sat on her bed, pity for Oliver seeping through her bones. His poor sister.

She wouldn't have the death of an innocent young girl on his hands, but nor would she be responsible for her fathers capture, or possibly death.

She put her head in her hands and began sobbing quietly. She needed someone to talk to.

Sara knocked on Felicity's door lightly, making Felicity sit up hastily. "Come in." Felicity said, brushing her tears away as Sara came into her room, a concerned expression on her face. "Hey. What's up?" Sara asks, sitting on the side of Felicity's bed.
"I need to tell you something Sara. I know what we said about the truth, but I can't. Amanda Waller is threatening his family and I can't be the reason he loses his family. I have to give him something. Some Intel he can give to her to stop threatening his family. Help me."
Sara gasped at Felicity, astonished. "But how-"

"I have known since the beginning, I've hacked into A.R.G.U.S's HQ, bugged Amanda's computer and phone. I'm surprised she hasn't picked up on it to be honest. But anyway, I decided to play along, but being one step ahead." Sara shook her head angrily.

"You are playing a very dangerous game Felicity. But I can help. If I go to Starling, I can protect his family, so you can protect yours." Felicity felt her eyes well up with tears.
"You would do that?" Felicity asked curiously.
Sara's eyes softened.
"Oliver was... my boyfriend, I guess. I loved him. Not anymore of course, we've both suffered a lot since then. But I love you too, Felicity. You're like a sister to me. If I go back, I can be with my family, and I can protect both of you, and that's all I ever really wanted. I'm ready to go home." Felicity nodded, tears threatening to spill down her face. "Thank you, Sara. Promise me you'll call from the burner phone I'm going to give you." Sara nodded, hugging Felicity.

"Thank you. So much."


Oliver pulled up to Felicity's drive to see Sara packed with bags heading out. "Where are you going?" He asked her suspiciously.
"I'm going to Starling. It's time. Don't worry, I'm going to protect your family too. I heard that Amanda was keeping an agent near your sister."
Oliver nodded, his jaw taut. "Oliver. I will go and protect her. And your mother. Just promise me one thing."

"What's that?" Oliver asked.

"Look after Felicity for me." Sara said sadly, walking to the car where Diggle was waiting for her. Oliver looked over, hurt bleeding under his skin, his bones throbbing a dull ache. He would take care of Felicity for Sara.

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