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Another chapter!💞

"You took the time to memorize me, my fears my hopes and dreams
I just like hanging out with you all the time
All those times that you didn't leave, it's been occuring to me
I would like to hang out with you for my whole life"

"Felicity, we're here. Talk me through it." Dig said, pacing around the surprisingly large device nervously.

"Okay, do you see a panel on the back? Take it off, and then I want you to send me a picture of the wires. It would be good to know what we're dealing with." Diggle did so, texting her the picture quickly. Felicity picked up her phone and glanced at the picture before laughing breathlessly. "What?" She heard Roy ask, annoyed. "Can you do it?" He asked.

"In my sleep." Felicity replied smugly. Of course her father had picked a design she knew well.


"Okay, Starling City is safe. I repeat, Starling city is safe. We met some resistance on the old subway lines, a few H.I.V.E agents, so expect the same at your end, Team B. Felicity can talk you through deactivating the bomb. How close are you?"

"5 minutes now. How long have we got?" Donna asked, speeding her way through the city.
"10. Your cutting it quite fine." Amanda said sternly.

"Come on, come on." Oliver muttered in the back, his fingers drumming impatiently against his knee. Donna glanced at him through the mirror, observing him. "Calm down, Oliver. We're here." She said, pulling up to the graveyard. The team headed towards the grave. "Felicity!" Donna cried.

"It's not here!" Nyssa shouted angrily.

"Yes it is! I'm picking up the heat signatures. Wait! It's underground. You need to dig into the grave." The team frantically started to dig with their hands, desperately moving the soil. "How long?" Oliver amused, throwing back the soil.
"5 minutes. Hurry!" She cried out.

"Here! I can see it!" Nyssa cried out, everyone digged and revealed the machine. "Well. That was just to easy." A male voice called. Donna's blood froze, she turned and faced her ex boyfriend. "Keep going." She whispered to Oliver and Nyssa, before heading over to Damien. She pulled out two swords, ready to slice him apart. He pulled out two similar swords, smiling at her cynically. "Hey Donna. How's Felicity?" Donna heard Felicity hiss in her earpiece. Donna folded her arms, her teeth clenching together. "Much better now she's with her mother." She spat out, her hatred for this man pouring out of her like blood. Damien just laughed at her. "Ooh. That one hurt. You know, I did love you once Donna. But now... You should have kept your job as a waitress." Donna snarled, and ran forward towards him, her swords tilted for his heart, but he was too quick, suddenly they were in a fierce game, bodies flying, swords swiping, screams echoing in the quiet graveyard. Oliver stared, unsure of who had the upper hand. "Oliver! What's going on?" Felicity cried out, panic stark in her voice.
"Felicity. Take a deep breath. The device... We've uncovered it. How do we stop it?"

"Just listen to me. Follow my instructions exactly." She said. Nyssa growled, protecting Oliver from the two back up H.I.V.E agents that had entered the graveyard. She took her sword out of her belt and stood, waiting for them to attack. They moved forward, moving quickly, but not quick enough for the heir to the demon, she sliced them apart before they could attack.


With the second bomb deactivated with seconds to spare, Oliver brought out his weapon of choice, his bow, and loaded an arrow as he ran back to the graveyard, and almost halted when he saw Damien about to slice Donna clean in half. Nyssa followed closely behind, her sword covered in blood.

Oliver cleared his mind, focused only on his senses, and let the arrow fly, right towards his target.

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