H.I.V.E or A.R.G.U.S?

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UPDATE! BOOOOOM! Enjoy. - Emily. 💖

"So, burn me with fire, drown me with rain
I'm gonna wake up screaming your name
Yes, I'm a sinner, yes I'm a saint
Whatever happens here
We remain"

Felicity paused on her way back to her room, where Oliver was waiting, and turned back to look at Donna, who was staring at her with worry, a purple piece of paper in her hands, which she tucked hastily into her pocket.

"How can you ask me to choose between the government or my father? I know what he does is wrong."

"It's completely up to you. I will leave you to decide. You've got a lot to think about." Felicity nodded, still not completely satisfied. She paused before running towards Donna and pulling her mother into a hug. "I'm so sorry. For everything." Felicity murmured in her mother's ear.
"No, Felicity. I am so sorry. I'm trying to be better. I told myself once I'm done with bringing down H.I.V.E, I'll give up everything. But I can't. I can't give up this wild and exciting life. But what I can do is do it for the better. Maybe that's my path."
Felicity squeezed her shoulders.
"If your doing good, and helping people than that's all I can ask."
Felicity said, pulling away from the hug. "I'll leave you to think." Donna said respectively, heading back into her room. Felicity watched her leave, then buried her head in her hands.

Oliver snuck out after a minute of her not raising her head, and put his arms around her. She sighed and lent against him, feeling his warmth surround her. "Oliver." She moaned, eliciting a small groan from Oliver. "Felicity." He murmured, warning in his tone. She sighed, wiping the tears from her face and burying her head in his chest. "Did you hear?" She mumbled into his chest. He nodded, not saying anything just holding her. "Felicity. It's up to you. I will stand by you no matter what you decide. I can't say the same for Dig and Roy, but I will stay with you. Always." He said softly. Felicity smiled, heaving herself off his warm body. "Let's go back to bed. I can make a choice in the morning." She said seductively. He grinned, kissing her shoulder. "Let's take it easy tonight. We've been through a lot in the last few days."

"Agreed." She said, a little disappointed. But she didn't want to push him too much. They had both been through enough.


Dig and Roy looked at each other, stunned at the conversation they had just eavesdropped on. "Okay. We need to talk about what our decision is." Dig said, heaving himself off the bed to look at Roy. Roy blinked at him. "I choose A.R.G.U.S. I've read the file on H.I.V.E. They are dangerous. Now, I agree, the way A.R.G.U.S handle things isn't great, especially with this Oliver situation, but I can't justify working for Darhk. I just can't." Roy said anxiously.

"I will stand by Felicity's decision. I am inclined to agree with you about Darhk though. He is a dangerous man. And I never agreed with his methods. Plus... My ex wife is part of A.R.G.U.S. I can't in good faith destroy a company she is a part of." Roy nodded.

"I get that. Let's hope we all end up doing the right thing, and not what's easiest or best for us. Let's make this a better place for everyone and not just ourselves." Diggle shook Roy's hand at that powerful statement. "Well said."


3 years ago

"Again!" Nyssa shouted, watching carefully as Donna pounded the league member to the ground, blood spurting from his face.

Donna had come very far in a matter of 6 months. Nyssa has shown her to their base in Starling, where they had trained. And trained. And planned. And more training. Donna was a fighter deep down, something she had not realised before she had been tested to her limits. She was a lot tougher than she had thought. Nyssa had been a patient teacher, despite being at least 20 years her junior.

She had suffered a lot of bruising, cuts, broken bones, but at the end of the day, she was grateful. Because it was only going to make her better.

In between training Donna to be a fighter, she told Nyssa everything she knew about Damien and his plans. She only knew pieces, but she had learned to trust Nyssa, and if the league was to stop Damien with her help, then it was a good thing. It was necessary. And she would do anything to see her daughter one more time.

It was 2 months later when Nyssa finally left. "I have to." She said, feeling sad that she would lose her friendship with Donna. "I have taught you everything I know. You have blossomed in a way I did not expect, Donna Smoak. What you've learned is so vital. It will help bring down H.I.V.E. But the league can't be involved. My father is refusing to offer any kind of help or support to bring H.I.V.E down, mainly because of A.R.G.U.S, we can't let them be aware of how big our organisation has grown, or who is in charge. It's just you and me and A.R.G.U.S against H.I.V.E. And maybe a couple of other allies."

"What about me? When do I know when the time is right to make a move against them?" Nyssa smiled.

"I will send you a message. A purple piece of paper. Then you will know."

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