Sweet Dreams

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So, this is the penultimate chapter of this story, which is crazy. I could go on with this forever, but luckily for you guys I won't. Thank you to everyone who has supported this story, and supported olicity, who are just the best. Lots of love; Emily.

"So you heard it all before
Falling in and out of trust
Trying to rekindle us
Only to lose yourself
But I won't let me lose you
And I won't let us just fade away
After all that we've been through
I'ma show you more than I ever could say"

Felicity sat on the floor, just awaiting China's arrival to set her father free. She couldn't believe after all their efforts that he would be rescued because of her. Unless Oliver came for her. Or A.R.G.U.S. But she desperately hoped that Oliver would be among them. She needed him. She lay back, letting sleep take over her body.

"Hello Felicity."

"What are you doing here, dad? After all I did?"

"I'm so proud of you. You were my greatest joy in this world. I raised you to be a good person. And you used that against me. Too right. I couldn't be more proud. And Oliver is not a bad person, He is good for you, far more than Ray ever was. I love you Felicity." He said, smiling at her, none of the evil she had associated with her father in his eyes. His blue eyes that matched her own.

"Dad. I am so sorry, but I can't save you. You have done terrible things, like take away my own mother from me. I can't save you." Her father looked at her, fierce pride still evident in his face.
"I wouldn't expect any less from a daughter of mine and Donna." She smiled, her tears watery.
"Thank you." Felicity replied, before turning in the opposite direction, towards A.R.G.U.S, towards Oliver.





"What?" Felicity mumbled, looking up to see a pair of blue eyes looking at her.
"Oliver!" Felicity gasped, looking up at the face of the arm that was holding her. "This is another dream, of course you're not here." She sighed.

"What? I'm not a dream! Get up, we need to leave. Now." Oliver said impatiently, tugging her arm.

"Come on." He said, tugging her lithe body over her shoulder.

"You came." She said, rubbing sleep out of her eyes, looking at Oliver's determined face.

"Of course. I'm returning the favour."

"Oliver! Do you have her?" Nyssa said on the comms.

"Yes. We are on route now." Felicity sighed against his shoulder, rubbing against his back comfortingly, confirming that she wasn't dreaming again. He grabbed her hand, stroking it softly as he carried them out of the building. "Felicity. Shh." He muttered softly in her ear, trying to soothe her, her frame shaking against him. "Oliver." She called to him desperately.

"Felicity. I'm here. I'm here."


Felicity woke up, and found herself in a familiar environment. Her bed. She looked around, disoriented. "What?" She said before pausing to look at the heavy weight over her arm. Oliver Queen was lying next to her, sleeping like a little baby. She smiled before scooting back under his arms slowly, careful not to wake him, and shutting her eyes. She didn't want this to be over.

Oliver opened his eyes slowly, knowing what he would find when he opened them. His body wrapped around Felicity's. She was fast asleep, and he didn't want to wake her. But he didn't want to smother her either, so he carefully shifted his arms so he wasn't on top of her. She rolled over however and opened her eyes, despite his efforts. "Oliver." She murmured, her eyes shining. She wasn't surprised to see him. "Felicity." He responded, his heart leaping in his throat.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you when you were still in Starling, Felicity. I love you. And I'm not going to let you go so easily. So if I have to move all the way out here and abandon my life in Starling then I will. I would do anything for you. Please. I can't lose you." Oliver said, pleading in his eyes. Felicity blinked slowly.

"Wait... What?"

"I need coffee to process what you just said." Felicity replied, hauling herself off her bed and to the corner of her room, with a small desk with a coffee machine on it. She felt Oliver's disapproving gaze and turned back sheepishly. "I'm too lazy to walk down 3 floors, okay? And the Hong Kong  equivalent of Starbucks doesn't open till 10." She turned back, ignoring Oliver's chuckle as she poured herself a cup. "Do you want one?" She called, turning back to look at him.
"No thanks." Oliver replied, sitting up and crossing his legs, and Felicity noticed he was just wearing sweatpants and no shirt. Her face burned as she looked away hastily. She wasn't sure she wanted to ogle him after what he just confessed.

She took her cup of coffee and sat opposite Oliver, crossing her own legs and resting her coffee in her hands on her lap. "Oliver. I'm sorry about what I said in Starling. I did mean it, but I was also willing to stay with you. But I wasn't sure how you felt. The only way I could be sure was if you came. And you did. Be it me being in serious danger from H.I.V.E, but still. You came." Oliver's face softened into a beautiful smile.
"Felicity. I arrived at your house when I realised you were gone. So we came to rescue you. I didn't know you were gone till I got here."

"Who's we?"

"My sister, Roy, Nyssa, Lyla and Dig." Felicity frowned slightly.

"What happened to China? And the base?" Oliver paused slightly, his eyes sliding over her bruised neck. "The base they held you at was their main HQ. And it was destroyed. H.I.V.E will never fully recover from it. And your father will never see the light of day again, that's a promise." Felicity nodded in relief, rubbing her neck slightly as a reflex.

"Oliver. Thank you so much for saving me." She said, smiling at him with a mixture of admiration and gratitude.

"I think you've saved me much more." Felicity licked her lips slowly, taking in Oliver's blue eyes staring at her with nothing but love. "I love you, Oliver." Felicity said, putting her coffee on the table so she could lean forward and press her lips against Oliver's. He responded enthusiastically, and they picked up were they left off.

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