Morning After

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"I should just tell you to leave cause I...
Know exactly where it leads but I...
Watch us go round and round each time...
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down we come back every time."

Felicity was sitting quietly in the car as Diggle drove her to her desired destination, far from the bustling city. "Nearly there." He called over the monitor, leaving Felicity to come back to the real world. "Thanks Dig." She replied swiftly, adjusting her straight hair in the mirror. It was mid afternoon, and the sun was lazily hanging in the middle of the sky, a canopy of white clouds filling the empty space. It was her kind of day.

She was quite nervous. It had been a while since she had been to see her mother's grave. It was situated on a hillside overlooking the vast city, a beautiful peaceful spot that she used to spend a lot of time at, for the peace and quiet and to escape.

Amanda had been unusually quiet, so she had turned her earpiece down to a quiet murmur just so she could enjoy it after a very confusing few days.

Her mother's grave was a shiny white tablet standing tall under a pleasant willow tree, so Felicity sat under the tree, and pulled out her book, Jane Eyre.
She was so engrossed with the reading that she didn't notice when someone sat beside her, and she screamed so loudly she feared she would wake the dead of which there were plenty, before a masculine hand was placed over her mouth. "Shhh. It's me, Jonas." Oliver whispered quietly. Felicity relaxed, but only a little.
He removed his hand over her mouth. She looked at him. He was wearing tight jeans that hugged him perfectly, and a plain white t-shirt that showed off his arms which were pleasant to see. She smiled in suspicion. "Why are you here?" She asked. He shrugged sheepishly
"I went to your house and saw your car pulling away, so I thought it would be a good idea to follow you." He said, unabashedly. Felicity glared at him. "Well, it wasn't. I'm not looking for a stalker." She said, folding her arms over her cute pink sundress. "I can go. I was going to come over to yours earlier, but you looked so engrossed." Felicity sighed.

"Why did you come over this morning then? What did you want?" She asked, hostility dripping in her tone. "Oliver. I think you need to leave. She's obviously angry by that kiss last night, which I told you was a mistake." Felicity blinked at Amanda's quiet voice in her ear, before she remembered that she had turned the volume down. "I wanted to apologise for last night. I was too forward. I shouldn't have kissed you." He said, leaning on his knees and looking away from Felicity's prying gaze. She sighed. Against her better judgment, she liked Oliver. And she knew what would happen if he didn't get his mission completed.
So she helped him a little. "No, I'm sorry. I just panicked." She sighed, debating weather to continue or not. "The last boyfriend I had... Well, he died. And I didn't really deal with it very well. In fact, most people leave. My father, my mother, Mai and Shado, and then Ray. I don't..." Felicity put her hand over her mouth to stop herself. Oliver looked at her intensely. "Who's Mai and Shado?" He asked, a burning curiosity in his eyes.
"Their mother brought us up together. Then one day, they left. I never heard from them again until Mai told me Shado and her mother and her father had been killed, only she wouldn't say why and I didn't see her again." Felicity looked at Oliver who was blinking back tears. "Are you okay?" She asked carefully. He nodded looking away. She sighed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Oliver shook his head, still not looking at her. "I knew Shado." He said bluntly. "And her father." Felicity blinked at him, tears filling her eyes. "Was it quick?" She whispered quietly. He looked at her then, an urgent dangerous look in his eye. He nodded. Felicity felt the tears escape, falling down her face. Oliver wiped them away, sitting closer towards her. She leaned against him, soaking in his warm presence. He wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her in. "Thank you." She murmured.

"For what?" He asked, looking at her.

"Telling me the truth." She said. She regretted saying it as soon as it left her mouth, she saw his eyes darken slightly. She meant that he could have told her a lie, said that he didn't know them, but he told her the truth, because she had needed to know.
Of course, he didn't know that she knew the truth about him, so it was pointless. They stayed sitting under the tree for what seemed like ages, watching the sun set over the city until Felicity fell asleep, completely relaxed in Oliver's presence.

Felicity woke up in her bed, Sara sitting on the edge of her bed, her face tearstained and her nails bitten to stubs. "Sara?" Felicity asked, her voice croaky with sleepy and her hair sticking out on odd ends, making Sara smile.
"Hey. I'll let you get ready." Sara said, scurrying out of her room.
"Wait!" Felicity called. Sara poked her head into the door.


"How did I get home?" Felicity asked curiously. Sara blinked slowly.

"Jonas brought you home last night. I tucked you in." She replied, leaving quickly. Felicity mull over Sara's odd behaviour. Sara was rescued on a boat on an island in the North China sea, she had come from Starling, the same city as Oliver. She had met him last night, and now she was acting weird. The only reasonable conclusion that Felicity could come up with was that they somehow knew each other.

Felicity pulled out her encrypted tablet that even A.R.G.U.S couldn't trace and did a couple of web searches as she got dressed. She was sat on her bed, pondering. Should she talk to Sara or not? Or would that put her in more danger? "These are not questions I should be asking myself before I've had my first cup of coffee." Felicity said to herself, pulling on her slippers and heading down to get a coffee and preferably a pain au chocolate that she had been craving since Monday.

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