Made in China

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"I've got no reason to doubt you
Cause certain things hurt
And you're my only virtue
And I'm virtually yours"

Felicity was standing on her balcony, watching Diggle drive off, waving madly, tears thick on her face. Her blonde hair was loose down her back, she was wearing black jeans and a purple hoodie with her favourite panda flats, dressed to impress... no one.

She headed back into the house, feeling more alone than she had ever felt in her life, certainly in this house.

Felicity was cooking her lunch when she heard a sudden noise. She dropped her wooden spoon, which clattered on the harsh kitchen floor. Her body alert, she creeped around the kitchen, heading towards her room when a hand came over her mouth. She screamed, but her screams where muffled by the black gloved hand, and it wasn't long before she fell unconscious against the unfamiliar hard body holding her dangerously.


Felicity woke up, her head pulsing madly in time with her racing heart. She looked around. She was tied to a chair, rope covering her body in a dark and dank room, not so dissimilar from a prison cell. She had a gag firmly tied on her mouth, preventing her from shouting out. Her shoulders slumped, collapsing against the chair. Her ears pricked up to listen for any sign of life, and got nothing for her efforts. Her breathing picked up, and she shuffled on the chair, trying to move when a tall white haired women stepped into the room, locking the door behind her. "Felicity Smoak. Did you really think H.I.V.E weren't keeping tabs on you? We've been looking out for you since you returned to Hong Kong. You see, your father may have been in charge, but he has... Contingency's. I am his second in command. My name is Chien Na Wei. China White to you." Felicity's eyes widened slightly, in shock. China stepped forward removing her gag. Felicity coughed, clearing her lungs.
"What do you want from me?" Felicity asked, tears staining her face. China laughed. "Nothing really. But your father did train you well with your computer hobby. We're going to take down A.R.G.U.S. And soon enough, H.I.V.E will have its leader back and we will be back on top. Now, I'm going to gag you again to prevent you from talking. Your talking irritates me." She put the gag on, and walked out of the room, turning the light off and leaving Felicity in complete darkness.


Oliver was about to board the plane when a long sword flew in front of him, landing squarely at his feet. Thea yelped with surprise, holding onto Roy's arm. Oliver turned and saw Nyssa with a small bag, wearing casual clothes instead of her league armour. "What are you doing here, Nyssa?" Oliver asked. Nyssa smiled.
"I need a ride. I have to go and report back to my father, he told me so last night. After that, I'm coming back here. A certain blonde has caught my attention." Roy nodded to Oliver and led Thea on board. Oliver took the sword out and handed it to Nyssa. "Climb on board." He said. She took it, nodding swiftly.

They landed in Hong Kong at 9 o'clock in the evening, Nyssa took a car that was waiting for her and disappeared into the dead of night while they headed towards Felicity's house, a short drive from the airport.

When they arrived, he didn't expect to see any lights on in Felicity's place. But it still felt eerie. He held up his had to Roy and Thea, who had been chatting the whole plane ride here and the whole car journey to Felicity's as well. He could dwell on his sister once he had sorted out the situation with Felicity.

He knocked on her door, which swung open, which he was very concerned about. He pulled out his bow and loaded an arrow, ready for anything.

The whole house was empty of any sign of life, and appeared to have been for at least a day. Oliver gestured for Roy to look upstairs, which he dutifully did so. Oliver headed into the kitchen, where he saw an untouched bowl of pasta sitting on the hob, and his blood ran cold. There was blood on the ground, and the back door was smashed open. "Roy." Oliver called, trying to keep his voice steady. He heard Roy's light tread down the stairs and heard his intake of breath as he took in the scene. "What happened here?" Thea asked, clearly disturbed. Oliver's eyes turned to steel as he looked at his sister. "H.I.V.E just made their last mistake."

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