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2k! HELL YES!!! I love you all that read this, I hope you continue to enjoy reading this as much as much as I enjoy writing it. Lots of love - Emily.💖💖

"If I cross your mind just know I'm yours
Cause what we got is worth fighting for"

"Felicity." Meghan whispered.
"Felicity." She called again, prodding her gently but firmly on the arm. Felicity roused and looked up groggily, she was wrapped around Oliver, and they had both managed to take off their jeans and shoes during the night. "What?" Felicity asked, her voice scratchy with sleep. She was extremely comfortable. "I need to talk to you." Meghan said, beckoning her to come out into the front room. She sighed and carefully untangling herself from Oliver, who rolled over on his own accord.

She tip toed out into the front room, placing herself on the couch. "What's up?" Felicity said lightly, taking in Meghan's sombre expression.
"I need to tell you something. But I don't know how exactly." She said, her eyes glazing over slightly, her hands shaking slightly.
"The truth is always a good place to start." Felicity replied, folding her arms over her chest, curious as to what she was going to say.
"Okay." Meghan said anxiously. She took a deep breath. "My real name... Is Donna." Felicity's breathing slowed. "What?" She managed to stumble out.

"Felicity. I'm your mother." Donna said, her eyes filling with tears.


Oliver rolled over as soon as Felicity had left to talk to Meghan, he carefully stood up and peered out, listening into their conversation. "No your not. My mother died..." He heard Felicity saying, her voice terrified and scared. He wanted to run out and hold her but he didn't, he stayed put. "A.R.G.U.S wanted to find out your fathers plan. And once I knew what it was, I tried to put a stop to it. He organised an attempt to bring down a plane I was in on the way to China. Then I knew I had to fake my death, even from my own daughter. I have been in hiding, taking down small subsidiaries of H.I.V.E to try and slow your father down with his plan wherever I could. I have owed a debt to the man that stopped that plane from coming down. His name is Oliver Queen." Oliver gasped, listening in. "Your father hired Edward Fyers to set up a missile launcher on Lian Yu to destroy the Ferris Air flight I was on, however Fyers was killed and his plan foiled by Oliver Queen, according to my sources Your father told Fyers that he was attempting to cripple the country's economic system, which wasn't the case. He were ready to kill hundreds just to get to me.
Your father is not a good person, Felicity. He runs the biggest criminal organisation known to man, and he has a plan. But A.R.G.U.S are not the white saints either. So you choose Felicity. Who's side are you on? Who would you rather be destroyed?" Oliver saw Felicity's face, her tears dried on her face. "I'm on my side. I don't think what A.R.G.U.S is doing is right, but I don't agree with my fathers plan either. But he is my father." Donna nodded solemnly.

"I understand. But both groups are after you, all of you. So you need to make a decision. H.I.V.E or A.R.G.U.S?" Donna asked. Felicity paused, taking the women in.  Her face was free of make up, but her blue eyes were similar to her own, and her hair was a similar shade to her own dyed shade. Not that that made a difference. "You were born my little brunette. Blonde hair suits you." Felicity blushed, not realising she has spoken out loud.

"I'm sorry. I need to sleep. Process." Felicity said, heading back towards the bedroom, back to Oliver. Back to the place where nothing had to make sense, it just did. She needed much more sleep to process what had just happened, and Oliver's arms to soothe her on the inside.


3 years ago

"Ferry boarding to Starling city, I repeat, The Ferry is boarding to Starling City." The intercom announced in a heavy Australian accent. Donna pulled her black wig more firmly over her face, discreetly looking around the port for anyone that was paying attention to her. Nothing.
She got up and headed towards the ferry, her suitcase containing all her belongings swinging behind her. She climbed on board, first in the queue.

The ferry itself was a small one, dingy, but it was all she could afford. She was heading as far away from Damien as possible, and further away from the light of her life, her daughter. Just thinking about her made her chest ache, that she would never see her again.

"Hi." A young women next to Donna said, smiling kindly at her, but with little warmth behind her eyes. "Hello." Donna replied back, going back to reading a book that her eyes were just glazing over.
She knew it was just her and the women in the room, and that anything could happen. "My name is Nyssa. What's yours?" The women asked, pushing her dark hair back behind her face. "Meghan." Donna said, using the middle name of her daughter.
Nyssa snorted loudly. "Donna, that was you're first lie to me. I suggest you don't do it again. I'm here to offer you a chance to get back at Damien. I am the heir to the demon, sent by my father, Ra's Al Ghul."

"The league. I should have known you'd come after me." Donna said, her voice steady, staring at Nyssa with a strange curiously. Nyssa chuckled lightly.
"You know that my father has long hated your... ex. You're in the fortunate position of knowing his weaknesses. Allow me to train you in the art of the kill, and you can take him down little by little. You can protect yourself against anything he throws at you. You were just a waitress in Vegas, were you not? And now you've been thrown into the dark underbelly, and you won't be able to fight you're way back into the light. At least, not without my help. What do you say, Donna Smoak? Are you interested?" Donna folded her book, dropping the pretense.
"You want me to join the league? Because that's never going to happen. I cry when I break a nail. I can't kill anyone!" Nyssa smiled, it was cold and tight, with no emotion.
"You'll be surprised with what you can do given the right circumstances, Miss Smoak. And no, my father would never accept you into the league. But he has allowed me to train you. And that is what I intend to do. Do we have an agreement?" Donna nodded, offering her hand, which Nyssa shook.
"Damien only has one weakness, you know. And her name is Felicity Smoak."

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