Hell Bent

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I'm surprised no one has asked the identity of papa Smoak. Maybe it's too obvious. Well, we find out now anyway. On another note, I got some crazy critical comments on ao3, so ill probably be updating this more as I'm avoiding my stories on that for a while. I know when you commit to publishing stuff online you should accept that not everyone will like your work, but it hurts nevertheless. Hopefully you are all enjoying this though, feel free to leave me comments, I read them all. Thanks. - Emily. 💞

"I need a man who'll take a chance
On a love that burns hot enough to last
So when the night falls
My lonely heart calls"

"I'm on my way back now." Her father intoned down the phone, his deep baritone voice plain and emotionless. "Okay." Felicity replied just as bluntly.

"A.R.G.U.S must have figured out where I was. I found a man snooping around. So stay alert." He continued.

"Of course." Felicity responded smoothly.

"I love you." Her father reminded her, but it didn't sound sincere. He must be in a meeting. "I love you too. I'll see you soon." Felicity hung up swiftly, ignoring Oliver's eyes on her. He looked over at her curiously. "Was that your dad?" Felicity nodded slowly, bracing herself for what was coming.
"He's coming back today." She said, before realising this was probably a mistake to tell him. "I've told him all about you." She continued a lie, making him pause. "Shit." She heard Amanda mutter anxiously.
"All good things I hope." Oliver said breezily, recovering slightly. Felicity nodded, her lips forming a smile. "He says his plane might be delayed though, so let's not hold our breath." Oliver nodded, his shoulders set in a tense line. "What's your fathers name?" He asked curiously. Felicity hesitated. "His birth name is John Smoak."

"What is it that he does, exactly?" He asked. Felicity sighed. "He runs an organisation called H.I.V.E He basically does every kind of bad criminal illegal thing you can think of, and ones you definitely can't think of. He is dangerous, Jonas. I need you to know that. But he is my father."

Oliver nodded understandingly. "I know." He said. "We have to love our families. No matter what." She continued.
Oliver nodded in agreement. "We didn't know he used an alias with his own daughter. Normally he goes by Damien Darhk." Amanda said. Felicity's ear burned at the name he hadn't used since her mother's death. Damien Darhk.


Several years earlier

"Felicity. Come on, it's only for a week. I can't stay here forever."

"Of course you can." Felicity replied, pulling him closer to her, her white silk dressing gown falling open to reveal her porcelain bare skin, Ray licked his lips and pulled her towards him, sliding his body over hers, her arms gripping his, as their bodies moved in sync together. "We shouldn't..." Ray groaned, as Felicity tugged him closer. Felicity sighed and sat back, pulling her dressing gown shut over her lithe body. "It's only for 2 weeks. The CEO of a multi million dollar earning company can't go to China to tap into the growth of the middle class in China and other parts of Asia and market their goods and services overseas for two weeks and then not even call for 5 months. I have to at least resign. Luckily I've signed forms to my ex wife so she will take over in my place temporarily." Felicity sighed at the mention of his former partner.
"She's perfectly capable, Felicity. At least until something else happens."

"Can I at least come with you?" She asked, batting her eyes. Ray laughed.

"What would your father say?"

"He loves you almost as much as I do. It's a bit creepy, actually."

"Still, he wouldn't let you leave. And maybe this is something I should do by myself." Felicity sighed, pulling Ray in for another quick kiss.
"Ray. I love you. Stay safe, okay?" Ray nodded.
"2 weeks. I'll see you after that. I love you Felicity." 

And that was the last thing Ray Palmer said to her.


"Did you bring down the plane?" Felicity screamed at her father, tears covering her face, blurring her vision. "No." Her father said calmly. "I would never harm anyone that you loved. You know that."

"Well, you caused my mother's death!" Felicity screamed back in anger. Damien's face twisted in rage. "How dare you accuse me! You think you know me because I finally tell you what I do for a living, but you don't! I am not an evil man! I loved your mother, and I know how much you love Ray. I would never jeopardise our relationship or any relationship of yours. I would never do anything to make you unhappy, and this clearly has made you deeply unhappy, and has led to you making horrible false accusations against me.
I'm going to give you some time.
As soon as we return home tomorrow, I will leave until the end of the month. Mai  and Shado are your friends. Talk to them if you won't accept my truth." He left her hotel room, with Felicity left sobbing on the floor, dressed in a silk black dress with her black heels tossed in the corner. She and her father had flown out to his home in Ivy Town, and only spoke after his funeral. He was true to his word, and she didn't see him until later that month when she had calmed down, looked at the evidence of his death and noticed that there had been an engine failure, which couldn't have been her father.

She missed Ray so much. It was a dull ache, one that only time could heal.

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