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Sorry it's a short one, but we are drawing to a close on this story. Lots of love💖

"I want you,
colour me blue,
anything it takes to make you stay, only seeing myself when I'm looking up at you"

Diggle and Lyla arrived shortly after Nyssa, and it wasn't long before they were all ready to leave for Japan.

Oliver hugged his sister tightly, breathing in her floral scent before letting go, smiling fondly at her. "Be good, Speedy." He said, a knowing look in his eye. "I hope you get her, Oliver. But I'm still your number one girl okay?" Oliver laughed, pinching her elbow. "Of course you are." He said jokingly. He pulled Roy in for a handshake and muttered "Don't you dare do anything I would do. Got it?" To which Roy nodded, his face paler than usual, Thea smiling at him unknowingly.

Dig nodded at Roy and Thea, as did Lyla as they all bundled into the military class truck that would serve as their way to Japan, Nyssa sitting in the front.

"So, what's the plan?" Nyssa asked, who had taken the wheel of the truck. Dig looked at Oliver. "We find out where exactly Felicity is in the building. And we break her out." Nyssa smiled.
"Sounds easy enough to me."
"I wish." Oliver replied, watching the vast, bright city that Felicity loved so much fall behind him.


Felicity stared at the blank scratched wall of her cell, slowly and carefully plaiting her blonde hair so it didn't look as greasy as it felt.

She was pretty worn down, but she knew Oliver was coming. She hadn't spend hours cutting holes in her shoes to plant gps's in them for nothing, that's for sure. She only hoped that they would come before she was forced to do something she would definitely regret later.

China came back into the cell, her tall heels clapping on the stone floor of Felicity's cell. "Have you made your decision?" China asked Felicity impatiently, giving her 30 minutes to choose was far too long China thought angrily. Felicity looked up, watching China slowly as she began to formulate the words to speak. "Yes. I will help you. As long as you leave the people I care about alone." China gave Felicity a satisfied smile. "I knew you would choose that eventually. You care too much. And that is your greatest weakness. But don't feel bad, you certainly aren't the first. Generations have had to make such choices before you, and in the end, everyone protects the ones they love. And your really winning because you get your father back. The man who raised you, who protected you from A.R.G.U.S. Except from Oliver Queen it seems." Felicity rolled her eyes in anger, clenching her fists together. "He didn't protect me. He doesn't care about me at all." She argued. "You're wrong." China said, grinning as she walked out of the cell. "We start tomorrow. Enjoy your solitude. It must be hard having no one to babble to." Felicity pursed her lips together angrily.
"Not really. I quite like it, actually. Although I'd still happily stab you in the eye." China burst out laughing before grabbing Felicity and pulling her up off the bed, her hands firmly wrapped around her neck, cutting off her air supply. Felicity gagged, struggling under her strong grip. "You won't ever get close darling. I promise." China said before throwing her across the room, leaving her gasping for air. Felicity sat hunched up in the corner of the room, gasping for breath, tears falling down her face. "Please Oliver, where are you." She murmured softly to herself.

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