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Hey fellow Olicity lover! I'm rolling out another chapter for you because I'm just so excited for you to read them! I hope you all enjoyed the last few chapters, we get a chance to see Oliver's POV a bit more too, which I enjoy. Dinner date was one of my favs  for obvious reasons :p drop me a comment if you are enjoying this, vote and stuff too! I see all of you adding to reading lists and it makes me so beyond happy, you have no idea. I love you all so much!!! And lost souls btw was amazing the olicity feels from that one gave me so much inspiration!THANK YOU - Emily. 💖💖

"I found love where it wasn't supposed to be... Right in front of me."

After that kiss, Oliver had headed home, only to find Amanda sitting on his couch, twirling her phone in her hands. "You took her to McDonald's and kissed her. I thought you knew what you were doing Mr Queen, but it seems to me that you have absolutely no idea how to seduce a women properly. Perhaps we should of given this to someone else." She said venomously.
Oliver sat back, flabbergasted.
"She's never been there before. I thought it would make a nice change. And I kissed her because I wasn't sure she was interested enough to give me any information, and by the way, she kissed me back, so obviously she is. And it can only help speed up the process anyway, The closer I get, the better it is for you. So what are you really worried about, Amanda?" He asked. She looked at him disgustedly.
"I just hope you know what you're doing, Mr Queen. I really do. I won't have you messing this operation up. We need to know what they are planning. Her father is no one to mess around with." Oliver nodded, clenching his fists to avoid hitting her in the face. He really hated Amanda. "You need to fix this. Go to house later. Understand?" Oliver nodded. "Good. I'm going to have Roy pay closer attention to you, Mr Queen. Your family are in danger if you do anything I'm not happy with." She stood up and exited the room, Oliver headed towards his bedroom, anger swirling in his stomach.


Oliver scooped the sleeping Felicity into his arms, pressing her body gently against his as he carried her to his car, not seeing her car in sight, leaving the graveyard of her mother's. He placed her in the passenger seat, carefully not disturbing her, but keeping an eye on her. He drove to her house and knocked gently on the door, Felicity in his arms, cradling her and inhaling her wonderful scent. A blonde answered, and when he looked at her he nearly dropped Felicity. She stared at him, wide-eyed. He shook his head, nodding at Felicity. She nodded, jaw clenched. She waved him in, guiding him towards Felicity's room. Sara took Felicity off him, and brought her into her room, shutting the door behind her. He waited outside until Sara came back out, indicating to him to follow her. He followed her into the room, a huge library. "What the fuck Ollie?" She nearly shouted. He sat down, indicating that she should too. He took out his earpiece, crushing it in his hands. "Listen to me carefully, Sara. My family are being threatened if I don't comply. I have to get information from this girl, or they die. Now, the way I have to do it isn't particularly pleasant. But I have to protect Thea and my mom. I have to." He said, urgently begging Sara to understand. "Felicity has been hurt so many times. Please Ollie, I'm begging you, don't hurt her." Sara asked, her eyes shining with tears.
"Believe me, Sara, that's the last thing I want. But after Slade and Shado and everything that happened on the island, I'm just not the compassionate type anymore. I have to protect my family, Sara. And if I have to break the heart of someone I... care about, then that's what I'll do." Sara laughed.

"Care about her? You barely know her." She said. Oliver sighed.
"I can't explain it. I feel like I need to protect her, Sara. I hate what I have to do." Oliver said angrily. Sara sighed.

"I'm not going to breath a word of this to her, Ollie. I'll tell you why. I have been trained while I've been here, by Diggle who's ex special forces and Felicity's dad brought in people to train us as extra protection for her. So here's what I can do. I can protect your family. I can go back to Starling."

"Why haven't you already?" He asked curiously.
"Because I'm ashamed, partly. And I owe Felicity's father, he saved me. Being Felicity's... protector and friend is the least I can do to pay for my sins."

"Why would you leave for me?" Oliver asked.
"Not for you. Well, partly for you. But mainly for Felicity. If it gets you to tell her the truth, I'll do it."
Oliver squeezed Sara's hand.
"If I get some of the Intel, I'll tell her. And maybe you won't have to. Okay?" Sara nodded slowly.
"I'll give you a little over a month. That's plenty of time to get the Intel you need."
Oliver let out the breath he had been holding. "Thank you." He said, standing up to hug her. She stood up and he hugged her, holding her close. She moved away slowly. "I'm glad your not dead." She said. Oliver smiled.

"I'm glad your not dead either." He replied, letting her go. She smiled.
"You better leave before she wakes up." Oliver nodded, silently leaving the room and heading back to his apartment. He would have hell to pay for his earpiece later.

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