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"And right before your eyes
I'm breaking
No past, no reasons why
Just you and me"

"So. Who's A.R.G.U.S?" Laurel asked Felicity, her brain whirling at 100 times per second.
"A government organisation." Felicity replied patiently. Telling Sara the story without involving Oliver had proved to be quite difficult, and being in a room with two of his ex girlfriends who were sisters was also proving quite challenging for Felicity, with Nyssa sitting there and unnerving her even more by the minute. "So why Sara? I get it, you saved her and all. But then you let her go. Why do you need to take her back?" Laurel asked, her arms folded over her chest.
"Because she's a great fighter. And we might need her." Felicity said, looking at Sara for support. Sara nodded earnestly at her sister. "Laurel. I need to go. I owe Felicity everything. I can't abandon her when she needs me." Laurel sat up and stared at Felicity coldly. "I feel like there's something your both not telling me. But fine, I'll go with it. I want both of you to take care of Sara. I won't lose her again."

Felicity nodded, her face solemn. "I'll do my best. It was really nice to meet you, Laurel." She said sincerely. Laurel smiled tightly. She hoped Felicity would prove to be a good friend down the line to Sara but she wouldn't let anything happen to her sister. Nyssa smiled. "Very nice to meet you. Let's go." She said.


"Where are we going?" Sara asked Felicity as Nyssa climbed in the front and Sara jumped into the back of the hired Mini Cooper. "I dropped Carrie off at her house. We are all staying in one of the Queen steel factories in the glades, we brought sleeping bags and stuff." Felicity explained.

"Who's Carrie?" Sara enquired.

"Never mind. Someone we picked up and dropped off." Sara nodded, amused.

"How are things with you and Ollie? I know it must've been weird talking to Laurel."

"Things are good. I mean, we haven't really talked since A.R.G.U.S kidnapped him. That talk, I mean. Where we are, what we're doing and all that. But he is a good man and I care about him a lot. It's just other things getting in the way."

"Well. You might not get another chance, Felicity. Don't leave it till it's too late."

"I won't." Felicity replied, pulling the mini into the desolate car park.

"Well, I think we should be focused on other things. Like stopping H.I.V.E" Nyssa said. Felicity nodded.
"Obviously that's our priority."


Diggle had his arms folded and was glaring at Oliver when Felicity, Nyssa and Sara walked in. "I'm not going to put anyone here in danger!" Oliver shouted angrily.

"Maybe it's not up to you, have you ever thought of that?" Dig shouted back, stepping away, fuming.
Felicity raised her eyebrows at Dig's attitude. "Dig! What the hell is going on here?" Dig looked at Felicity and his face softened. "Oliver wants to go to the A.R.G.U.S HQ on his own." Felicity turned to look at him, her own anger flaring. "We didn't come all this way just to be stopped here, Oliver." She said angrily. Oliver looked back at her evenly. "I want what is best for everyone. I want you all safe. Especially you Felicity. I dragged you into this." Oliver said, almost mournfully. Felicity stepped forward, pointing her fingers on his hard chest. "No one drags me anywhere. I'm here because I want to be. I want to be with you, Oliver. Do you understand?" She pronounced her words carefully so there was no miscommunication. He smiled, shaking his head slightly. "Your remarkable, Felicity."
Felicity blushed slightly. "Thank you for remarking on it." She replied, reaching up and planting a kiss on his forehead. He sighed contently, for a moment forgetting everyone else in the room. "Come on. Let's go to A.R.G.U.S." Nyssa said, quietly observing Felicity and Oliver's interaction from the corner of the dark room. "Yeah. I've got a few things to say to Amanda." Roy muttered darkly. Donna grinned, saddling her bags and watching Felicity. "So do I. Get in line."


Sara borrowed Laurel's car and the two cars headed out of the glades towards the A.R.G.U.S headquarters both cars behind each other. Felicity was driving the mini carefully, navigating the unfamiliar streets of Starling.

They all arrived together and headed towards the entrance. Roy was the only one with an ID badge, so he went first. "Excuse me, sir. You can't all go in. There is no clearance for them." Roy turned his head back to the guard at the door, his face a picture. "Call Amanda. Tell her I have Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen and some other interesting people I know she's dying to meet." The guard paused and relayed this message though the telephone. Felicity heard a female voice squawk back angrily, the guard paled and waved Roy and everyone else forward. Sara and Dig smirked at the guard and headed toward behind Oliver, Felicity and Roy, Donna and Nyssa behind them. They sauntered up to Amanda's office, where she was waiting for them, a brunette standing at the door. "Lyla?" Dig asked, shock clear on his face.
"Hi Johnny." She replied smoothly, not looking at her ex-husband, and nodding at Roy. Diggle continued to stare at her as Amanda glared at the others. "What the fuck is going on here?" She practically yelled, throwing her hands in the air. Felicity stepped forward. "We are here to offer our services to A.R.G.U.S. To help you stop my fathers plan." Amanda looked over at Felicity, observing her hand intertwined in Oliver's. "And why would you do that? Nice to see you, Oliver and Roy after the mishap in Hong Kong. And Donna Smoak. We thought you were dead. Quite a group you've got there, Felicity Smoak. And Mr Diggle, I've read your tour reports from Afghanistan. Very impressive. And Sara Lance. Your father is a very impressive detective of the city. And the heir to the demon, that is surprising to see." Everyone nodded at Amanda's greeting of sorts.
"My father has a plan, and there's only one way that he can be stopped. By all of us helping you to stop him. You don't know anything about his plan, but I know everything. And you've presented me a reason to help you in the shape of Oliver Queen and my mother." Felicity said bravely, Oliver smiling at her, bursting with pride. Amanda sighed, signalling to Lyla to leave. Lyla raised her eyebrows and left, looking at Dig one last time. "Okay. Tell me his plan." Amanda asked, her arms slowly coming undone behind her huge steel desk.

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