Chapter 7

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When the sun rose back over Erebus and onto the small Hive City below, Sergeant Jonathan was up with everything as he walked towards the hangar where his Sentinel was. As he approached it, he walked past the few Arbites Guards that were around the area along with the few parked vehicles in the area and as he came to the hangar doors, he saw that the light was still on.

"They didn't even turn off the power? Wow, they must have been up all-" he began when he looked inside to see Engelbart, Theodosius, and Widit all siting in chairs as the Sentinel had been thoroughly repaired and a few nearby Servitors were still putting stuff away.

"Sergeant Jonathan, your vehicle has been repaired and the Machine Spirit has found itself new life... It now wishes to be piloted by you again." said Engelbart from nearby.

"Thank you, Techpriest Engelbart... I am forever in your debt..." Looks up to see the newly fixed Autocannon on its side.

He then watched the ladder spill down and he slung his lasrifle over his shoulder as he slowly climbed up and as Engelbart, Widit, and Theodosius all got up from their seats, Jonathan sat down in the seat as he looked around at everything that shined new again, like it was fresh from the factory.

He went to the throttle and the engine purred to life as he looked around and the hydraulics and machine felt as smooth as it had been many years before. He smiled as he knew that the Machine spirit was pleased and as he began to advance the walker out, he then watched as a large transport ship came down before the hangar and he frowned as he quickly advanced to it as he aimed the autocannon at the ships large viewport while Arbites surrounded it completely.

"Alright, pilot, open the hatch and prepare to be boarded! You do not have authorization to land here!" said Sergeant Jonathan as he kept the gun trained at the cockpit.

"This is Imperial Inquisitor Haydrax Ishmael Ignatio Jacobeam the Fourth. All units will stand down from around the ship. I have come here to pick up my new recruits and my team."

Jonathan put his gun down as everyone stood down and as the hatch of the ship opened, the Inquisitor with his robes, cap, and a power sword on his hip, came strolling down as everyone got ready for him quickly.

Eli lead the new large group towards the ship as the Inquisitor was standing next to a Rogue and as they watched the Sentinel being loaded up into the cargo bay by servitors, they looked over to see the Sergeant and the three techpriests as they were standing with the Inquisitor along with one other figure.

A Space Marine Captain. The Chapter: Ultramarines, the protectors of this world and many others.

"A Space Marine? What are they doing here?" asked Mac from behind Eli.

"They are the protectors and lords of this world and others.... But why he is with the Inquisitor, I'm not sure... but I can only fear the worst.." said Jaxx.

The group of Inquisitor recruits and Acolytes came to the Inquisitor and as he looked at them, he nodded as he said, "Looks like you all are ready. Meet Space Marine 4th Company Captain Uriel Ventris. He will be with us for sometime to our destination as we fight alongside his men."

The Captain nodded to them but then fixed his gaze back onto a single figure before him, still standing at attention but he was shaking: Sergeant Jonathan.

"Now, I want you all to get on Mister Angelo Van Gaims transport as it will be your home for a short bit until we reach Carkiss 10-"

"Carkiss 10? We're going back to that hell hole??" asked Sergeant Jonathan in shock.

Uriel cleared his throat and Jonathan shut up as he hung his head and Inquisitor Haydrax sighed as he said, "I will explain more once we are on board."

Eli looked to Angelo and looked him up an down. He was a 25 male, tall and seemed to be a very happy gentlemen. He had long hair, going down to his shoulders. He wore a simple overall and had a shotgun on his back and he nodded as he waved everyone towards the ship as everyone followed him slowly.

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