Chapter 37

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The trench was full of bodies and lasweapons with the breathing easily heard through hundreds of thousands of respirators.

The Carkiss Rats Penal Legions were all waiting for the Commissars to give the command, every single person having been pumped full of rage-enducing chemicals that would help keep them moving forward as is needed.

Behind them, hundreds of thousands more Imperial Guardsmen with armor and artillery support waiting to be given the command to advance forward after the Penal Legions.

It was the last big push of the campaign and the Imperials were giving this everything they got, Haydrax could easily tell. He saw almost every known Leman Russ variant around him, saw more Basilisks self-propelled artillery guns than a Imperial ship, and saw everything from the small Sentinel Walkers to even a few Knights and even a Warhound Titan.

And then there was his group of Inquisitor Acolytes and vehicles with the single Ultramarine Sentinel proudly bearing the Ultraguard Imperial Guardsmen Banner between its chicken-like legs.

The end of this bloody and long drawn out Campaign on Carkiss was coming to a close and as Haydrax lifted his plasma and bolt pistols, he smiled that his group had come out through fire and storm, becoming stronger and better with each trial set before them. And now they all were ready for one last battle to finally end this nightmare on this Imperial world.

Back to the trenches, many of the Penal Legionaries were getting restless but none dared to try and either go ahead early go against the many, many Commissars behind them with their chainswords and Bolt Pistols so they all stayed put in the trenches till the Order was finally given.

Then Haydrax heard something over the small comm link device he had on him and then he slowly nodded.


And with that almost silent command echoing the very real command going over the comms all down the frontline of trenches, the entire frontline erupted into motion and savagery as the Carkiss Rat Penal Legions charged with lasrifles straight towards the Chaos lines in a wave of almost unending flesh, blood, rubber, and rebreathers.

The Carkiss Rats were quickly crossing meters of ground that was broken and cracked, hurtling over obstacles while managing to stay in a close enough mob that they were relatively a dense body mass. It was when they kept this formation as they reached a small hill that a whole company of Traitor Astartes supported by Cultists and Traitor Guardsmen popped up and began to chew apart the Penal Legionnaires.

But even with the enemy being vastly superior to them in many ways, the Carkiss Rats rose up and fought hard against the enemy, many throwing themselves with sometimes bare hands at the enemy. This huge utterly brutal and horde style fighting was decently effective against the Cultists and Traitor Guardsmen, who had at best flak armor to defend their soft bodies, but the Traitor Astartes were still another breed of human almost and this easily ripped the Carkiss Rats apart simply by moving their body, heads flirting from thrown fists and slamming kicks.

But the Chaos fanatics would soon be pushed back when the outer units of the Imperial Guard forces arrived and with autocannons, multilasers, missile launchers, and heavy bolters flying towards the Archenemy servants, the Traitor Astartes eventually dropped their positions and beat a hasty retreat back to whence they came from, leaving their lower minions to fend for themselves with the Imperial Guard units not rolling up in force.

And leading one side of the charge were a trio of Chimeras, a black Sentinel, an a ultramarine Sentinel with a banner held between its legs like a loincloth.

Drake and Jonathan's Sentinels were practically sprinting through the No Mans Land with ease while behind then the others kept up the best they could with the three Inquisitorial Chimeras, the Chimera's packed full with the Inquisitor, Inquisitors Acolytes and others who would be joining them. Haydrax was impressed by the Guardsmen ability to move such normally clutzy walkers into speed demons that practically ate up distance in seconds. But what worried him were the stray lascannon beams, heavy booster shells, and missiles streaking all around them, any that could heavily damage the small walkers instantly, if not straight up destroy them.

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