Chapter 3

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Dean's POV

The last 2 weeks have been hell for me...

The first and second days were pretty much the same, getting beaten over and over again until I pass out from the pain. The third day was worse, I was lying on the hard floor where he had left me the day before. I couldn't make myself stand up without crying out in agony. He just kept screaming at me to stand up, I couldn't even move my mouth to say that I couldn't. I just lay there and cried. Eventually he gave up and went into the bedroom, slamming the door. He returned a few moments later with a belt in his hand. He walked over to me and gave me another chance to stand up, I tried, I couldn't. He raised the hand holding the belt and brought it down onto my back. I screamed so loud that I thought Jack would hear me from his house. He hit me with the belt again and again, I screamed louder each time he struck me.

The forth day was the day that completely broke me. I was lying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, just trying to think of what I could do to get all this to stop when James walked in, he climbed into bed next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I flinched at the pain of him pressing on one of the many bruises that littered my body.

"I'm sorry Deany Bear..." He whispered. I didn't respond. I was too scared to, in case I said something wrong and it happened again.

"Dean? Please speak to me...I love you..."

I sighed. I was about to say it back to him when his hands dug sharply into my side, I cried out.

"Fuck you Dean. A normal boyfriend would fucking forgive me."

I jumped up and made a run for the kitchen, to try and find a weapon to defend myself with. I opened the drawer where we keep the knives... nothing. The drawer where we keep the scissors... nothing. I searched every cupboard and every single drawer to try and find something. Anything!

"You're not gonna find anything in there." James said from behind me. I turned around to see him casually leaning against the wall.

"Did you really think I was stupid enough to leave that stuff in there?" He started walking towards me.

"No- I-" He pushed me against the counter top, trapping me with his arms.

"Will you just shut the fuck up!? How many times have I told you?!" I started panicking, what was he going to do this time? I closed my eyes and braced myself, waiting for whatever was about to happen. I suddenly felt pressure on my lips, he was... kissing me? I kissed him back immediately, not wanting him to get angry if I didn't. He pulled away from the kiss and smirked.

"I knew you still loved me." He said, he leaned in and kissed me again. The kiss became more passionate, this felt all too familiar. But this time, I just went along with it. I didn't want a repeat of the other day. He began tugging at my jacket. Yep, this was actually happening. He took my jacket off and threw it across the room. He pulled away and grabbed my hand, leading me to the bedroom. I reluctantly went with him, I really don't want to do this... He threw me down on the bed and climbed on top of me, kissing me again, he pulled off his shirt and then it happened, but the whole time I kept thinking, Please just let this be over soon...


I looked over at him, making sure he was fast asleep before getting out of bed and pulling on the nearest pair of pyjama bottoms I could find, I tip-toed into the bathroom and locked the door behind me, I collapsed onto the tiled floor and started sobbing. Why did I let him do that? Now he's going to think he can do it whenever he wants... I'm so stupid... I looked around the room, my eyes stopping on the medicine cabinet. I stood up and opened it, hoping there would be something in there that would help me forget what just happened. James had pretty much cleared it out apart from a couple of bottles of lotion, painkillers and a razor. I reached out and picked up the razor, examining it. I just needed to feel something.

I pulled one of the blades out of the razor, my heart pounding hard. I didn't even care anymore if someone found out. I placed the blade against the skin on my arm and pulled it across. Blood oozed out of the fresh wound, I did it over and over again. It wasn't until my entire arm had turned red that I realised what I had done. I placed the blade back into the razor and attempted to wipe the blood off of my arm. I didn't even care anymore. I turned off the light and walked out of the bathroom, back into the bedroom. I looked and saw that James hadn't moved at all. I sighed and reluctantly climbed back into bed with him. I stared up at the ceiling. Would he be angry if he found out what I did? Would he care? Would he stop? I shook my head, I knew it really... he'll never stop. I turned over to face him and closed my eyes.

"I love you James." I whispered before I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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