Chapter 1

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Chapter 1~

Cathie's POV~

"Hey watch it!" The guy next to me yelled. He was rather scruffy looking with holes in his old tshirt and jeans covered in mud, not to mention his huge beer gut and greasy beard. "Sorry " I politely said back though I'd really love to tackle him.

I continued waiting for the train to St. Louis People bumping into me continuously. Ugh talk about rude! Then the train pulled up and as soon as the doors opened I found a seat by the window and sat down with my phone and small suitcase. As it got louder I put my headphones in and blasted the first song that came on- One Direction's "Kiss You". I couldn't wait until I got to my aunt and uncle's cabin for the weekend. It'll be nice to get away from all the noise of the city for awhile- even if it is just for a couple days.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I decided to ignore it, but they tapped again- a little harder. I took out one earphone and looked at the person who clearly doesn't understand that when people have their earphones in they don't want to be bothered. I asked " Can I help you?"

The guy, around my age I guess- I couldn't really tell he had sunglasses and a hood pulled up to cover his face- said " Um.. Is this seat taken?" I looked at him for a minute trying to figure out if he is some sort of serial killer. He sounded familiar for some reason. he had a British accent and I could see brown hair similar to mine in color peeking out of the hood.

Deciding he couldn't be that bad I said "sure" and he took a seat next to me and said "thanks" and I put my earphone back in my ear. I started humming the chorus of Kiss You while I starred out the window. The sky was gray and it looked about ready to rain which wasn't unusual this time of year since it is November.then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see the strange boy looking at me questioningly so I took out my earphones and asked him " what are you looking at me like that for?"

He blushed a little and Said "oh.. I was just wondering, uhm... what time it is" I looked down at my phone it was 11:05. I showed him and he nodded. Didn't he have a phone?

Louis POV~

She was humming to a song that i knew well. I was starring at her mesmerized by her humming that I didn't realize my arm accidentally bumped hers. Uh oh

She looked at me. I love her eyes, a perfect shade of hazel, and her hair. It flowed in soft waves past her shoulders, to her waist.

Then she asked me " what are you looking at me like that for?" I blushed - only a little!- embarrassed I had been caught starring. Its probably a good thing she couldnt see my face.. Out of nowhere I said " oh.. I was just, uhm... Wat time is it?" I mentally slapped myself. She just answered by showing me her phone with the time. Though I couldn't help but look at her screensaver- it was of a piano with a picture of me and the guys faded into the background. She put her phone back on her lap and started humming to a different song.

Oh right I almost forgot, my name is Louis Tomlinson and I am a member the internationally famous boy band One Direction. Everything else you probably already know.

she seemed pretty deep in thought watching the world go by and I just sat in my seat tapping my fingers against the armrests. I thought about the guys and how they are probably wondering where I am...


hey y'all just to let ya know this is the first time i've ever written a fan fic soooo pointers welcomed! :)

i also apologize if it sucks..

but if it doesnt.. then feel free to comment, like, tell yo friends, eat carrots, destroy all your spoons, eat lots of carrots, flirt with random people, or stare at yourself in the mirror for long periods of time fixing your hair!

love ya! xoxo~


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