Chapter 11

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Chapter 11~

Cathie's POV~

  As we walked through the entrance to the tea room, I felt something cold land on my hair. I looked around to to that snow had begun to fall. I opened my mouth wide and gasped! I walked along the sidewalk holding my hands out to catch the little flakes. I tried looking up, but snow fell into my eyes, causing me to blink and wipe at my eyes. I was used to snow, but it felt different somehow.

  Then I remembered I was with Louis, so I turned around and saw him walking up to me with a smile on his face. when he was next to me he said " Try this." He tilted his face to the sky, and stuck out his tongue. He was tryign to catch the snow on his tongue! I then tilted my chin up to the sky, closed my eyes, and stuck out my tongue.

  As I tried to catch the snowflakes on my tongue, I leaned back. I misjudged how far I was leaning, and I fell into Louis's side. "Oops!" I said as I turned around and grabbed his arm for support. Louis help me by grabbing my hand. We stood like that for what seemed like a long time. But then Louis took a step back, letting go of my hand. I released my hold on his arm as well and we stood there looking away from eachother awkwardly.

  " So.." I looked up at Louis as he began to say something, " where to?" He looked at me wondering.

  "Um...  Well there's Union Station, It's not too far from here." I said back to Louis. He agreed to going and we started walking toward the train station.

  The snow was still falling around us, and a thin layer of snow covered the sidewalk and streets. I looked at the ground as our feet made footprints in the snow, Mine much smaller than Louis's. We walked with an awkward silence between us, or maybe it was just awkward to me. It doesn't matter, what matters is that Im spending the day with Louis before I have to leave and, more than likely, never see him again- concerts and interviews aside. I got this horrible feeling deep in my stomach. A feeling of what if, what if he forgets all about me? What if- when I see him in One Direction's next interview- talking about how happy he is with some other girl? What if, what if, what if??? 

 I felt a hand grab and pull me back swiftly as a car horn sounded. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw a busy intersection right in front of me. Was I just about to be hit by a car?! My breathing became sharp and quick as I began panicking. I felt srtong, but gentle, hands turn me around. I was facing Louis, worry in his eyes. "Cathie what were you thinking?! You almost got ran over by that car!" 

  As he pulled me into a hug I said "I-I wasn't, I'm-m sorry." I wrapped my arms tightly around his torso, and leaned my face into his chest.

------------ an hour later--------------

  I sat across from Louis at the cafe table, sipping my hot chocolate. The effect of my near-death experience had worn off, and I was able to relax. I looked at Louis. He was sipping his hot chocolate as well, and melted snowflakes made his clothes seem to sparkle in the light. Seeing as he wasn't attemtping to start a conversation, I looked outh window at the falling snow. It looked so peaceful and calming I just wanted to go outside and lay in it, letting the little snowflakes covering me up, and staying there untill the snow melted and revealed spring. But, I know, that'll never happen. You cant just escape your problems, you have to deal with them no matter how impossible it seems. 

  I felt my phone go off, so I looked away from the window to reach in my phone and get it out of my purse. It was a text from my aunt.

 from Aunt Becky: the weather is supposed to get bad soon, can you start heading home? 

  How can the weather be getting bad? It's only a light snow. even so, I looked back out the window. Snow was starting to fall a bit more heavily.I sighed. This couldn't be the end, not now!

  "Cathie," I looked up at my name," is everything alright?" Louis looked at me intently.

  "Yeah, my Aunt just said the weather's going to get bad soon and she wants me back home as sson as possible."  I was frowning as I said this and Louis noticed.

  "Oh, that's fine. We can always hang out tomorrow, right?" He asked trying to cheer me up, but also hopeful.

  This made it that much harder, so I just got up and began walking towards the door. But then I heard the screech of a chair sliding against the floor, followed by footsteps, and then Louis was right beside me openeing the door. I walked through and he followed. We began the walk to our cars, It wasn't far since we had come closer on our way to the cafe. 

  When we approached my car I stood looking in at the interior. spotting a small tear in the apolstery of the passenger seat I thought I should get the fixed soon. Then I saw Louis's hoodie laying in a heap on the passenger seat. I should give him back his jacket. "Hey Lou-" I turned to face Louis, but he wasn't there, he was already walking down to his car. I quickly unlock my Mazda, grabbed the hoodie, and ran after Louis. "Louis!" That caused him to stop and turn around. when I caught up to him I handed him the jacket as I took in a beep breath of crisp winter air. Louis took the jacket from me and waited for me to catch my breath. When I did, I didn't answer right away. He was going to leave without saying goodbye? It hurt,it hurt right in my heart. I didn't know if i was upset or mad- maybe both? I wanted to cry and run back to my car, but I also wanted to punch him in the arm repeatably. 

  As my eyes filled with tears, I punched Louis right in the forearm. He responded by saying "What was that for?"

  I looked up at him and told him "For not saying goodbye!" and a tear ecsaped and ran down my cheek. Louis dropped the red hoodie on the ground and hugged me.

  "I'm sorry! don't cry, please." 

  I pushed back from him and picked up his hoodie for him, I wiped my eyes off and said "Your jacket's going to get all wet if you leave it on the ground like that." I handed the hoodie to him and walked away. " Goodbye, Louis." I heard him say goodbye back. When I got back to my car, I sat at the steering wheel. I pulled out my phone and texted my aunt back.

  From Cathie: I'm on my way

I looked at my messages, I clicked on Louis's name and began typing.

From Cathie: I'm going back to New York tonight, I'm sorry

I started my car up and went back to my Aunt and Uncle's house to get my things.

------------ A/N------------

 whew! I finally updated! I am so so so so sorry for making everyone wait so long! I've been super busy and It slipped my mind!

onto this chapter...

first of all at the end i was getting all misty-eyed. maybe it's because its 12 at night, or it actually made you gets get all misty-eyed too. 

second this was really a short chapter which I apologize for.

THIRD( THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS WHOLE AUTHOR'S NOTE FYI) I want to thank EVERYONE who has read this fan fiction! Like ohmygosh more than 5K reads?! and to add to that, over 300 votes! I am uber thankful, I mean more than a heptillion(that's 21 zeros, learned that today at the Zoo :D) times thankful for all your guys's support! and the next update won't take so long this time!

again, THANK YOU everyone who reads this and votes, because you are truly awesome!





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