Chapter 22

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Chapter 22~

Cathie's POV~

"Good night, Cathie."

"Night, Louis."

Louis flicked off the light and laid down next to me in the bed. I heard the deep steadyness of his breathing as he fell asleep.

I can't stop thinking. My mind doesn't seem to be able to shut off. Aaron was able to get a flight here, that means the airports are open. Which means I have to leave soon. Just my luck. I mean, I knew this was coming, I just didn't realize how quickly it would. Maybe I'll be able to stay long enough to go on the date with Louis.. But, what if I don't? Everything just kind of happened at once..

Maybe this is a sign, maybe Louis and I aren't meant to be together. Maybe I should give Aaron another chance. I mean, we're both going back to New York. That date we had yesterday was a bit awkward at times, but why wouldn't it be? He cheated on me, and we had had a really strong relationship. Maybe he just messed up, maybe it was just a one time thing. Everyone deserves a second chance, right? But, why? Why did Aaron just decide to come back for me? All these questions, and I doubt I'll get the answers.

I stared at the ceiling, hoping it would unlock all the answers to these questions. I t didnt seem like it would after ten minutes of nothing.

That's two, and then there's Harry. That's three guys, and only one of me. I rubbed my hands over my face, this is tiring.

I felt the bed shift, then there was an arm drapped over my torso. I carefully moved my head to the side to see Louis. He had rolled onto his side and was now nearly right up against me. His lips were slightly parted , and I felt his chest touch my arm with each intake of breath he took. His eyes were still closed.

I moved my face away from his, and looked back at the ceiling. As my eyes closed, I made my decision, and fell into a deep slumber.

-----next morning------

I heard the sqeaking of a door being opening, followed by whispers. "Shh, she's still sleeping."

Then another voice "Oh, Okay..."

A floorboard creaked, I didn't move. "Get on that side" The first voice said. followed by quick steps going around the foot of the bed. " On three. Ready? One... Two... THREE!"

All of a sudden the bed began shaking, and the two causing it were yelling out randomly.



My eyes flew open and I sat upright, scaring both of them. I looked to see that it was Louis and Zayn. "What the hell is wrong with you two?!" I glared at Zayn, who slunk back from the bed. He pointed at Louis. I whipped my head around and glared at Louis. He looked as if he had just gotted out of bed, wearing sweatpants and an old tshirt. He had mangaed to tame his crazy bedhead, though. I probably look like a crazy phsyco.

He smiled at me. "Good morning to you too, sunshine." I took one of the pillows and threw it at his face, but he caught it laughing.

I laid back down and closed my eyes in an attempt to go back to sleep, but Louis wasn't about to let that happen. He pulled me up by my arms and tossed me over his shoulder. "Louis! Put me down, right now!" I pounded my fists against his back and kicked my legs up. He pinned my legs to his body with one arm as he walked down the hall and stairs into the kitchen.

Louis set me down in a chair and brought over two bowls of cereal. He sat down next to me and set one bowl infront of me and the other infront of himself.

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