Chapter 4

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Chapter 4~

Louis's POV-

" Welcome to St. Louis home of the Gateway Arch. We hope you enjoyed your ride. Please remain seated until the doors open. Thank you and come again"

The doors slid open with a ding. I was about to get up and go when I remembered the girl. I looked over and saw her, still asleep. She looks so peaceful, with her head leaning against the window. I know I should wake her but I just can't bring ymyself to, though when I look up and see everyone has left I gently shake her by the shoulder.

"Just five more minutes!" And she swats at my hand.

Well that didn't work..

"We're at the train station though..."

Suddenly she snaps up and looks at me. realization registering in her eyes. She then looks around and her eyes land on the car manager, who is looking at us like we're a meal, and all of a sudden she's running out of the train car. I look at her seat where she was just a second ago, literally. I realize I never got her name, number, or if she liked carrots! So I, too, ran quickly out of the train. I wasn't far behind her, her suitcase slowing her down, so I grabbed her arm without thinking. Next thing I know she's whipping around, her hair flowing around her making her look even more beautiful. Then I feel a sharp pain in my side and I collapse. Then as she drops to the ground next to me it registers in my still shocked brain that she just kicked me with a firm roundhouse kick to my side. Holy carrots I wasn't expecting that! She's sitting next to me now. Worry, surprise, and fear all mixed together on her face and in her eyes.

" oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I thought you were a mugger! Are you alright?"

I took a minute to refill my lungs with oxygen. Before I registered what she had just said. She thought I was going to mug her? Why would she think- well I did grab her my the arm. Ill slap myself for this later.

" ya Im ok. Just hurts a bit, haha"

When I say this her face instantly becomes more relaxed and she takes in a deep breath.

"you scared the crap out of me!"

I stood up chuckling slightly at this. I don't know why. By the look on her face was so sincere, I just I just don't know. When I was stood up I held out my hand to her, she took it. And I pulled her up. She's lighter than I expected and, since she is rather short, her noggin bumped into my chest. She instantly blushed and giggled saying. " sorry" which was the cutest thing ever! Then she pushed away from me and I immediately felt that area on my chest where she had fallen get cold. I already missed that contact. I felt my face sadden a little but she didn't comment so I guess it's not noticeable.

"No it's my fault, umm-" now I mentally face palm because I realized I still haven't gotten her name.


Caught off guard I take a second to take that in. Her names Cathie! Cathie. Now that I know, I can't help but think that is short for something..

"Yes, Cathie. That sounds like a nickname.."

For a minute a look of surprise flashes across her face.

"Yes actually it is. It's actually Catherine but call me Catherine and I'll slit your throat!"

This time I laugh. An actual laugh. I haven't laughed since... I haven't laughed since Eleanor left me....

It felt great to actually laugh again!

"now why would you do that? I think the name Catherine suits you very well."

She looks at me like I have two heads before saying

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