Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
Louis's POV
Cathie... Kissed me?
Does she.. No way. Not true.
Alright, yeah.
Bloody hell, this is going to be a mess.
But worth it.
Go talk to her, stupid.
No, maybe she needs a minute..
It's been and hour.
But I heard yelling
Maybe she's breaking up with the dirtbag
What if I'm the dirtbag?
Yep I'm a dirtbag
I hope this isn't my fault
Of course it isn't, she kissed you. You're not a dirtbag.
I should've kept my mouth shut
No, she needed to hear it.
Well.. I-
No, shut up, stupid.
Well fine then! I'll just go talk to her.

Cathie's POV
What the hell am I supposed to do??
Get yourself back down those stairs and tell that boy how you feel.
Well, I think the kiss did that for me.
Then call up the dirtbag and tell him it's over.
I can't just break up with Aaron!
Yes you can, actually.
But not over the phone!
Sure you can, that's why people have cell phones.
I glanced at my phone which rested on my bed.
I ruined everything. Why did I come here?! I should've stayed in New York with Aaron. But I didn't.
Because Louis.
Ignoring that
Because it's true.
My mental argument halted when my cell phone started going off.
I quickly picked up the device, Aaron is calling.
Oh, look at that. End it. End it now.
Shut up
I answered "hey"
"Hey, baby, how's the trip going?" He asked
"Great, yeah."
"That's great! I just wish I was with you."
"Uh huh, me too." my voice cracked with the lie
"everything alright, baby?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah yeah."
"Okay.." There was mumbling in the background. "Shh, I'm on the phone!"
"who was that?" I questioned
"Oh, no one really."
He's a LIAR
but if he is cheating again.. Isn't that what I did when I kissed louis?
No, well maybe. Yes. But-
But nothing! I can't break up with him for cheating when I did it too.
Right, it should just be a mutual break up.... no just dump him.
My door swings open at that moment, Louis walks up to me.
"Cathie, can we talk?"
"Um.. I'm on the phone with Aaron..."
His eyes go to my phone at my ear.
Then Aaron come from my phone "what was that?"
"Nothing, it's one of the guys. Probably wants a rematch in Wii sports, I'll call you back. Bye."
I hung up and looked at louis.
He looked at my phone with disappointment.
"So, was that Aaron?" He rocked on his toes
"Do you te-"
"No. No I didn't tell my boyfriend that I cheated on him. That kind of thing Gould wait until we are able to talk face-to-face." I crossed my arms.
"Right, but telling someone you're leaving forever can be written out." He turned around and began walking away.
He turned back around. "Oh, it's okay. I understand. I'm just your little play-thing. I'm a toy. You can just kiss me when you want and then go home to that no good jerk. I get it." He walked out of the room.
"Dammit, Louis." I whispered under my breath.
I filed Aaron's number and waited for him to pick up.
"Hey, baby, what's up?" He answered
I told him "I kissed Louis, and I'm so sorry I-"
"You what?! You cheated on me.. after you broke up with ME for doing the same thing to you? You are a real bitch. I swear"
"Excuse me?!"
"You heard me! You're a no good, hypocritical bitch."
I hung up and threw my phone across the room.
"DAMMIT!" I screamed and fell to the ground.
The tears flowed freely as I pounded the ground with my fists.

Louis's POV

I heard the yelling as I came to the top of the stairs.

"What the-" I turned around and walked slowly to Cathie's bedroom door.

Right as I got to the door I heard a thud "DAMMIT!"

I pushed opens the door and scanned the scene before me.

Cathie lay on the ground, pounding her fists on my ground, and her body is shaking from the sobs.

I cautiously crept over to her, and knelt down next to her. Rubbing her back I said "its okay, you'll be okay."

A break in her sobbing gave her time to formulate a response. "He called me a bitch, Lou. He's right. I am a bitch. I am a hypocritical bitch."
Her sobs came back with even more force and she shook even more.

I took her in my arms, "no you arent, don't say that." She dug her face into my shirt, soaking it wet with tears.
"You are amazing, Cathie. And if Aaron can't see that, then he's blind and stupid."

"Well I-I guess that means you aren't blind or s-stupid?"


"Yes. It means you are capable of seeing an are intelligent." I looked down at Cathie, her face red and puffy from crying so much.

I smiled at her, "well I would assume so, I've been told I have quiet good eyes. I'm not promising anything about being intelligent though..."

She laughed at this. I love that sound, the sound of her being happy.

Cathie wrapped her arms around my neck and we fell backwards. "Ahh! Haha!"

I tickled her sides until she gasped "Uncle! mercy!" She tapped the carpet three times with her hand. "I give up! Ahh! Haha! Louis!"

"Argh there be no mercy!" I said in my pirate voice. She laughed even harder.

"Louis, I can't- breath!" She laughed

I stopped tickling her. "Alright, fine."
"Soo... what are you doing later?"
I looked over at her.

"Oh, nothing yet. Why, you doing anything?" She grinned.

"Well there's this little cinema a short drive from hear, was wondering if anyone- preferably a cute brunette that has a problem with people using her full name- would want to go with me to see a movie. Maybe a horror movie, more excuse to cuddle." I grinned back at her.

"Why, doth my ears deceive me? Is Louis Tomlinson asking little old me on a date? Hmm I'll have to check my schedule..." She tapped her chin.
"Yeah I should be free, you'll just have to make it worth my time."

"So.. is that a yes?" I asked


I Well, we made it!

This was amazing, really.
May 2013 I didn't think anything about writing a one direction fan fiction.

I thought maybe I'd get a few reads, but instead I got almost 15k!

I thought it would just be a short little thing, but it's been more than a year now.

I thought I would be able to update every week, yet it was more common to get one every couple of months.

And when I wanted to give up, you all proved why I couldn't. You, my readers, gave me hope. You gave me hope when I thought all hope was gone.

And, if they are still reading this, to my original readers: you mean so so SO much to me! You have stuck with me trough this whole rocky, unpredictable, journey.

And for maddy567 , thanks for dealing with me all this time XD

So much has changed for me since I started this fan fiction. My entire life is completely different.

And um... this chapter- this final chapter- well I really hope you guys enjoyed it :)


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