Chapter 6

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Chapter 6~

Louis's POV~

I'm walking. Where am I? How did I get here? I can see trees, benches, and people walking along the same path as I am. They are not like me, not like me at all though. They walk cheering, hugging loved ones, and other things of that sort. I look to my right and see a couple on a bench, looking into each other's eyes. They are just sitting there, cuddled up, oblivious to the world around them. I look away because they only remind me of Eleanor, and how we could be doing exactly that. But we aren't, and I feel completely lost.

When walking becomes too difficult a task, I take a seat on one of the benches. Its painted black, with intricate floral designs in the armrests at each end. its made of metal, and it is cold. I do not shudder or shiver because of the cold. I embrace it, like an old friend. I hear children's shouts of joy, dogs barking, people laughing. It only makes the pain in my chest grow.

I hear my mobile go off in my pocket. I don't need to look at it to know that it is one of the lads, calling me yet again. I know they have been looking for me, they have left numerous voice mails. It has crossed my mind briefly to call them back, or answer- but that would only lead to questions about what happened and where i have been. I'm just not ready to relive the pain of that moment yet. My mobile finally stops ringing.

I am startled by a loud scream, but it is only a young girl who had been caught by her father. She is now being lifted into the air. More shouts of joy come from the girl. I put my head back down, looking at the pattern of the tiny threads on my trousers. Its quite boring, but it takes my mind off of her- I dare not say her name, it only makes the pain worse.

I forgot about that pain when I was with Cathie.

I was shocked by that thought, for it had come out of nowhere. Cathie has nothing to do with my feelings what-so-ever. Besides, how will I ever be able to trust another woman? The answer is simple- I DON'T.

I hear someone approaching me. They are most likely just coming this direction though. I become confused when the footsteps stop when they reach me. They are wearing a pair of tan suede shoes.

I was still looking down, hoping whoever this was would just leave me alone. but instead they spoke

"Is this seat taken?"

That voice, I knew it. So i looked up, and saw my best mate standing right infront of me. He had a huge smile on his face, showing off his dimples. Harry was looking at me with so much relief, and happiness in his eyes.

I knew he was most likely wanting me to smile at him. the best i could manage was a small grin. and with false happiness, as to not worry him too much, I said

"No not at all, do you per say have any carrots with you?"

Instead of giving me an answer, Harry pulled me up into a suffocatingly tight bear hug. He held me there, captive.

When he finally released me he looked at me. I felt like he could see right down to my soul, it was such an intense stare. He clearly saw the pain in my eyes, as i was not in the mood to try and hide it.

He frowned, worry crossing his features.

"Louis, whats wrong?"

I looked down at my shoes. I wasn't ready for this, it still hurt like shit to even think about it. i couldnt bring myself to answer my friend, at least not truthfully.

"Nothing, nothing's wrong."

Harry, as expected, didn't believe me for a second. He took my face in both hands and lifted it up so I was looking at him. He was squishing my face, not on purpose I suppose. he let go of my face before talking.

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