chapter three

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picture of where Hollyn works above :)

"So, what are your plans for today?" I asked Brayden, pouring myself a mug of coffee.

It was around seven in the morning. I had my shift at Molly's Bakery soon. Surprisingly, Brayden was already up. He was watching some movie I never heard of on his laptop downstairs.

Brayden shrugged before pulling out his own mug from the cabinet. He maneuvered around me, considering how cramped our kitchen was, and joined me next to the kitchen island.

"I was probably going to catch up with some old friends. Maybe find a job."

I stopped pouring some creamer in my coffee and frowned at him. He noticed me frozen in place and he just shook his head. He grabbed the pot of coffee from the machine and began pouring himself some.

"You don't have to get a job, Bray. I can take care of us," I told him, mixing my coffee together. I added two sugars and cream; just the way I liked it.

"But you shouldn't have to," he interrupted, gritting his teeth. I could see his hold on his mug tighten. "You shouldn't be doing this all on your own."

I shook my head and sighed. "Really, it's okay-"

"It's not okay Hollyn!" Brayden snapped, slamming his mug down.

Coffee spilled out of the cup, scorching his hand. He winced at the impact and I jumped from my seat. I grabbed his hand softly and led him to the sink. I ran cool water under his hand. He tried to pull back but kept his hand clasped in mines. I looked up at him and I could see him staring at me with sad eyes.

"Aiden should be here. Aiden should be helping us-"

"Aiden has his own life," I snapped. "He has his own family to take care of."

"And what about us Hol? Are we not his family too?" He angrily replied.

I released my hold on his hand and pushed back my hair, which was styled in a choppy bob.

"No. Not anymore."

Brayden's expression changed from angry to surprised to disappointed. As much as I hated hurting his feelings I hate beating around the bush more. I had to tell things as they were. I didn't care if I was hurting their feelings in the process. I learned from my own past experiences that you can't please everyone. You would only make yourself feel more alone.

I gave Brayden a supportive squeeze on the shoulder before I told him I would be back home late again tonight. I was filling in for one of my coworkers, which I wouldn't have minded any other day since I got paid more, but I wanted to spend some time with Brayden as well.

I grabbed my bag that I dumped on the floor last night and turned around to catch a glimpse of Brayden. He was sitting on the stool with his elbow resting on the kitchen island and his hand holding his head upright. He was just a kid. He didn't deserve this life, none of us did.

Aiden never got over losing Tristan. In fact, he still blames me. I can see it in his eyes when we force ourselves together for Christmas. Tristan always made sure we had a great Christmas. And if I hadn't been so stupid, he would probably still be making our Christmas worthwhile.

With a new dose of guilt as a downer, I got dressed for my shift at the bakery. I picked out my Pepto Bismol pink shirt and some dark wash jeans. I grabbed my smock and began to put my jet black hair in a messy bun on top of my head. It was hard considering how my hair was in a bob. I got into my beat-up car and began the same routine I've gotten used to for the past year.


"Why has it been so busy these past few nights?" Mila asked, wiping the sweat away from her forehead with the back of her hand.

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