chapter fourteen

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I was bouncing my knees up and down as I was detained in a hot seat. I wiped the sweat that was beginning to trickle down the back of my neck and glanced over at Jay. Per usual, he was calm and collected as if nothing was wrong. How was he always remaining optimistic? Even when we were in trouble with the United States Military?

"I knew this was a bad idea. I told you," I hissed underneath my breath so only he could hear. "Now we're going to be sent to some black site where they are going to torture us for information. You can kiss your chances of getting your wife back. I can kiss my life away too, not that there was much to go back to, but still! I could've done something with my life eventually."

Jay looked over at me with an amused expression that I wanted to wipe right off. It's not fair that he was finding this situation entirely okay or that he probably thought I was crazy. No, he needed to start overreacting with me before I start thinking I'm the insane one.

"You watch way too many TV shows. Those things don't ever happen, not unless you've done some serious shit like assassinating the President," he retorted, stretching out his arms as he did so. He frowned and then leaned in close to me.

"Which, you should probably never say on a military base," he added in a whisper.

Ridiculous. I managed to get myself arrested again, but only this time I'm with a delusional man whom I know barely anything about. I groaned and placed my face into both of my hands. I closed my eyes and prayed that this all ended soon, that we wouldn't get into any extreme trouble, and I could return home safely to my little brother.

"What the hell have you gotten yourself into?" An angry voice boomed.

I snapped my head up, half expecting Tristan to stand in front of me. That sentence was said one too many times in my past life. But it wasn't Tristan at all. It was Kaiden dressed in a green camouflage military uniform. The same Kaiden that was covered in tattoos. The same Kaiden with an uncontrollable temper and a personality to match with that. At first, I thought this was some type of joke, but I saw Lann, written on the name patch and knew it to be real. I opened my mouth ready to respond, but Jay beat me to it.

"Ahh, finally you arrived. I was beginning to fear that I would have to get myself out of that mess, which would be rather easy. But at last, I left my ID in my Jeep along with my clearance. And you know, I had Hollyn with me this time," Jay replied, standing up.

"I shouldn't have to be here to clean your shit up!" Kaiden boomed, a vein beginning to bulge from his neck. "God, Jay, do you ever think? Why is she even with you?"

Before either one of them could say anything else, I got up and stood between them both. I put up both of my hands, one in front of Jay and the other in front of Kaiden.

"Hold on, you're part of the military?" I asked, looking at Kaiden and then to Jay. Jay nodded.

"Then why did we sneak into here? Why not tell the guard who found us who you were? Why make me think we were going to a black site ?" I exclaimed, feeling betrayed and embarrassed.

"Oh, Hollyn, what fun would any of that have been?" He replied, rolling his eyes.

"You know what your problem is? You take everything entirely too lightly. You're never serious! I cannot keep doing this Jay," Kaiden spoke, ignoring my presence in front of him as he stepped closer to Jay.

Only, I was in front of him and now he was merely inches away from me. I stepped back a little, feeling a surge of intimacy between us and I wasn't sure what the feeling I just felt was. I just knew I liked it. If Kaiden sensed anything, he didn't show it.

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