chapter twelve

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A Year and A Half Ago (gif of Tristan above)

"I'm outside your house. Hurry up and meet me," Isaac demanded. Then he quickly added, "I miss you."

He hung up before I had a chance to reply. I sighed out loud before tying my long black hair into a loose ponytail. I changed out of my pajamas and into a thin, white tank top followed by some loose jean shorts. It was a week before I was going to go to my college orientation at the community college.

The last past weeks between Isaac and I had been rough; he was distant and moody and I thought it because I was going off to college. I tried to explain to him it wasn't that far away and that I wasn't living on campus, but things were still rocky between us. However, yesterday he came over when Tristan wasn't here of course and opened up to me. He told me was just stressed with family stuff and was actually nice to me. Though Isaac wasn't going to go to college, he told me he was proud that I was, that I was going to do something with my life.

That's the first time he told me was proud of me.

But then, of course, he had to switch to his usual rude self. But in that brief moment, all my doubts about him not caring about me vanished. He hadn't hit me since he got into a fight with Tristan and I was grateful for that. Though I hated Tristan for intervening, I was sort of glad he did.

As I crept past Brayden's bedroom and hoped Aiden wouldn't hear me make any sounds. Lately, we've been at each other's throat because Alex found out he was having an affair with Hannah.

It wasn't exactly my fault; sure I should've stopped Alex from storming up our stairs, but I was too occupied in registering for my classes. Soon, I heard screaming and shouting followed by hysterical crying. I knew what happened when I saw Brayden come downstairs with his cheeks flaming.

The rest was history. Aiden was no longer had a girlfriend or sex toy and now I was facing the wrath of it. Every time I would even think of going out he told Tristan, resulting in Tristan changing his work schedule to keep an eye on me. Tonight, however, he couldn't change his schedule and I was finally going to have one last hurrah before I was to go off to college.

"I'm going to get some last supplies for school tomorrow if anyone asks," I told Brayden as I stopped by his door.

He was playing some video game, as always, and just grunted. I took that as an okay. But of course, my luck was impeccable and Aiden overheard. I hated how thin our walls were.

"Is that Isaac's car I see outside?" Aiden asked, crossing his arms as he leaned against the back of his door frame.

I scowled at him before turning my back on him. He was going to mess up my one night where I can actually do something without getting caught.

"Isaac is giving me a ride."

I heard Aiden snort as I began walking down the stairs. "Is that what they call it these days? Tell me dearest sister, does he even know where to get school supplies from? That boy is dumb as a doorknob."

I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms because really Isaac wasn't the brightest light in the bunch.

"Have fun, sis. I'll be sure to let Tristan know."

I contemplated staying in but I knew I couldn't. I needed the thrill of a party and the carefree atmosphere. Most of all I needed to get away from my overprotective brothers!

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