chapter sixteen

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It's been a week since I've almost been arrested. A week since I learned that Kaiden and Jay were in the Army. A week since I've seen Jay. A week since my feelings for Kaiden surfaced. It appeared that a lot can happen in a span of a week. For instance, what I believed to be a crush was now a full fledge hormonal war between my mind and heart. My heart has been fighting with my mind, trying to convince it that I should act out on the urges. Urges that include being a little bit more than just friends with him.

It doesn't help that Kaiden's been at the bar every night when I'm working. Some nights he's with his men from his last tour. They all seem to enjoy themselves, telling war stories or being usual guys and try to prove to each other who's tougher. Other nights he's alone, sitting across from me while I tend the other patrons. As harmless as it sounds, it's been messing with my mind lately. The little flirty comments we exchange back and forth has me letting my guard down. I used to believe that I was the only one with feelings here, but the mixed signals Kaiden has been sending me has me thinking otherwise.

I wasn't sure if anyone could tell if I was beginning to act differently. Mila and Brayden have hit it off quite too well and for once I was actually happy for them. Granted, I wasn't too pleased about the squealing that comes from Brayden's room at night. However, they try to hide their growing romantic relationship from me. I'm not sure if it's because they think I still don't accept them being together or if it's because they're simply trying to be respectful. Either way, I could do less of the annoying noise they make at night.

"The regular, munchkin," Kaiden spoke, sliding into his usual seat at the bar. A grin came over his face as I frowned at his terrible nickname he has for me. It doesn't appear that it is going to go away.

"I really despise that nickname. Would you like it if I called you a...a hulk?" I retorted, beginning to make his usual drink.

"A hulk?" Kaiden repeated, looking amused. "That's the best thing you could come up with?"

"Shut up before I spit in your drink," I said, leaning the glass straight. I turned the tap off and slide it across the counter and into Kaiden's awaiting hands.

"Do that and I won't pay for my drink," he said, taking a sip.

I rolled my eyes. "Like half of the drinks you get aren't already on the house."

I proceeded to clean my work area. Mila was off today which left me tending the bar on my own. Luckily it wasn't too busy tonight. There wasn't any game being shown on the TV. Frankly, it was any other boring Wednesday night. The happy hour patrons have left leaving the regular's and the alcoholics.

"Did you hear any news from Jay?" I questioned, restoring my apron with napkins and straws. I've been trying to give Jay space but it's been hard not knowing what happened to him. Kaiden pulled out his phone and placed it on the bar table.

"I heard from one of the guys he's back," Kaiden shortly replied.

"Back from where exactly?" I asked. "From Maria's?"

Kaiden nodded. "She moved back in with her parents after the accident. In Michigan."

"Michigan?" I repeated, surprised. "How can he live here when his wife lives in an entirely different state?"

"Normally, I would argue the same thing. But their situation is slightly different than most others," Kaiden explained. "There's still so much more to their story than you know and I don't think I should be the one filling in the gaps for you."

I nodded, agreeing. There is always so much more to someone than we know. It wouldn't be fair of me to intrude into someone else's life, especially if they weren't the one to tell me.

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