chapter eleven

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Admiring the masterpiece on my arm, my throat clogged with unshed tears. For the first time since Tristan died, I finally want to shed happy tears. I feel closer to him with this tattoo, and I feel motivated to go out make him proud for the rest of my life. This tattoo was a symbol of my commitment to live, for him.

"Thanks, Cleo," I choked out before giving her a soft smile and pulling out some cash to pay.

"When my best friend died, I got a tattoo for him and it helped remind me that he wouldn't want me to mourn him for the rest of my life. In fact, if he'd seen how I was when he first passed he'd probably kick my ass," she chuckled. "I just want you to know, your brother would want you to be happy. Let this tattoo be a reminder of that."

With that, she accepted the cash and left me to collect myself enough to be able to leave.

After getting the antibacterial kit, I waved goodbye and stepped into the afternoon breeze.

I check my phone and see no missed calls from anybody, so I assumed that Mila and Brayden hit it off pretty well. I chuckled to myself as I remembered the scared look on his face when I was getting ready to leave him alone with her. Brayden will always be my baby brother, I guess.

Remembering the momentum of Kaiden's that was burning a hole in my pocket, I tugged it out and looked at it again. The blonde in the picture looked vaguely familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on who he was.

Before I could even think any more of it, though, an angry Kaiden came stormed towards me. The raging aura he gave off was enough to make me shiver with fear and a little anticipation. I steeled my shoulders prepared to hold my own for the verbal assault I was sure to get from him.

"Give me the fucking picture," he spat.

Hmm. I expected a little more animosity.

"Who's the guy?"

His shoulders tensed as if my question stirred something in him. His eyes got even more venomous if that was even possible. But I was persistent, always have been.

"Hollyn, give me the damn picture." His voice cracked a bit from restrained anger and I knew I was pressing the limits.

"Answer my question, and I'll gladly give you the picture back."

A frustrated roar vibrated from his chest, and his shoulders shook with restraint.

"Someone who meant a lot to me. Someone who trusted in me and instead I only let them down. If only I hadn't..."

"Hadn't what?" I asked, stepping closer towards him as stopped talking. His face twisted with a mix of rage and regret.

"It doesn't matter," he grumbled. "He's gone now. Happy? Got what you needed?"

Looking at his face, I couldn't help but feel like I could relate to him. I don't know what he did or who the hell the guy was, but I did know how it feels to let someone down, especially when they meant a lot to you. I felt like we had a connection. So to answer his question, yes. In some sick, twisted way I was happy to finally have somebody who could even begin to understand the darkness that consumed me every day. So instead of giving him shit about the picture, I gave it back.

I watched as he held the picture delicately in his hands before tucking it away softly in his wallet. It must've meant a lot to him judging, by the way, he was protecting it. I didn't think someone as big as Kaiden could be so...gentle.

"Wanna grab a coffee?"

I don't know what possessed me to ask him. Maybe I felt bad for him or maybe I was feeling glum about Tristan, but as the words left my mouth I realized I didn't want him to leave just yet. My invitation shocked him, but I saw his face soften for a split second and that's all that mattered to me then.

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