chapter eight

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With heavy loads of eyeliner and my long jet black hair straightened, I was ready. I looked down at what I was wearing and knew Tristan would disprove, but I didn't care. If I wanted to wear a half shirt and ripped jeans then that's what I was going to do. I just wanted to waste away the weekend with my boyfriend Isaac and get on cloud nine with whatever drugs he managed to get his hands on this time.

I looked both ways as I opened the bathroom door and saw the coast was clear. I stopped by my room and grabbed my fake ID in case we decided to slip away from the party. I snorted at it. Helga Baker? Isaac made it as a joke, saying the name suited me. You can guess what happened next. Yup, I kicked him right in the balls. The picture he chose was shit too. Let's just say he had a rough night that night.

I passed by Brayden's room and heard distinctive yells followed by shootings. He was probably playing his PlayStation game again. Aiden's door was ajar and I bet he was downstairs. He wouldn't stop me, though, and I like that about him. He didn't tell Tristan whenever I snuck out and I didn't tell his girlfriend he's been sleeping with Hannah behind her back. It was a perfect deal if you asked me.

Growing up with all boys allowed me to be sneaky. Granted, I was the odd one out at home. Back when mom and dad were still alive they hated me. I was always let down easy. I never had responsibilities. I never had to take out the trash or vacuum the house. Hell, even Brayden had chores and he was two years younger than me! Their constant chore doing made me invisible, and I liked it that way. Though I was probably around fourteen, I loved knowing I had no responsibilities and that no one was ever looking for me. Usually, kids my age were hungry for attention where I was desperate to get it off my back. Let's just say I was forever thankful that my parents decided to have three boys.

"Where do you think you're going?" Aiden asked, munching on some chips. He didn't even turn around from his seat on the couch to know I was sneaking out. Dammit. He was getting good.

"Going out with Isaac. Cover for me," I replied, reaching over the couch so I could get some chips. I dug my hand into the bag to only feel it grabbed roughly by my wrist. I gritted my teeth. I didn't even manage to grab a crumb!

"You're covering for me tonight in case Alex calls and asks where I am."

I faked gagged as he turned off the TV he took his bag of chips with him and I attempted to grab it once more. Aiden was faster, leaving me across the room, disappointed and chipless.

"Why don't you just break up with her? What are you gaining in screwing around with Hannah? She has nothing on Alex," I spat back, crossing my arms.

"In bed she does," he replied, wiggling his eyebrows. "Just cover for me, alright?"

I shook my head before grabbing my shoes from the door. "Tristan's busy tonight. I'm not going to get a chance like this again. You don't want him to be upset and stressed after finding out I'm out with Isaac again, do you?"

I fake pout, slipping into my dirty converse. Aiden stuffed another handful of chips into his mouth. He wiped the remaining salt and artificial flavoring on his pants.

"I don't care what you do or what Tristan does. But if Alex finds out I'm not home when I just told her I was, I'm fucked. And when I'm fucked I'm not happy. And when I'm not happy, I hate you more. And when I hate you more-"

"Okay okay!" I interrupted, throwing my hands up in defeat. "Go ahead and screw your little bimbo."

I kicked my shoes off and pushed passed him. Right before he left I saw a tiny smirk come on his face. I hated that he was getting what he wanted, but we had a system. I couldn't afford to mess up what we had because I was too stubborn to sit one out.

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