Chapter 45.1

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Chapter 45.1

-Zayn POV-

I think this is the start. My brother talked to me already even that's only a short conversation. I think i'll do this step by step.

And now I am with them with the auctioneer to talk about the things we got.

I heard Dom is talking to Louis.

Dominic: Woot woot. I got now the watch.
Louis: I'm jealous right now. It's so good.
Dominic: Why you stop bidding on that a while ago?
Louis: Well I want to watch you and Zayn bid for that. Hahaha.
Dominic: Bad bad. Hahaha. But its fine at least I won.
Louis: Yeah. That's great. So Zayn what are you going to say that you lost to your younger brother? Haha.
Zayn: Shut up Louis. But I know Dom really loves watches so if ever he stop bidding on that then I won. That's going to be my present for you.
Louis: Brother love. Awwweeeee.
Dominic: Shut it Louis. But I don't give up of the things i want .
Zayn: That's why I stopped because you will fight for that.
Dominic: Oh wait. We're not close. Since when you know about me?
Zayn: I always talk to mom.
Dominic: Really. I see. I'll go to Gemma. Bye.

My brother talked to me again but I don't know. But that "we're not close" it hurts. Haha. I wish I could go back the time that we're really close. When he was a kid. He thought that we're cousin they didn't tell to the twins that I am their older brother. I made the wrong decision. But that is past. We need to move on.

Louis: Mate, it's effective.
Zayn: I know. I'll do this little by little.
Louis: Goodluck for that. Michaella will be the easy one but Dom i don't think so.
Zayn: I know. That's why i'm doing this. Until he will talk to me again as a brother not a stranger.
Louis: You can do it its really effective.

I'm going now to the dining hall. They are all now sitting with their partners and there is one vacant seat beside Dom. Should I or shouldn't I? Maybe he'll think that I'm taking advantage.

Dominic: Zayn go sit with us. We need all of us to talk about the yacht. You are also a part owner of that.

Woah. He really offer the chair for me. I'm shocked. And also I can see the shocked face of lads.

Dominic: Why are you all shocked?
Niall: us? No no.
Dominic: Okay I'll pretend that I don't see that.
Louis: Hahaha.
Dominic: He's a part owner. So he needs to be here.
Harry: Why so defensive?
Liam: We're not talking. Haha.
Dominic: Can we just eat and focus. Hahaha. Making issues.
Gemma: Relax. Haha.
Kimberly: Chill Dom Chill.
Dominic: I'm chill. Haha.

This is a little bit awkward for the both of us. But still.... Whooo.

After eating dinner they are all chit chatting now.

Harry: Ni, where's your new old car? Haha.
Niall: I told them to deliver that in London not here. Not gonna use it here. I have a car here.
Liam: You also have car there!
Niall: But that's for you know event event. For me and Alyssa's Wedding.

Alyssa blushed. This Niall boy.

Alyssa: Stahp it Niall. Haha.
Kimberly: Your face is getting red.
Glesai: Yes it was. Hahaha.
Mira: You're blushing girl.
Dominic: Alliall whooo.

They teasing alyssa and niall haha. I miss my band. Another wrong decision i've made. *sigh*

Dominic: Okay guys. I spoke to the auctioneer he told me that the yacht is in Miami.
Louis: Cool. I want to see it.
Dominic: lets schedule it to chill whooo.
Liam: Zayn come with us.
Zayn: Uhm maybe. It depends.
Dominic: They'll text you.
Zayn: Huh?
Louis: Yah yah. We'll text you Zayn. I hope you're not busy that time haha.
Zayn: Sure sure.
Auctioneer: Hello Mr. Ricafort sorry to disturb you but you need to sign this. And also the names of your co-owners.
Dominic: Sure sure. We'll sign it now.
Auctioneer: this is for the transferring of the title.
Dominic: Okay okay. Guys go sign this.

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