Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

-Louis POV-

Its our rest day today but not for me and lads we have a Charity Auction later for the kids. All of us are invited and also those people who are really into charity. Maybe i'll ask Dom if he wants to come. But for now I am with Kimberly.

Kimberly: Boo, what am I gonna wear later ?
Louis: Evening gown. I don't know. Haha. It's a formal event so a nice gown. I'm wearing a black tux.
Kimberly: I have only three gowns here. Black, White and Red. But i don't know what to wear?
Louis: Go ask Alyssa, Glesai, and Mira . They are also coming. I'll ask Dom if he's gonna come with us.
Kimberly: I'm sure he will. He likes charity so much.
Louis: Really? That's great.
Kimberly: Ask him. I'll think about what am I going to wear later.
Louis: You look gorgeous in any dress.
Kimberly: Stahpp. Haha.
Louis: I'll see you later boo,
Kimberly: See you later.

I kissed her. And leave and i'm going to Dom now, he's playing cards with Ni and Li.

Louis: Heyy. What are you guys doin?
Liam: Playing cards.
Niall: Yeah.
Louis: Oh by the way Dom.
Dominic: Yes?
Louis: you want to come later for Charity Auction for kids?
Dominic: Really ? Sure sure. I love charity. Especially for kids.
Louis: yeah. Formal attire.
Dominic: Sure sure.
Louis: Ask also gemma if she wants to come to be your partner .
Dominic: okay. I'll text her .
Louis: So kim told me a while ago that you are really into charity?
Dominic: Yeah. In Manila we have this foundation for kids. Ricafort Foundation.
Louis: Oh thats cool. Is it yours?
Dominic: yes. So we help kids who are homeless , no family. We also help people who's sick and we have also scholar.
Liam: What are scholar?
Dominic: Oh scholarship in school. We pay all their fee's in school. We supply them what they need.
Niall: That's cool.
Louis: I wan't to visit your foundation
Dominic: Yeah sure. I always go there every weekend. Kids there call me uncle. But now I'm busy so I haven't visit them.
Louis: Nice. So later bring your check books and we will bid later.
Dominic: I always give.
Niall: Same here. And also if I like the thing in the auction block I always fight for it. Haha.
Dominic: Me too. What is your highest bid in a auction?
Louis: $1 Million .
Dominic: Did you won?
Louis: Yeah. Cause its a watch.
Dominic: Hmmm. I think i'll a have a competition later for a watch. Haha.
Louis: For kids.
Dominic: Yeah for kids. My highest bid that I won is also like yours a watch too. Haha.
Niall: Mine is $500k for a golf memorabilia.
Liam: same for painting. Haha.
Louis: Lets see later . We have lots of competition there. Check your e-mail dom. They sent you the invitation.
Dominic: Okay okay. And gemma is coming.
Louis: Okay. I'll take a bath now the auction starts at 6pm. So we need to be there at 5.
Dominic: I'll take a bath in a bit.


Its already 4pm we're all getting ready now and also the girls.

Louis: Lets go guys! We need to leave.
Dominic: I'm done. We're all done.
Harry: Yeah. Lets go now to the girls.

We're here now at the girls room.

Michaella: They are all look gorgeous.
Camille: Presenting ......

They went out to their rooms and....

Liam: Damn.
Mira: What?
Liam: Nothing lets go.
Niall: You're so beautiful.
Michaella: Thank you Nialler.
Alyssa: Not you. Hahaha.
Michaella: Oh i thought its me hahaha.
Louis: Are you sure you two don't want to come?
Camille: Nah. Its fine. We're going out later.
Dominic: Okay then. Lets go.
Michaella: Take care all of you. Bring home lots of stuffs okay.
Gemma: Bye sizzy.
Michaella: Bye see you later.

We're now going to the venue.

After an hour of driving we're here.

Alyssa: Oh my gosh. It's so good in here. It's like the meeting place of the Elites.
Glesai: I can see that. Its like the R Mansion.
Dominic: This is huge.
Louis: I know. Because they can accommodate lots of people here.
Liam: And also later after the auction there is dinner for all who joined.
Niall: We're VIP's here.
Gemma: I went here with haz last year.
Harry: Yeah.
Dominic: So where are we going now?
Louis: Lets get our paddles there.

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