Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

- Camille POV -

Dominic called, he said that we will have a meeting with 5sos. WHAT?! Why? What will happen to Calum and I? God, whatever. I'll just go with the flow. I just hope that no one asks me where I was the other night.

During the meeting..

Dominic: girls, i want to formally introduce the members of 5 Seconds of Summer, Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael. Boys, these are the members of Six Bomb, Camille, Michaella, Glesai, Ritz, Alyssa, Kim.
Six Bomb: Hello!
Ashton: Hello, girls. Pleased to meet you, again.
Alyssa: yeah, same here! How are you guys?
Calum: Well, we're good. I'm a bit knackered though, and also feeling a bit cold.

Calum looks at Camille, but she avoided Calum's gaze, looking at her shoes studiously. Camille smiled at the other boys but gave Calum a curt nod and looked away. The girls noticed this but decided to ask her about it later.

Luke walks towards Michaella and smiled at her shyly.
Luke: Hi, Michaella.
Michaella looks at him from head to toe and rolled her eyes.
Michaella: Hello, Luke. What do you want?
Luke: well, i just want to say hello and see if you're okay or something. How are you?
Michaella: I'm doing fine, I'm really really happy, but I'm in a hard situation right now so I dunno.
Luke looked down and frowned.
Luke: Hard situation? Why is that?
Michaella: Well, I don't want to say something but...
Luke: But what?
Michaella shakes her head and shrugged.
Luke hugs Michaella and kissed her cheek.
Luke: I'm here for you, Michaella. You can always tell me anything.
Michaella: I'm happy, Luke. Really. But thanks.
Luke's mind: I'm happy that she's happy, but it annoys me that I'm not the reason behind her happiness.
Luke: Well, that's good to hear then. I'll talk to you soon?
Michaella: Yes, and thanks again. Bye.

-Calum's POV-

Why is she ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Does she not know that I like her? It hurts me to see her treating me like dirt and acting like I'm invisible. I just want to kiss her and hug her tight.

-Cam's POV-

the meeting is now over and the boys already left. Why on earth am I feeling this? For crissakes, this should not be a big deal. I need a drink. I walk to the bar of the hotel and started drinking.

After a few minutes, I noticed that the other girls are entering the bar. They looked determined and concerned at the same time, and they approached me.

Michaella: Cammie, is there something wrong?
Glesai: Yeah, Camille? Are you okay?
Camille: what do you mean, am I okay? Of course I'm okay, i'm good, i'm fine, i'm perfect! Nothing's wrong!
Alyssa: We know you, camille. Spill it, you know we're here for you.

I look down and pondered if I should tell them or not. They are my friends after all. I sighed and looked at them.

Camille: Okay guys, i'll tell you something. Calum and I, we had sex the other night. I don't know how it happened, but it did. And surprisingly, I loved it.

The girls gasped and was speechless for about two minutes. Finally, Kim broke the silence.

Kim: well, that's.... Fascinating, I guess?
Michaella: So, you said that you love it?
Camille: I do. I really do.
Ritz: So how was it? Was it big? Did it hurt?
Alyssa: Ritz!
Ritz: What? Just asking.
Glesai: guys, cut it out. Camille, sort your feelings out. If you feel strongly for this Calum guy, then go after him. If not, then tell him. You'll hurt him more if you keep him waiting.
Camille: thanks guys, and i will. You guys are the best.

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