Chapter 15: Dark Soul

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"VILIUS! IT'S OVER!" Bravenwolf yelled, delivering the final blow. The rest of Vilius's army had retreated long ago, and Bravenwolf just ended Vilius, who disappeared into the shadows.

"Come on, we shouldn't be wasting time here! We have to find Alex!" Tributon yelled.

"Oh, you don't have to look for anyone, because I'm right here," a voice said.

The knights all looked up as a dark figure appeared from the shadows, taking the shape of their friend.

"Alex! You're here!" Valorn cried, running up to me. I smirked as I used my weapon to send him flying a few feet away. The beams on my weapon shot up and strangled him, before spinning and tossing him to a place where he was nowhere in sight.

The others looked completely shocked. "What in the world?!"

Beni snickered and put her arm around my shoulder. "Surprised? You should be."

"W-what did you do to her?!" Lyndendor yelled.

"Oh, nothing she didn't want me to," Beni replied.

"You're insane! Turn her back!" Bravenwolf shouted. "I'll never forgive you for this!"

"Shut up, you're all annoying!" I yelled, charging towards Tributon. I delivered a blow to his stomach, sending him flying backwards. He crashed into the rocks behind him, causing a boulder to fall from the top, crushing him good as flat underneath.

"Ceylan!" Bravenwolf yelled, running over to help his friend.

"Not so fast," I said, blasting Bravenwolf. I walked over to where he had landed and placed my foot on top of his chest. "If I were you, I wouldn't want to get back up. Otherwise you'd be good as dead."

I grinned and turned to Lydendor, who was just standing there, unable to take in anything that was happening. "What's the matter, you afraid? Cuz you're next, blondie." I walked up to him, and he didn't move back. I took this as an opportunity to grab him by the neck and lift him off the ground. "You know, Lydendor, or should I say, Chooki, I never liked you. You were always so annoying, and your jokes are so lame I'd rather be in history class hearing a lecture about the Civil War. Begone, filthy garbage!" I thrusted him with full force, and he skidded across the rough dirt before hitting a stone. I laughed maniacally.

"Nice job, Alex. That was better than I expected!" Beni said with a smile.

"I could've killed them. Maybe next time. I'd like to keep them around a little longer so I can play with them a bit. After all, they're all in love with me, aren't they? We can use that to our advantage," I replied.

"I like the way you think, dear sister," Beni said in approval. 

Alex. Wake up! This isn't who you are! Your real friends are the ones you attacked. Just go back to them, please!  a voice inside my head said. I cringed and held my head, feeling a weird overwhelming sensation inside.

"Alex, you okay?" Beni asked. 

I straightened up and said, "Yeah, sorry. Just a headache."

"I should get you home. We've had a long day," Beni suggested. I nodded, and the two of us returned back to Earth, arriving at Beni's house.


"Boys...Boys! Wake up!" Mr. White's voice yelled. He was desperately trying to shake them awake ever since their return from Quarton. They were severely injured.

Guren was the first to wake up. "H-huh? Mr. White?"

"Thank goodness you're alright," Mr. White said, relieved.

Soon after, Ceylan, Toxsa, and Chooki awoke, but with gloomy expressions across their faces.

"She attacked me...I can't believe she attacked me...." Toxsa mumbled.

"Boys, where's Alex?" Mr. White asked.

Guren and Ceylan stared at the ground, unable to answer. Chooki spoke up. "She was recruited to Vilius's side. Apparently she's his daughter...and she attacked us." His voice tightened with each incoming word, and he was close to tears.

"Oh no...I feared this would happen..." Mr. White said.

"Wait! Does that mean you knew all along?!" Guren yelled, infuriated.

"Well not exactly, I mean-"

"I need to go home. If you don't mind, Mr. White...I don't feel so well..."

The others nodded in agreement and walked off silently, the silence of the night combining with their own.

"I better look into this..." Mr. White said, rushing into the back room. He was panicking, in the sense that the enemy now had a powerful tool on their side that could easily subdue the knights. Matters were getting worse and worse by the minute. The fate of the world was at stake. If Alex wasn't turned back to normal soon, Quarton and Earth would be destroyed and lost forever. She was the one who was supposed to bring people together, including the two worlds. Maybe it was destined for her to go to the dark side, but she couldn't stay there for too long. Many consequences would arise. All that was left for Mr. White to do was figure out a plan of action, one that would save Alex and stop the destruction of both planets for good.


Beni and I sat in her room, going over our next assignment. We were asked to meet up with two people named Gen and Jessica, of whom I knew very well since they went to my school. So it was them who attacked us the other day...interesting. They were known as Dromus and Sylvia on Quarton. What fitting names for such vile villains. To be honest, I was looking forward to working with them. I'd have new people to hang out with rather than those lame tenkai wannabes. I told Beni what I knew about Gen and Jessica, and she smiled, telling me she was glad to have me on her side. I felt happy, finally being useful to someone. 

The two of us went downstairs and prepared dinner. As we ate, we talked about all the fun that was yet to come. The plans were so evil, and I felt a rush of excitement and impatience flow through me. I knew I wouldn't regret joining my family. After all, family first, friends second.

After we ate, I went up the guest room and changed into my pajamas. I laid down on the bed, closing my eyes and trying very hard to ignore the voice in my head that kept telling me to turn back. 

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