Chapter 2: The Mysterious Shop

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 I finally spotted Guren and Ceylan heading towards my way. I smiled, and stood up straight. 

"Hey guys, ready to go?"  I asked. 

"You bet we are!" they both yelled in unison.

I walked in between them and linked my arms through each of theirs. "Then what are we waiting for! Let's hit the mall!" 

Both of them turned red when I put my arms through theirs, and they started blushing like crazy. They were trying really hard to hide thier smiles. 

Right when we got there, the first thing Ceylan mentioned was the food court. I laughed and that made him smile and grin. I loved him already. Why didn't I talk to him before? I asked myself. He was so funny and sweet! Ceylan and I were both looking around when suddenly Guren stopped.

"Woah, hey, did you see that?!" he yelled. He started sprinting away, looking like he was chasing someone.

"See what? Hey!" Ceylan shouted.

I ran after both of them and the three of us ended up in front of the old shop. The one that nobody had been to for months. I was surprised it hadn't been taken down yet. 

"Hey Guren, what happened?" I asked, with a worried look on my face. 

"I-I saw something, it went into that shop," he said. 

"But no one has ever gone into that shop," Ceylan said, nervously. 

"We have to go check it out!" Guren said.

Ceylan tried arguing with him but it was no use. I decided to go along because I was curious to find out what was in there. We opened the door and walked inside.

"Hello?" Guren said. "Anyone there?"

There was no reply. We decided to look around a bit. All the stuff in there was amazing. Guren was really impressed by all the stuff, but Ceylan kept making jokes on how it was all junk. We stopped to look at this specific part on the shelf. Something seemed to catch Guren's eye. He was staring at three bricks of some sort, one magenta, one white, and one blue. 

"They're so pretty..." I said, gazing in awe. 

"Yeah, well not as pretty as you..." Guren and Ceylan said at the same time. 

I turned around and I saw both of them look at each other, blushing madly. I laughed and gave them a hug. I love hugs, they are so warm and cozy and they make you feel safe and sound. 

I slowly pulled away and we started looking at the bricks again when suddenly a man popped out from nowhere. We were shocked by his sudden appearance and quickly turned around. We tried to explain ourselves, but the man interrupted. He said there was no need to worry, and that his name was Mr. White. We had a little talk about the bricks and Guren turned his into a little robot! Mr. White let us keep the bricks. We thanked him for them and started playing around with them. 

"You're welcome, Ceylan, Guren, and Alex. I hope to see you all again very soon," Mr. White said. 


Ceylan, Guren, and I were walking home from the shop. 

"That was strange," I said. 

"Yeah it was, it was creepy and all but it was nice of the guy to let us keep these things," Ceylan said. 

"Yeah, but how did he know our names?" Guren said, with a concerned look. 

We all paused for a second. 

"Yeah, freaky, huh," Ceylan said. "Well, catch ya guys later, bye!"

And with that said, Ceylan waved a goodbye and headed home. 

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