Chapter 4: Crazy Dreams

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It was dark and stormy. I found myself standing in the middle of a wide open rocky area. I was trying to figure out what I was doing here, but a dark voice interrupted my thinking. 

"You shall never win! I'll make sure to destroy you all! I don't care if you're the only one left standing, I will make sure you never make it out alive!"

"You wish!" I heard myself say. "I hate you for everything you've done. You hurt the people I love, and now I will get you back for that!! You hear me?!"

"As if you could hurt your own father, little girl," I heard him say. 

"I don't care! You hurt the ones I love and you can never be forgiven for that!" Anger was rising up inside of me like fire. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to destroy this brickhead and make sure he never hurt anyone ever again. 

"You mean those little pests are the ones you love?" He pointed to the four knights, giving me a smirk. "They're so weak, yet you decide to stay with them and fight me? Why don't you join me?" 

"Never!" I screamed. "Toxsa, Chooki, Guren, Ceylan! Valorn, Lydendor, Bravenwolf, Tributon! I'm coming you guys! Hang in there!" I saw myself hurdling towards him with a magenta wand-type weapon in my hand. Just then, a saw a bright flash and everything went blank.

My eyes popped wide open. I sat up in bed, staring at my mirror. Was that robot thing actually me? What was that all about? What did it all mean?

"Alex, get up! You're going to be late!" I heard my mother shout. I looked at my clock. 

"What in the world?" I stared at the clock. I only had 10 minutes to get ready! I leaped out of bed and got ready in a flash. I skipped breakfast and said a quick goodbye to my dog and my mom. I rushed out the door and bumped into Ceylan. 

"Oh, hey Ceylan!" I said, smiling. I hugged him tight. 

Ceylan was blushing and smiling and he looked so adorable. 

"Hey, Ceylan, I need to tell you something," I squeaked out. Now was the time for me to tell him how much I've wanted to be his friend. 

"Yeah, what is it..." he said, dreamily looking at me. 

"Ceylan Jones, I've wanted to be your friend from the beginning of the school year but I was too shy to talk to you and I've always loved you and how you're so funny and sweet and I'm so glad that we are friends now! I know we just became friends yesterday but I feel like I've known you forever," I blurt out. 

Ceylan looked like he was gonna burst with happiness and excitement. 

"Alex, I felt the same way about you! I loved you from the very beginning..." he said back, blushing.

"R-really?" My heart began to beat fast again, just like it did when I was with Guren. 

"" he said.

My heart nearly froze. "Ceylan," I began. "I love you t--" 

Before I could finish talking, his lips were on mine. He put his hands on my waist and held me close. I slowly reached up and put my arms gently around his neck, and enjoyed the sweet, soft feel of his lips on mine. After a while, I slowly pulled away, and then hugged him. I smiled and my heart was beating at a normal pace again, but I still felt like it was going to burst with love and happiness. 

"I love you, Ceylan Jones," I exclaimed. 

"Right back at ya, beautiful," he said to me. 

I giggled and he offered to walk me to school. Soon, we had arrived at school. We met up with Guren, and he looked like he had seen a ghost. 

"Guys! There you are!" he yelled, panting. "You missed gym class! Where were you?" 

Both of us started blushing. We tried to figure out how to explain ourselves. 

"Okay tell me later," Guren interrupted. "There's something important I need to tell you!" 

Guren started explaining his crazy dream, and how he saw himself fighting this dark robot. Ceylan said he had the same dream too! And hey, didn't my dream have the dark robot guy too? 

"I think it has something to do with these bricks!" I looked at mine carefully. 

"Guys, I think we should go see Mr. White," Guren said, looking a little concerned. 

"Yeah, let's go," Ceylan said.

We all ran to the old shop to find some answers on what was going on. 


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