Chapter 16: New Team

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"Alex, you said they went to your school," Beni exasperated as she waited with me outside of the building. Gen and Jessica were supposed to meet up with us after class so we could plan our move against the tenkai knights. However, they were nowhere in sight.

"They do!" I muttered. "They're just late.."

As if on cue, Gen and Jessica turned the corner and approached us.

"Hey, sorry we're late. We had something to take care of," Gen apologized.

"Y-yeah..s-sorry.." Jessica stuttered, feeling guilty.

"Doing what exactly?" Beni asked, smirking as she raised an eyebrow.

Jessica blushed fifty shades of red and looked away. Beni made an oooooh sound and Gen just turned away.

"Focus," I said in a serious tone. "Father says we have an important task to accomplish."

They all stopped fooling around and turned towards me. Yup, I was their new leader from now. Our objective was to retrieve the key to the Tenkai Fort so we could obtain unimaginable power that could help us get rid of the knights once and for all. 

"Blah blah," Beni said with great annoyance. "Why don't we just get rid of those losers on Earth? I mean, we have a secret weapon."

"Secret weapon?" Gen asked, looking confused.

Beni walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Mhm. My little sister here is someone all four of those idiots are in love with. They wouldn't dare hurt her, but she doesn't care to hurt them. So we can take 'em out in flash."

Gen nodded slightly, approving of the idea. Jessica however was somewhat unsure, as she was also in love with a certain somebody, and didn't want people to use love as a weapon for hatred. But since Gen was all good for the idea, she had no choice. She reluctantly agreed, and we decided to split up into two teams. Beni and Jessica would search for the key while Gen and I took care of the knights. I knew I would please my father if I got rid of the most powerful knights at the Corekai's disposal. We would win this war for sure.


Mr. White walked back and forth in his room as he waited impatiently for the boys to arrive. He prepared tea and snacks as always and started dusting off his shelves when suddenly the door burst open.

"What is it, Mr. White?!" a voice yelled.

"Ah, Guren. Glad you're here. Where are the others?" Mr. White asked, sighing in relief.

"They're on their way. Any news about Alex?!" Guren asked.

"Yes, but it's not any news that would help you in bringing her back, I'm afraid."

Guren sulked. He sat down on the couch slowly, not saying anything. Soon, the other three boys entered and sat with him.

"What's up, Mr. White?" Toxsa asked as cheerfully as he could. 

"Ah good, you're all here. Let's cut right to the chase," Mr. White began.

"Well that's a first," Ceylan joked.

"Listen. I know you boys have a weakness for Alex. Please be careful. I can already tell Beni will use Alex against you four, but you need to be strong. Do not fall for their trap."

They all gave each other a hurtful look, unsure of what to say or do. They knew they couldn't fall for her again, because it would mean the end of both worlds. But they couldn't find it in their hearts to ever hurt her either, despite what she had become.

"You may stay here for a while. Think about it. I'll be in the back if you need me." Mr. White walked off and closed the door behind him, sitting in his chair as tension built up on his slim face.


"So, you and Gen have something going on, hm?" Beni snickered, playfully elbowing Jessica in the arm.

"N-No! I-I mean..." Jessica said with a blush, unable to find the right words.

"So, how did it happen?" Beni asked with curiosity. It was a long walk to their predicted location to where the key was, so they had some time to talk.

"W-well..." Jessica began. She sighed as she knew there was no way out of this. Beni was to be obeyed and there was no getting out of anything she started. She took a deep breath and began her story. "Gen and I knew each other for quite some time...ever since I lost my parents and family, I was all alone. I had to find ways to survive...every day was just a struggle for me. I would get bullied by the neighborhood kids because I wasn't 'good enough.' It was terrible. I didn't even feel like living anymore. But then..Gen came along. These four guys were ganging up on me, hitting me with their belts..and bags..but he showed up and taught them a lesson. He told them not to pick on me anymore or they'll face consequences, and then he picked me up and took me to his house. Since then, we've been close. But one day I thought I was too much of a burden for him, so I left without any warning. I guess fate wanted us to meet up again, because we ended up going to the same school and being in the same class. After that day, we hung out and reminisced about our past..and then..after a few weeks...I confessed to him..and now..."

"That's pretty cute," Beni said with a smile. "Hey, you're on our side now. We'll make sure nobody hurts you. I'm sure my sister and I could help you with training and everything."

"Thank you, that means a lot," Jessica said, returning the smile.

"No problem. Now let's go find that key."

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