Chapter 10: Prisoners

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I slowly opened my eyes. It was very dark in the room I was in, and I could barely see anything. I tried standing up, but my hands were tied behind my back.

"What's going on?" I yelled. "Is anybody there?"

"I'm here for you, little sister," a voice said.

It was Beni.

"Why did you bring me here? What do you want?" I asked.

"Well for starters, you can leave those no good Tenkai Knights and come join father and I," she replied, smirking.

"Leave my best friends? No way!"

"Well, your little boyfriend is here, so what else do you need?"

My face turned bright red. "Where is he anyway?"

"Downstairs, in the dungeon. He's fun to play with. After a while, we are bringing in the lions and having a show!"

"Are you crazy?!" I shrieked. "Don't you dare hurt him in any way or I'll-"

"Or you'll what?" she interrupted.

I couldn't take it anymore. If she was my sister, why was she treating me like this? I moved my hands around a little, and then my fingers touched something sharp. A small piece of glass was on the floor. I carefully picked it up, and began cutting the rope. I started to ask Beni more questions so it would take her attention off my escape.

"So Beni, who's our father?" I asked.

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Does this mean you're joining us?" she replied.

"Why do you want me to join you so badly?" The rope was almost cut.

"Because you are a super powerful knight! We need you on our side to defeat the Corekai army and take over the world!"

"What made you turn sides?" I asked, already knowing the answer. I replayed the dream in my head.

"Oh, well first of all-" she began.

I had finally broken free of the ropes. I stood up, and headed straight for the door.

"Hey!" Beni yelled.

I took the rope that was around my hands and with some quick movements, I tied Beni up and closed the door. I ran down the long stairwell, hoping to find Toxsa.

"Toxsa?" I called out. I entered the dungeon, and quickly began examining the cells. Most of them were empty. After walking around for a while, I finally found him.

"A-Alex, is that you? You're okay!" he said, smiling.

Tears sprung to my eyes. Thank goodness he was alright!  "Wait here, I'll find some way to get you out!"

"Your sister took the keys and threw them out," he said, with a sad tone.

Just then, the guards came running towards me.

"Step away from the prisoner!" they yelled. Their voices echoed throughout the dungeon.

"Alex, run! Just leave me here, save yourself!" Toxsa yelled.

"No, there's no way I'm leaving you!" I replied back, grabbing the bars on his cell with my hands. I had to think of something quick. Suddenly, I got an idea. I pulled my butterfly hair clip out of my hair. I stuck it in the lock, and I moved it around, hoping it would open the lock. And it worked! I pulled open the heavy metal door.

"Step back this instant!" the guards yelled.

I picked up one of the bars and threw it at them, making them lose their balance. The guards all fell down like dominoes. It wasn't enough to stop them, but it bought us a little time. I used the sharp part of my hair clip and cut the ropes. I grabbed Toxsa's hand and pulled him out of there.

"Are you okay?" I asked, with tears in my eyes.

"Alex, I'm okay, don't cry..." he replied.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I hugged him tightly. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. Just then, I heard Beni's voice.

"Aw, how romantic. But I'm not letting you get away! Guards, seize them!!" she yelled.

Toxsa grabbed my hand and pulled me in the other direction. We ran back up the stairs, and tried to find the portal that brought us here. We scanned the area, and we spotted it. We raced towards it, and Beni came up behind us. Fortunately for us, she was too late. Toxsa and I stepped through the portal. Beni was totally infuriated.

"You may think you can escape, but I'll make sure that you pay for what you've done little sister! I won't stop until you join me!" she yelled.

And that was the last thing I heard before I disappeared into the portal.


We ended up in the same dark alley from which we were transported from. The sun was shining. We headed back towards Toxsa's house and went inside.

"AND WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?!" a loud voice yelled. It was Wakamei.

"Oh, uh, we were..." I began.

"How long were we gone?" Toxsa asked.

"I don't know, overnight maybe? Toxsa, I know you like her, but seriously? Going out on a date at that hour?" she said, sighing.

We both turned red and started blushing.

"Wakamei!" he yelled.

"Okay you two, you're going to be late for school! I'll make you breakfast while you go get ready! Hurry up!" she said, nudging us forward. 

While Toxsa was getting ready, I sat on the bed, lost deep in thought. I couldn't stop thinking about Beni. Was she really my sister? She had to be. We have the same eye color and she looks like the sister in all of my visions/dreams. All of this was too much. I didn't understand a lot of it. I lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes for just a second. A message played in my head, like it was telepathic. 


I quickly opened my eyes. Oh great, another scary vision. Why did this keep happening to me? I decided to go eat my breakfast to take my mind off things. I started walking towards the kitchen when suddenly, the cord from the video game detached itself from the game box and slithered towards me.  It wrapped itself around my legs and I tumbled forward. 

"Hey, what in the world?" I shrieked, falling to floor. 

The cord tied itself around my arms and I couldn't get up. It started dragging me back into the room. Just then, a huge scary figure appeared in front of me. I tried not to scream. The cord kept pulling me closer and closer. I struggled to get free. After a couple of seconds, I was able to break free of the cord's grasp and escape. The nightmare figure disappeared. I sat down on the bed, and my forehead was sweating. That's when it hit me. The real world nightmare had begun. 

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