Chapter 18: Tenkai Fortress

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Vilius cleared his throat, making sure that his army was prepared to head out. He glanced around the room and checked to see if everyone was in position, in which they were. He took a stance at his higher position above everyone else and began explaining the plan. 

"Listen up. I will lead the army towards the fortress, and I want my daughters to follow right behind me, followed by Sylvia and Dromus. The rest of you will be behind them, guarding each side. We will use the key to open the fortress and take its power before learning how to wield it. Once we've obtained the power, we'll use it to destroy those knights once and for all."

Everyone cheered, fully on board with the plan. I smiled, completely ready to execute my father's brilliant idea. 

"This is going to be exciting," Beni said, curling her fingers into fists. 

"Whatever," Gen scoffed, turning around.

Jessica stood there blushing at him while my eyes scanned across the room, liking how big our army was. There was no way those stupid knights would stand a chance against us. We'd take them all out, and obtain unimaginable power at the same time.

"So when do we head out?" I called up to my father.

"Right now," Vilius told me, standing up. "Corrupted Army, head out! Stay in formation."

"Sir!" they all saluted, turning around in complete synchronization. 

"Tenkai Fortress, here we come," Beni grinned, rubbing her hands together.


"MR. WHITE!" Guren huffed, bursting the door to his store open as he barged inside. 

Chooki followed behind, not even slightly out of breath. "EMERGENCY!"

"Boys!" Mr. White exclaimed, nearly dropping his cup. "Would you like some tea?"

"NO TIME!" Guren panted, gripping his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "Alex...Gen...."

"What about them?" Mr. White questioned, not understanding.

"They came after us!" Chooki explained, running his fingers through his blonde fringe. "They were right on our tails, but then suddenly vanished!"

"Are you sayi-" Mr. White began.

He was interrupted as Toxsa and Ceylan entered the room, breathing heavily. They collapsed onto the floor as they tried to regain their normal breathing rate. 

"Are you guys alright?!" Guren asked, running up to them. He kneeled down beside Ceylan while placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Just fine," Ceylan breathed out, falling back against Toxsa's back. "Jeez I really need to work out."

"Chooki seems fine as always," Toxsa pointed out, pouting.

Chooki just smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Boys? Back to what you were saying?" Mr. White reminded them.

"Oh, right!" Guren exclaimed, standing up. "Alex and Gen, they attacked us! Right before Alex got us though, she just disappeared into thin air!"

"Is Gen gone too?" Chooki asked, turning towards Toxsa and Ceylan.

They simply nodded, letting out a huge puff of breath. 

"Oh my, this can't be good..." Mr. White mumbled, placing his forefinger on his chin. 

"What is it, Mr. White?" Guren asked, looking at him.

"It seems they've been summoned back forcefully...that's all I can think of..." 

"Summoned? What kind of emergency would cause someone to summon them out of nowhere? Especially when they were this close to capturing us..." Chooki wondered.

"No..." Mr. White whispered, his eyes widening. Beads of sweat slid down the sides of his head.

"Wha? What is it?" Toxsa asked. "Did ya see a ghost or something?"

"I can't believe they were able to locate the key so quickly..." Mr. White went on.

"Key? What key?" Ceylan questioned.

"The key to the Tenkai Fortress! The Tenkai Stone!" Mr. White blurt out, exasperated.

"What's the Tenkai Fortress?" Chooki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sounds like some epic boss level scene in a video game," Toxsa joked.

"It's a legendary and mysterious place, located on Quarton," Mr. White started. "It has been told to have great powers inside of it. The only way to break the seal is to use the Tenkai Stone." 

"Great power?" Guren thought, his eyes now widening as well. "We can't let someone like Vilius get their hands on that!" 

"That's right! Hurry, you have no time to waste, get going!" Mr. White urged, opening up the portal.

"Let's go, you guys!" Guren called, racing towards the portal. Chooki dashed behind him, following suit.

Ceylan used Toxsa as support to stand up and nearly tripped as he hobbled over to the portal. Toxsa grabbed onto the arm of the couch, letting out a deep sigh. "Hey! Could ya wait for me?!" He stood up and chased after them, now entering the portal.

After their transformation, the four knights arrived on Quarton. The land was very desolate, surprisingly. Nothing and nobody was in sight. It was just plain rocks and soil everywhere.

"So, where are they?" Valorn asked, scratching his head.

"We need to find the fortress," Bravenwolf told him. "Maybe Beag can help us."

"Knights!" a voice called from the distance.

"Well look who's just in time," Tributon smiled.

"We have discovered that Vilius and his army have located the Tenkai Stone!" Beag warned, rushing towards them. "We must hurry!"

"Right! Take us there!" Bravenwolf commanded. Beag nodded and started heading north with the knights following close behind.

After running for a couple of miles, Beag, the knights, and the Corekai army made it to the fortress. Vilius and his corrupted army were already there, getting close to going inside the fortress.

"I've had enough running for one day," Tributon huffed out as they came to a stop.

"Stop right there!" Bravenwolf called, appearing in front of the fortress. "Hand over the Tenkai Stone!"

"Ah, foolish knights. I was wondering when you'd be here," Vilius remarked, chuckling evilly. "Unfortunately for you all, it's too late. We win."

"You can't win the game before it even starts!" Lydendor argued.

"There's no way you'll win. Not against my daughters and my soldiers," Vilius told them with full confidence. "Clawda. Venetta. Dromus. Sylvia. Take care of them."

"You got it," we all said in unison.

Finally, it was our chance to face the knights in battle. This time, they'd end up dead. I'll make sure of it.

I pushed my way past the Corrupted army soldiers, getting closer to where my former teammates were. Soon, I stood before them, a sinister smile creeping across my face. 

"Glad we could meet again," I announced, holding out my weapon.

I watched as the knights flinched in front of me, almost as if they were nervous or unwilling to fight me. Perfect. I didn't like easy fights, but getting rid of them was top priority, so whatever it took was fine by me. As long as they were destroyed.

My sister, Dromus, and Sylvia appeared at my side, getting into position. I looked straight into the Tenkai Knights' eyes, a glint of excitement residing in them.

"This time, I won't let you live. You can be sure of that."

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