Chapter 19: The Way Back

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"I can't do this..." Tributon choked out, clutching his weapon nervously. "Why her? Why do we have to fight her?"

"This is worse than losing the boss level of your favorite video game," Valorn added, stabbing his weapon into the ground. "This seriously bites..."

"But it seems like the only way to win this game is to defeat her...can we really do it?" It was rare seeing even Lydendor discouraged.

"Guys, I know this is really bad," Guren said, clearing his throat. "But we have no other choice."

"You're serious about fighting her?!" Tributon exclaimed in surprise. "You...dude, seriously?!"

"I really don't want to, but what other choice do we have?" he asked, his voice becoming tighter.

"Well...we'll figure something out! You always find a way, don't you, Guren?!" 

"She willingly chose to go over to their side. This isn't something we can fix."

"Wow, and you call yourself her friend?" Valorn cut in.

"Huh?" Guren said.

"I don't know about you, but I know Alex. She isn't the type of person who'd abandon us willingly and choose to join their side. Daughter or not, she doesn't care about that stuff. She'd never join someone like Vilius and Beni. I thought we were her family..." Valorn explained, glancing up ahead to where their opponents were standing.

"Wow, Toxsa is actually using his brain!" Tributon joked.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, offended.

"But he's right," Tributon continued. "Alex didn't choose to be on their side. Something happened to her during the time she was kidnapped."

"Seems like we have cheaters on this field," Lydendor pointed out. "Using secret techniques that don't follow the rules of the game..."

"Seriously, Chooki. Stop with the game references; I don't get them," Tributon sighed.

"Hey! Are you losers just gonna stand there and chit-chat or are we gonna fight?!" Venetta yelled from the other side of the battlefield.

"I say let them talk," I said, smirking. "They don't have much time to live anyway."

"You see that? Alex would never say something like that to anyone, not even people she doesn't like," Valorn pointed out. 

"We have to figure out what caused her to change, and maybe that'll be the key to turning her back!" Guren realized, all the pieces connecting together.

"It's worth a shot. Looks like we've got two keys to retrieve," Lydendor nodded.

"Okay, here's the plan," Guren commanded, drawing in their attention. "We fight for as long as we can, and in the process we try to get information. We can avoid attacking Alex as much as possible, so focus on Venetta, Dromus, and Sylvia first. Got it?"

"Got it!" the other three knights agreed. 

"We'll make the first move," Guren stated, getting into fighting stance. He turned around to face Beag. "Beag, can you do us a favor?"

"Anything you want, Bravenwolf!" Beag saluted.

"Can you and your men try and distract Al-- er, Clawda? Keep her at a safe distance or find a way to trap her."

"Will do!" he nodded. The rest of the Corekai army nodded as well, keeping the plan in mind. 

"Good, now go!" Guren commanded, charging towards the enemies.

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