Chapter 17: Hunting for Knights

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"So, where do we find them?" Gen asked me. We were walking side by side, strolling down the streets with our eyes full on alert. They could show up any minute and we'd have to be ready.

"I have a list of places we could check," I answered. "Pretty useful, aren't I?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Gen warned. "This isn't the time to flatter yourself."

"Jeez I was only kidding," I huffed. 

"Just tell me where the first location is."

"Alright Mr. Impatient, first we check Wakamei's diner. We used to eat there, and Toxsa's, er, Valorn's sister works there."

"Alex, I go to the same school as them. I know their names," Gen reminded.

"Oh yeah," I said, rubbing my head sheepishly. "Forgot."

Gen rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets. "So, should we split up or go together?"

"I'd say just stick together. I mean, they'll all probably be in the same place anyways." 

We continued down the street until the diner came into our line of sight. I pushed open the door and held it for Gen. He walked inside and I followed, and then we went straight to the counter. Wakamei seemed busy, so we had to wait a couple of minutes before talking to her. 

We took the seats on the spinning chairs and observed all the customers without attracting any attention to ourselves. Unfortunately for us, the knights were nowhere in sight. We would've left, but Wakamei might have a clue as to where they were, so we decided to wait. Gen and I ordered drinks and a small cake to refuel ourselves, and we ate them quietly until the familiar voice of Toxsa's sister rang through the air.

"Hey, Alex! Long time no see!" she greeted.

"Yeah, hi," I answered. "Do you know where Toxsa and the others are?"

Wakamei raised an eyebrow, getting suspicious. Probably because I had a different manner to the way I was speaking. "Uh, yeah. They just went to the park."

I exchanged a glance with Gen and we nodded to each other. We hopped off the seats, thanked Wakamei, left some money, and walked out the door. 

"Um, see ya..." Wakamei waved. She turned around and went back to her duties.

"That was too easy," Gen said. "Not that I'm complaining."

"You just gotta know where to find the information," I said with a grin. "I can't wait for this."

"Don't you care at all?" Gen asked out of the blue, stopping me in my tracks. 

"What are you saying?" I asked, turning to face him. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"No. I'm just curious. You were so close to them, and now you want to kill them? Were you using them this whole time?"

"Not exactly. I just realized that I don't need people like them," I answered. "And they're a threat to my family."

"I get it. But just so you know, family isn't always your blood-relatives. Sometimes true family can be your close friends."

"Quit babbling and hurry up, the park is just up ahead," I muttered. "And don't talk to me about my past self. I don't want to hear it."

The two of us took a separate route to the park, not saying anything to each other. After getting close to the park, we leaped up into a nearby tree, and there, standing next to the playground, were our targets. They were talking amongst themselves, probably planning a get together event. I gave Gen the signal. We had decided to go for a casual approach, and trick them into falling for our trap. 

Gen remained at his spot on the tree branch. I carefully leapt down, and approached them with caution. I plastered a fake smile onto my face and it soon turned into a real smile as I saw their eyes widen with surprise. 

"A-Alex?" Ceylan stuttered.

"Y-you came back to us!" Toxsa cried.

"No way..." Guren exclaimed with a wide smile. "Alex, you're really here!"

"Hey, been a while," I greeted.

"So, what happened? Did you break out of Beni's spell?" Chooki asked.

"Something like that," I answered, my smile growing. "Did you guys miss me?"

"More than anything," they yelled, running up to me. I glanced back at Gen and gave him the signal. 

At that very moment, Gen leaped down from the tree and attacked them all at once. Only Ceylan and Toxsa were affected, however, because Guren and Chooki dodged. I gritted my teeth. We were so close! Ceylan and Toxsa fell on their backs and probably bruised their arms.

"Mr. White warned us!" Guren yelled. "Ceylan, Toxsa, you two okay?!"

"I could go for some lime parfait right now..." Ceylan mumbled from dizziness. 

" Mr. White..we'll handle this.." Toxsa mumbled. He pushed himself up and glared at us.

"Right.." Chooki said. "Let's go, Guren!" 

Guren nodded and ran off with Chooki to Mr. White's shop after telling his other two friends to be careful.

"Alex, go after them! I'll handle these two!" Gen yelled.

"Right!" I agreed. I turned around and ran after Chooki and Guren. 

"So, you two ready to go down?" Gen asked with a smirk. 

"Why are you working with Alex?!" Toxsa asked.

"None of your business," Gen remarked. He charged at Ceylan and Toxsa who managed to dodge this time. They both teamed up and started attacking him with punches, but Gen was too fast for them. Gen was just about to attack again when suddenly his core brick started glowing and a holographic image appeared. 

"Gen. Come back with my sister. Jess and I found the key. Hurry!" It was a hologram of Beni, holding the key to the Tenkai Fortress. 

"Wait-!" Gen began, but it was too late. He disappeared in pixelations, and was teleported back to Quarton.

"What the.." Ceylan began. 

"Forget him. We gotta go after Alex!" Toxsa exclaimed, heading towards Mr. White's shop. Ceylan nodded and followed close behind.

"I GOT YOU NOW!" I yelled, leaping up into the air. I prepared to pounce on Guren and Chooki, but before I landed, I felt my body dissolving. "Hey! Not now! WAIT!"

Guren and the others watched as I faded way, leaving no trace behind.

A couple of seconds later, I landed with a thud in my father's lair. I groaned and stood up, rubbing my sore back. "Couldn't you have waited another second?!"

"We were close to destroying them," Gen agreed.

"Important matters first," Vilius commanded. "Time to conquer the Tenkai Fortress."

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