Chapter 1: The New Kid

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I opened my eyes as the beautiful, warm sun cast a glow upon my face. I yawned and pulled my magenta-colored (my favorite color!) covers off. I stepped into my bunny slippers, and went to the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower, and then styled my hair the way I liked it. I put on a tiny bit of makeup, just because I needed a little more appeal on my face. I hate makeup, but I guess putting on a little blush and lipgloss isn't too bad. 

"Hey Alex, (sorry, I know the name isn't japanese) I made you waffles! Come eat!" My mom was reminding me to eat breakfast. I usually forgot, mostly because I don't really like eating breakfast all that much. I thought it was always a bit too early to eat food. 

I rushed downstairs and shoved the waffles into my mouth. 

"Finwhished.." I muffled. I wiped my mouth, hugged my mom, and ran out the door to get to school. 

"Hey Alex!" my friend Amber called out. She ran over to me and gave me a hug. 

"Hey Amber, what's up?" I said to her. 

Amber was a tall, pretty girl with glowing orange hair. She had the coolest eyes ever. They glowed a tangerine orange. She wore a cute little sundress. I was always a little jealous of her beauty. Amber was sometimes a little overprotective and bossy, but I still loved her anyway. 

"So did you get the books I wanted?" she asked, looking me in the eyes. 

"I-I uh, kinda forgot?" I didn't want to lie but I couldn't let her know the real reason why I didn't get those books. 

"Oh come on Alex, you have to stop being shy about things. You're always the little nice, innocent, and naïve one. You should be more like me," she bragged. 

"Well, okay, I'll try I guess," I replied. 

Amber was always telling me to be more like her. I admit that she's a pretty great person, but I really like just being myself. A shy, nice, animal-loving, artist! My friends (including Amber) always described my personality as an "odd mix of tomboy and girly girl." It actually was the perfect description of me. I liked sports and hanging out with boys, while enjoying some girl things too. 

The bell rung and interrupted my trail of thoughts. 

"Catch ya later Alex," Amber said, waving to me as she raced off to class. 

"Bye," I said back. I slowly walked to my history class and sat in my usual spot, right across from Ceylan Jones. 

I've always wanted to be friends with Ceylan. He was the class clown, and I absolutely adore guys who can make me laugh. But as you know, I'm super shy. I didn't have the guts to go and talk to him. Or atleast, not until today.

Class started off differently. Today, there was a new kid joining our class.

"I'd like you all to meet Guren," the teacher told our class. "He's a new transfer student." She asked him to talk a little more about himself. 

Guren had black and red hair, and blue-violet eyes. He wore a red t-shirt on top of a white long-sleeved shirt. He had blue cargo jeans with beige suspenders hanging on the sides. His shoes were red.

He said his name was Guren Nash and that he moved here because of his dad's work. He also seemed to like our great tower, Benham Tower. During his little speech, I caught him looking at me. I turned red and started blushing. Just then, Ceylan threw a paper airplane at his head. I put my hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh. It was a little mean of Ceylan to do that, but you have to admit, it was pretty funny. 

The teacher told Guren to go sit next to Ceylan. As he passed by, I waved to him and smiled. He smiled back and gave a little wave as well and I saw his face turn red. Awww, he was so adorable! 

In the middle of class, Guren started laughing. I'm guessing it had something to do with Ceylan. His voice sounded so magical. His sweet, soothing voice and his adorable little laugh made me blush and giggle. 

After class ended, I managed to convince myself to make a move. I slowly walked up to Guren and Ceylan. You can do this, I said to myself. Just be confident. 

"H-h-hey guys," I stammered. 

Ceylan was blushing and he looked super shocked. "H-hey, Alex..." he replied back. 

I smiled. Putting on a smile was one step on making a good first impression. "Hi, Guren. My name is Alexandra, but you can just call me Alex. So, since you're new, want me to show you around town?"

Guren gave me a little smile and said, "Hey, Alex. Your name is so pretty...Just like you... I mean uh sure. I'd love if you showed me around, haha." I caught him staring into my eyes. I smiled, and my face turned red again. 

"Hey Ceylan, want to come along?" I didn't want him to feel left out. And plus, I've been dying to talk to him all year. 

"Y-yeah, I'd love to!" he said. "Hey um can you give us a moment, we'll meet you outside."

I nodded and walked out of the classroom and stood in front of this tree that I always go to. Amber walked up to me.

"Hey Alex, I can't hang out today, I've got tons of homework. And then I've got cheerleading practice and then I've got to go shopping and after that I'm going out with this really cute boy and yeah so anything new with you?" She was talking so fast I could barely understand what she was saying.

"Actually, yes," I replied back. "I finally talked to Ceylan Jones!" I felt the excitement rush into me. 

"OMG you actually did it! That's my Alex!" She gave me hug. I loved how Amber always treated me like her younger sister. I felt safe and happy by her side. 

"We got this new kid in class, his name is Guren, and he's really nice and sweet and I-I think he may have a crush on me," I squeaked.

"Aww Alex that is so cute!" Amber said, jumping up and down.

"But you know I'm not into dating, remember? I'm into love, but I just don't feel comfortable with all this dating stuff-" 

"Nonsense," said Amber, cutting me off. "Go spend time with him!"

I told her that we were all hanging out today after school and I was showing Guren around town. 

"Not exactly what I'd imagined as a first date, but it's worth a shot!" she smirked.

"Amber, it's not a date! And plus, Ceylan is coming with us!" I shot back, blushing. 

"Well, have fun! I gotta go now! Love ya, bye!" Amber raced off before I could say bye back.  


"Dude thank you so much I owe you big time!" Ceylan said, grabbing Guren's shoulders. 

"What? What did I do?" Guren asked, confused.

"I've been trying to talk to Alex the whole school year! She's the most beautiful girl in the entire world... she's so funny and sweet and smart and now finally she talked to me because of you!" 

"Oh.. that's nice," Guren said, looking a little disappointed. 

"What's wrong dude? Aren't you happy for me?" Ceylan asked, with a puzzled look on his face. 

"So, you have a crush on her?" Guren asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Well yeah, duh! Why wouldn't I? She's like the most perfect girl ever," Ceylan said, with hearts in his eyes. 

Deep down, Guren did have feelings for Alex. He loved her beautiful magenta-colored hair that was straight and swept up in the back. He loved her cute little butterfly hairclip and her super cool outfit. The sunshine yellow medium-length shorts with a green belt and a cute pink top with a pawprint on it. It was all put together by magenta colored boots. The thing he loved about her most was the way she was so nice and friendly to him today. Yes, Guren Nash was in love. But he couldn't let Ceylan know, now that he knew that he liked her too. 

"It's um nothing. Hey, I bet she's been waiting for us for awhile. Let's go," Guren said. 

And with that said, they both strolled off to go find Alex. 

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