Chapter Two:You're not the only ones

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*Emily's POV*

I woke up at 6am this morning. And I was feeling really good for some, reason. Which is weird because nobody should smile before the hours of 10:30am. But oh well. I was having my breakfast. My mum made pancakes. My favourite! Drenched with syrup.... sprinkled with berries..... And oh the sweet smell... "How's Aria?",my mum asked interrupting my beautiful thoughts. "Oh em I dunno. The girls and I don't really hang out with each other anymore, ever since toy know what...". "Well, her funeral is coming up soon and I'm sure the DiLaurentis family would like you girls to make a speech." "Yeah, I'll ask the other girls about it, if I get a chance.", I smiled weakly at my mother. I wonder what Aria would look like. Would she have taken out that pink stripe in her hair that her dad hated?

"Hey Aria!", I smiled. "Hi Emily! I haven't seen you in like two months!",she gave me a hug. "I know right. So em, Alison's funeral is coming up and Miss DiLaurentis wants us to make a speech,with Spencer and Hanna of course but I haven't sen them so I wonder if you wanted to come over after school and work on it?",I asked, "Yeah,that'd give us time to catch up and stuff". The rest of day,nothing special really happened. This was basically my timetable:

8:00 :Boring subject

Boring subject

Boring subject


Boring subject

Boring subject

Swim practice







At 3:30 I waited outside the school for Aria. When she came out we walked to my house together. On the way, we just chatted a bit.

Note on the fridge :

Emily I'm gone to work ill be back at 5:30. There's so leftovers in the fridge. Love you xx

We went up to my room and started brainstorming. "Hi. We're so said that this happened. We wished, she could've lived longer. It was so sudden-" "Em Aria it's meant to be a speech not a fact file..", I said. We bursted out laughing. "I missed times like this.",Aria said. "Same", I agreed. "Let's take a break and just catch up with each other." She agreed. She asked questions, I asked questions. Most of our answers were the same except that she wasn't in a relationship. You'd think guys would be falling head over heels for her. "Emily.. I need to tell you about something. I don't know who else to talk to.". "Okaayy... But you're kinda scaring me", I said. "You see, I've been got this message...-". "From A?",I interrupted. She nodded. "Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one. At first I thought it was one of you girls.But it couldn't have been. And also the text I got from A was a secret, that only Alison could know." "That's freaky.." Beep! Beep! Our phones both went off at the same time. We looked at each other worriedly before check out our phones. What a surprise (note sarcasm) It was A!

Received 19 May 13 16:06 from Blocked Number

Aww, reunited at last and it feels so good I bet! Oh how I wish I could join you two. Maybe I could. I mean your mum wouldn't know she's gone until 5:30. But maybe we'll save that for another time.

Love ya Girly xx A-

"The same message." "At the same time", we both said after each other. "Do you realise that A is watching us right now Emily!". "Oh gosh and Alison used to call us Girly!! This is just insane." "Do you think Spencer and Hanna are getting these texts aswell?",Aria asked. "We'll have to ask them tomorrow at school. During lunch." "K. Oh and can I stay over tonight. I'm scared to walk home.." "Of course you can. I've missed you." We gave each other a hug.





*Aria's POV*

I thought the lunch bell would never ring. But eventually it did. I walked into the cafeteria with Emily. We saw Spencer and Hanna, sitting together. So they must be talking about A, I mean why else would they be talking.

Emily and I made our way to their table and sat a opposite them. "Be subtle", Emily whispered into my ear. "Hi guys,we haven't talked in a while", Spencer said. "Yea-", Emily was about to say something polite but I interrupted her. "You were talking about A, weren't you?",I asked even though I meant it as a statement. "What happened to being subtle?", Emily asked me. "I'm sorry but there's no time to waste, we've got to find out who that person is." I said, making eye contact with each girl. "Yeah. We have.",Spencer said. "That bitch is crazy!We've got to tell the cops.",Hanna suggested. "Oh yeah and then the whole world finds out our darkest deepest secrets? Wouldn't that be amazing Hanna?",Spencer whisper yelled. "Spencer's right", I said. Beep Beep Beep Beep!

Received 20 May 13 10:56 am

I agree with Spencer. I mean you girls look innocent but your not. Imagine if Hanna's mum found out she shoplifts! oh I said to much already. I forgot you dont tell each other everything. Right Aria?


Spencer and Emily looked up to Hanna and I. All I could do was shrug. -A was really crossing the line.



The next morning I wasn't feeling too good. I was tossing and turning all night. I couldn't keep my mind off the fact that -A knew about me and Ezra. What if he or she told the girls about it. Or even worse, the principal! He could loose his job. And it'd seem, like it was my fault. I couldn't just do nothing about it. So I thought of what to do.

Sent at 20 May 13 6:43 am To Blocked Number


What will it take for you to stay quiet, about me and Ezra. Please respond!

Received 20 May 13 6:44 am From Blocked Number


Well... I heard Hanna and Mona were planning to go shopping. I need you to sneak around and take a picture of Hanna, shoplifting. Then send it to me. If you can do that then your secrets safe with me. But if not, I might feel like having a chat with the principal..,

Thankies, -A

I thought it through for a while. Should I really do this. I mean its not like Hanna and I are completely best friends and maybe if she gets caught, she might not do it again. But what does -A want from the picture?..

Sent at 20 May 13 6;47 am To Blocked Number


I'll do it.

That's when I made a deal with the devil.



Thanks guys :) xx bye

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