Chapter Twenty Three:"I'm -A"

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hey people :) this is the last chapter o_O I can't believe this story has come so far! Over 21K reads! I remember before when there were only about 80reads..
Thanks to every single reader, commenter and voter <3 I love you all x So here you go :) Time to find out who -A has been all this time..
hopefully those of you who haven't watched the show will be surprised or wouldn't have thought of the person :)

here you go..









*Aria's POV*


The girls and I ran off the runway and out the school hall where the event was taking place. "You all have your phones? Yeah?," I asked the girls. If any of us got a hold of the 'black hoodie' aka '-A' we would call the rest of us, letting us know where we were. We all split up, running in different directions in order to find the 'black hoodie'.

I'd been searching for about two minutes, thinking of how good -A must be at hiding, since I hadn't gotten a call from any of the girls, confirming they had found -A.

Looking around in classrooms, I sighed as they were all empty..

"We will find you -A. We're not letting you go this time" I said to myself.







*Emily's POV*


"Hello?," I questioned after feeling the breeze of someone rushing past me. "I know you're here." I walked around looking in different directions.

*CRASH* I jerked my head around as soon as I heard that noise. I could see -A in he science lab smashing test tubes and all sorts of equipment made of glass onto the floor. Some even contains chemicals which stopped me from entering the room.

I called each of the girls letting them know where I was and about a minute and a half later they were with me.

"Ok, girls cover your noses. We don't know what type of chemicals -A could've unleashed in there" Spencer instructed us, being the smart one. We all obeyed her and she opened the door and we all walked in.

-A was in a black hoodie and black jeans with some high tops. And of course the high tops were also black. -A's back was faced towards us, their face not in clear view.

The girls and I began to walk further into the room trying to reach where -A was standing.







*Spencer's POV*


If I were you, I wouldn't step any closer" they said facing their back towards us. As in 'they', I meant -A. -A's voice sounded incredibly familiar even though they were using a deep voice to disguise their real voice.

"Who are you? Might as well tell us 'cuz there's no escaping this time," Hanna said. "We've caught you red handed."

"I don't think you know who you're dealing with. Just because you can find out who I am doesn't mean I'll stop tormenting you." "You should know by now that I'm not afraid of anything."

"Oh don't worry we know. We learned that the hard way..," Emily stated, muttering the last part.

I faced towards Hanna, signalling for her to sneak behind -A and unmask them. Emily started asking questions again to distract -A while Hanna sneaked up.

"Step Back!," -A said loud and clearly as Hanna quickly returned to her original spot, wondering how -A knew someone was sneaking up behind them.

"As I've said in my text messages, I know everything."

"Look, you've tormented us and we've been through hell! We are not letting this chance slip away. You either turn around and show us who you are by yourself or I do it for you!," Aria shouted, me wondering where she got that amount of confidence to shout at -A.

"Oh really?," -A teased. I imagined a smirk being on -A's face as they said that.







*Hanna's POV*


"Just give it up already. I for one am tired of all this back and fort!" I shouted silencing everybody. "You've made my life a living nightmare -A!" "Do you know how much we've had to go through because of you? If I stood here and named all the things, I would be here for like a year and I'm not even exaggerating."

I wiped under my right eye as I felt a tearing strolling down. "Can we just end this? Why have you been touring us? What did we do to deserve all of the hate, manipulating and deceiving you've given to us."

"I just want it all to be over..," my voice cracked as the girls comforted me giving me hugs.

At last the moment we had been waiting for happened. -A turned around.

"Seriously? A mask? Didn't you just hear my speech?," I questioned annoyed.

-A raised their hand and pulled off their mask. Who it turned out to be shocked me. My mouth was hanging open as more tears began streaming down my face.

"You! All this time it has been you! You were -A and you've been around us all this time and we didn't even notice!," Emily showed her anger towards -A as she seethed through her words.

"I always knew there was something off about you," Aria said looking into her eyes.

-A was a girl.

"And you're standing there with a smirk on your face? You don't care about how Hanna must be feeling right now," Spencer said shaking her head.

"You've been deceiving me all this time, pretending to be my friend," I cried.

"Yeah well if it wasn't for your friend Alison, you wouldn't have suffered through all of this. If only she was nice to me. But no one knew how much I liked getting revenge. Everyone thought I was just the girl at the back of the class with pigtails and glasses," -A spoke. "People need to remember that not everyone is who they appear to be."

"I'm -A." "Better get used to it because there's no going to the cops unless you want all your precious secrets to be revealed."

"You are so evil," I slowly said to the girl in front of me, who was -A.

"That's right." "I, Mona Vanderwall, is -A."


DUN DUN DUN!!! So yup that's it! Thank you so much to everybody who read this story and voted and commented. If you enjoyed the overall story please make sure to go back and vote on the other chapters please :D

Love you x peace out :)

Until the next book...


Copyright to Esty143©

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