Chapter Fourteen:The Motel

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This chapter is unedited.

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This chapter is just about Toby and Spencer :)

P.s Don't be a silent reader x

*Spencer's POV*


I was at home alone, watching tv when I heard a knock on the door. I got up from my seat and went to open the door. It was Toby and in his hand was a sheet of paper.

"Here you go.."he said pushing the sheet in mine direction. I took it from him and looked at what was on the sheet. It had dots on it which I assumed was a Braille. The dots that the blind use to read. So it must've been Jenna's.

"You went through her stuff?" I asked him. "Thanks."

"No problem. We need to find out what it says

"Okay I'll check it on the Internet." I took the iPad from the table and went into safari. I typed "The Braille Alphabet" then pressed the search button. I clicked on the first link in the results which took me to a website that had all of the letters and numbers in Braille.

I used my fingers to trail along the dots on the sheet of white paper. I spoke as I tried to figure out what the message said.

"Two....One.....Four...?"I said confused. "What the hell is that supposed to mean!"

"This is useless,"Toby sighed. "I'm just gonna put this back in Jenna's room before she notices it's missing."

And with that he walked out.

"Two,Four,One,"I thought to myself.

*Next Day*

Yesterday Toby had showed me what he found in Jenna's room. It took me a while to figure it out but I finally did. I had texted Toby and told him to come over to my house. I heard the bell and opened up the door for him.

"Hey. What did you wanna tell me,"he said as sat down.

"I figured it out. Two,Four,One."

"Well what is it then?"he asked getting impatient.

"The Rosewood Motel room 241." "We've got to get going now!" I dragged Toby out with me.

*Toby's POV*


I was in the car with Spencer. We were driving to The Rosewood Motel. She thinks that we should check out room 241 because it could somehow be a clue. I don't think so but then again, she's smarter than me.

It was a warm day so Spencer rolled down the window. I liked the way the wind blew in hair. Spencer turned her head in my direction and caught me staring at her. Thankfully she just laughed it off.

After about 15 minutes of driving we were at the motel. Spencer parked the car and we both got out then she locked the car. The motel was very creepy. For one, it was in the middle of no where and there weren't many cars. We walked into the check in place. There was a scary looking man. It was like he was a mannequin. I don't think I saw him blink until I talked.

"Hello?"the man snapped his head up.

"May I help you?"

"We would like to book a room. How about room 241?"Spencer said casually.

"Sorry. You can't have that room."

"And why is that?"I asked stepping closer to the man.

"All the rooms are full. You people should leave."

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