Chapter Three:Who To Rule Out

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*Spencer's POV*

That night. The night that the 4 of us found out we all had been getting texts from -A, I was on my bed finishing my science homework. "Hey. Need any help", Wren looked at my page "with your science homework?". My mother insisted that he stayed with for at least a week. "Not really I'm almost done anyways. But thanks", I smiled. He walked over to my shelf and took a picture frame from it. It was one of my sister and I at Disney World. "Did you go on the Extreme?". "Yeah, I loved that ride it was my favourite",I replied.

I walked over to where he was standing and showed him another photo of me from when I was 4 years old. "Oh my gosh, you were so adorable!", he looked into my eyes, "You still are", he finished his sentence with that.

And then he kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back. I mean, come one, he was British! I pulled away after 4 seconds. "I can't do this, I'm sorry", I said to him. He walked out of the room watching the floor as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. For real! He was looking at the floor as if it was showing a Beyonce concert. "I can't believe what just happened", I thought to myself.



The next morning, I looked out the window. I saw Wren with boxes and a suitcase. He was putting them in the trunk of his car. He was leaving? I went down the stairs. Melissa was crying and my mother was comforting her, patting her back. "What's going on? And why is Wren leaving? It hasn't even been 2 days yet.", I asked confused. "Wouldn't you like for him to stay! Wouldn't you?," Melissa's shouted in my face. She ran up the stairs and jammed her door. "Mum?". "Spencer how could you do this to your sister. You kissed her fiancé!", my mum raised her voice at me. "Mum, I .. - I didn't make the first move", I said not knowing what else to do. "Even if he kissed you, you let him! I expected more from you Spencer. Now go apologise to your sister." I walked up the stairs as slowly as I could not wanting to face the drama. I knocked on my sister's door. "Go Away!!!", she screamed. I opened the door slightly and walked in. "I'm so s-" "I don't wanna hear it Spencer!! Uggh I hate you!! Why did you have to be born!!",she screamed into her pillow. I had to admit. That stung a little. In all honesty it stung more than a little. It stung a lot. I walked out of her room, the same way Wren walked out of mine. Staring at the floor. When I got to my room, my phone beeped. Beep! I picked it up and saw the text:

Received 21 May 13 10:43 am From Blocked Number


See what happens Spencer. You need to always remember that only I can be sneaky. Nice try though.

Love ya xx -A


I put my phone down. I felt like sh!t. I am going to bring this -A down!





*Hanna's POV* (short)

Mona and I made our way to the Rosewood Mall. We decided to go to Forever 21 first. It was our favourite shop. I saw a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses. They were to die for. I swiftly snuck it into my purse making sure I removed the tag. I saw a really cute dress and went to try it on. I left my bag outside on a chair. After I tried it on I put it back. I'd come back for it later. Mona was ready so we walked out of the shop linking arms. Then a security guard appeared. "Miss..". My heart was beating so fast I thought it was gonna burst. "You forgot your purse.",he said smiling at me. "Ahh Thank You!",I said as calmly as I could. I wasn't caught. "Hey, I'm going to go use the bathroom", Mona said. She then went off. About a minute later my phone went off. Beep!

Received 22 May 13 12:44pm From Blocked Number


Wasn't that a close call! You could've went to jail. But I don't want that to happen just yet. I might wait till next week.

Don't worry I'll visit you everyday.

Xx -A





*Spencer's POV*

At the lunch, Emily and I sat together. Hanna had went shopping with Mona and we didn't know where Aria was. "I think after school we should come over to my place and make a list of the suspects that could be -A", I said breaking the silence. So we both agreed for Emily to come over to my house at 4 after school.

Ding Dong! I ran downstairs to get the door. "Hey Emily",I welcomed her. We grabbed some potato chips and sodas hen went up to my room. "Ok so we a need pen and paper",Emily said. After we were settled we started writing out suspects. All probably weren't -A. We kept crossing out names. It was frustrating. "I wish Hanna and Aria were here to help us", I said. ''I know it'd make thing much easi-",Emily was cut off by the beeping of two phones.

Received 22 May 13 16:43 pm


Too bad she can't be here. I have - I mean SHE has better things to be doing.

Hugs and Kisses -A


"It can't be-". "But it is." "Aria's -A! Emily!" ....



Duh Duh Duuuuuhhh!! Ahh Cliffhanger!

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