Chapter Twenty:The Invitation

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Heya :) so this is the 20th chapter! There will probably be 4 or 5 left so yeah. Thanks for all the reads, comments, votes and for adding this book to your libraries. Im really thankful for that <3

I was going to add the fashion show to this chapter but I thought it would be too long so it'll be in the next chapter :)

I wrote this on my phone, so sorry for any mistakes..

Enjoy :-*


*Hanna's POV*


"Spencer! That isn't funny!" I said to her.

"Sorry but when you tell the story like that.." she shrugged.

"I could've died Spencer. That thing was like 16 feet long." "Even ask Aria. She witnessed it."

Spencer turned her head to Aria with her right eyebrow raised. "I wouldn't say it was exactly 16 feet long.. but it was long," she said before adding "kinda" to finish her sentence which caused me to roll my eyes at her. "Sorry," she mouthed.

"So neither of us have dresses for tonight" Emily sighed. "Yup," I nodded in response.

"Well isn't that great.."

*Spencer's POV*



I shot up as soon as I heard that noise. I looked at my bedside alarm clock and read the time. 7:45. Sh!t. I should've been up 45 minutes ago! What the heck?!

I ran out of my room and into the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes then grabbed my toothbrush making sure to add tootpaste onto it. I hopped into the shower and turned it on putting my palm under to check the temparature. As I waited for it to get warm, I started brushing my teeth. As soon as the water was the right tempature, I began to have my shower while brushing my teeth during the process.


After my quick shower of 5 minutes, which was a miracle for someone like me, I grabbed a black flowy skirt that was down to above my knee and tucked my floral top into it. I also added a pair of knee high socks, a blazer and my favourite wedged boots.

I ran downstairs and thankfully there was a muffin on the kitchen table which I eat then went out to my car.

As I exited my house and was about to pass Alison's house, I saw her mum waving at me walking towards the car.

"Seriously" I muttered. Mrs DiLaurentis was a nice woman but I was already late for school. I wound down the window and she began to talk.

"Hi Spencer. You look lovely" she smiled. I smiled back as I thanked her and returned the compliment.

"I just wanted to ask if you and the other three girls could come over after school. I just want to talk to you girls about something."

"Em, sure. I'll tell the other girls" I forced a smile.

Going back to that house. I didn't know how I felt about that. I hadn't stepped foot in that house ever since Alison died. It just seemed too creepy and haunting. I sometimes get shivers when I stare at it for too long..

"Thanks darling, bye."

"Bye Mrs DiLaurentis."

*Emily's POV*


"And you said yes?" I asked, surprised.

"No, I said I would tell the rest of you."

"Well, I'm not going back there Spencer. Tell her I have to work today."

"Oh C'mon Emily, it could actually be nice?.."

"Is that a statement or a question Hanna?" I retorter as I faced her.

"She said it was important. It'll probably only be five minutes.. So what do ya say?," Aria smiled at me.

"Fine, I'll go..," I nodded in defeat.


Ok so there ya go :-D and it so much better to write because they've added bold and italics to the mobile app :)

Ok so who else cant w8 till PLL returns. and its gonna b a 2 hour special.. YAY!! and Ezra is evil... nooo :(

ok so this is like one of the longest authors notes ive written so im gonna stop now.

but make sure you VCF xx

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