Chapter Nineteen:S-Aved but not for long.

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*Aria's POV*


The moment I had gotten Hanna's text I ran out of Macy's as fast as my legs could take me. It was moments like this that made me wonder why I had to be short..

When I got to Forever 21 it was locked. "Oh no.." I thought. I started to think of ways to get in then I got an idea. I could pick the lock with the bobby pin in my hair. I took the pin out of my hair which cause a strand of my hair to fall in front of my face but I ignored it as I tried to insert it into the lock.

"How do people do this?," I whispered to myself. I don't even know why I was whispering since no one was around. Forever 21 was on the top floor and all the shops on the top floor were closed also so I was on my own.

I was starting to get frustrated when I heard a click. Yes! It worked. I opened the shop door and made my way inside instantly hearing screams from Hanna. I followed the sound to dressing room number nine.

"Hanna! I'm here don't worry!." "Just open the damn door!," she replied to me.

If we weren't in this situation I would have flicked her off.

Unfortunately the dressing didn't have locks that I could pick so I guess I would just have to push the door. I started pushing the door and then I heard someone's footsteps. I was about to freak out but I realised it was just Caleb.

"I got Hanna's text. Step back." I listened to what he said and moved out of his way.

"Is that a chainsaw!" "Yes Aria! Now stop asking questions and get me out of here!,''Hanna shouted.

"Well then.." I muttered. Caleb began to saw through the metal chain locking the door. As soon as he was done Hanna rushed out of the room. She engulfed Caleb and I into a hug.

*sssss* we all heard and looked up. That snake was bigger than I thought it would be. *beep beep* Hanna and I both got a text.

Received 16:14pm


I wonder who my next target should be.. Maybe the four of you together..

Kisses -A

"Let's get out of here," I said not wanting to be in the shop any longer.


It's kinda short sorry but the next chapter is going to be the fashion show!! And I'll make sure it's not too short :)

Thanks for over 11.2K reads!! That's AMAZING!

Stay Beautiful xx -Esther ♥©♥

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