Chapter Thirteen:The Decision

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*Spencer's POV*


School was over. Which meant I would get some answers that I wanted. I walked up the steps of Toby's porch.

After about 4 knocks, he came out with the door slightly opened. I couldn't even see what his house looked like on the inside. It's almost as if he had something to hide which made me more suspicious of him.

"I'm here to study with you",I said showing him the science books in my hand.

"It's not a good idea for you to come in", he said.

"That's ok. We can just study here on the porch steps",I suggested.

He nodded and came outside, closing the door.

"Well, I brought this worksheet for you. It's really-"

"What do you want from me",Toby said harshly.

"Um.. I here to study-"

"Don't give me that crap. What do you really want?!",he asked getting frustrated

"Fine. I'm here for answers." He furrowed his eyes not understanding what I meant. "Where were you on the night Ali disappeared?",I asked.

"Oh, I see how it is. You think I had something to do with her death",he said.

"I don't think you had something to do with it. I know you murdered Ali."

"And how would you know that? Why would you even go there? Wait lemme answer that. Because I'm an easy target."

I shook my head,"No, that's now why. The reason is because... well.. I mean...-"

"Exactly",he said and got up gathering his books and entering his house.

I'll just have to come back tomorrow after school..

*Aria's POV*


I'd came back from school and my parents had been fighting. This is awful. Ever since they found out about my dad and Meredith things had been crazy. They've been arguing non stop and I can't help but feel the blame for it.

I mean if I had told my mum myself, this wouldn't have turned out as bad as it now. -A just couldn't mind their own business.

"Thanks a lot Aria,"my brother, Mike mumbled.

"I heard that."

"Good, 'cause you were meant to."

I rolled my eyes at him. Doesn't he know that this is hard on me too.

Lately he's been skipping school. I promised I wouldn't rat him out. I atleast owe him that, right? But I have to warn him before he gets in serious trouble.


After a while, the shouting had died down but my parents were still talking.

"Mike! Aria!,"I heard. I took that as a cue to go downstairs. My brother and I gave each other unsure looks indicating we had no idea what was going on.

"Sit down," my dad said. We obeyed him and sat down.

"Guys, your father and I have made a decision."

"Okay..,"I said slowly.

"Your dad and I are taking a break and we can't do that while we live in the same house. So, I'm moving out for a while."

"What!?", Mike and I both shouted standing up from our seats.

"You're such a selfish b!tch, Aria!," Mike retorted at me.

"We don't use language like that in this house," my mother stated to Mike.

"This is not your sister's fault, Mike" my father said trying to reason with him. "No, dad it is. I should have been honest from the start. I'm sorry," I managed to get out with tears forming in my eyes.

Mike gave me a dirty look and walked out of the house slamming the door.

My mum and dad came towards me giving me a hug which I needed at the moment.

*Toby's POV*


Yesterday, Spencer had came over to "study" with me. Well that was what she was meant to do but instead she decided to interrogate me with questions.

I never like Ali but that doesn't mean, I killed her. Anyways, Spencer was going to show up again any time soon. *Ding Dong* As I predicted she was here.

"I opened the door so she could only see half of my body.

"What do you want?,''I asked as calmly as I could.

"Study." I didn't answer her. Instead I stayed still with a poker face.

"How about this time you come over to my house?"

"And you think your parents would be ok with that?,"I questioned her.

"No but they're not home."

I went inside the house, took my school bag and came out to her. We started walking over to her house.

When we got there I took in my surroundings. Her house very pretty and well organised. "Let's go to my room"she said. I nodded and followed her up the stairs. We sat on her bed. I looked around and noticed a shopping type of bag. I recognised it. We started studying for real this time until I broke the silence.

"I didn't kill Alison. I think there's someone out there trying to frame me."

"Right..,"she said surprisingly interested.

"I've been getting these messages from an anonymous person, threatening me and blackmailing me."

The person's name is...?"

"I dunno. It's anonymous remember?,"I replied. "And your smart and stuff so I was wondering if you could help me find out?"

"How can I do that?"

"Well the other day I got a message that said something about a motel and then I went into Jenna's room and she was a reading a message. But when she heard me she quickly told me to get out and she hid it away." "I think she might have something to do with it."

"Did you get to read the message?"

"She's blind remember? It wasn't in written words."

"Did that motel happen to be The Rosewood Motel aka Edgewood Motor Court?"

"Yes! How did you know?,"I asked anxiously.

She went over to the bag that I noticed earlier and took out a card that had the name of the motel on it. The same card I got.

"Someone sent this to me. In a bag that Ali used to have."

"The exact one?"I asked.

"No, they probably bought this one." "We have to find out what Jenna's message was."

"She hates me going through her stuff. I can't."

"The girl is blind Toby! She won't notice."

"I'm sorry she's my stepsister and I'm not going to do it."

"So your scared?"she teased me.

"Listen, Jenna knows things about me and she would be more than willing to reveal them so yeah,"I said.

I got off Spencer's bed and went out the door.

"Fine! I guess you wanna be known as Ali's killer then!"she shouted after me.

I turned and faced her. "Whatever."


Heya! Thanks for reading :D guys please try to vote ♥

And also RIP to Cory Monteith :( I send my love to his girlfriend, family and friends x

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